Informative Blog of React Native & React Native Custom App - Page 2
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A Com­pre­hens­ive Guide to Mas­ter­ing React Nat­ive Devel­op­ment Environment

In a world that’s becom­ing increas­ingly digit­al, the tools you choose to devel­op your applic­a­tions are cru­cial. React Nat­ive, a highly pop­u­lar JavaS­cript frame­work, has emerged as a top choice for mobile app devel­op­ment. Through this blog, we will deep-dive into sev­er­al key areas of React Nat­ive devel­op­ment agency to enhance your under­stand­ing of this game-chan­ging technology.

Under­stand­ing the React Nat­ive Devel­op­ment Environment

Let’s start by explor­ing the fun­da­ment­al archi­tec­ture of the React Nat­ive devel­op­ment envir­on­ment. React Nat­ive is built on JavaS­cript and allows developers to cre­ate nat­ively rendered mobile apps for both iOS and Android plat­forms. It util­ises the power of React and JavaS­cript and couples it with nat­ive plat­form capabilities.

Set­ting up the envir­on­ment involves installing Node, the React Nat­ive com­mand-line inter­face, a JDK, and Android Stu­dio. For iOS devel­op­ment, Xcode is an essen­tial down­load on your macOS. It’s always recom­men­ded to ensure you’re work­ing with the latest ver­sions for optim­ised performance.

Essen­tial React Nat­ive Devel­op­ment Tools

To ensure a smooth devel­op­ment pro­cess, lever­aging the right tools is a neces­sity. Here are some of the most pop­u­lar and power­ful tools that can elev­ate your React Nat­ive devel­op­ment experience:

  1. Visu­al Stu­dio Code: This source code edit­or by Microsoft is widely used due to its debug­ging sup­port, intel­li­gent code com­ple­tion, embed­ded Git con­trol, and syn­tax highlighting.
  2. React Nat­ive CLI: The offi­cial com­mand line inter­face for React Nat­ive provides sev­er­al use­ful com­mands to cre­ate, link lib­rar­ies, upgrade, and per­form many oth­er tasks in a React Nat­ive project.
  3. Expo: Expo: A freely avail­able frame­work for craft­ing cross-plat­form nat­ive apps for Android, iOS, and the web using JavaS­cript and React.
  4. Redux: This is a pre­dict­able state con­tain­er for JavaS­cript apps that helps you write applic­a­tions that behave con­sist­ently, run in dif­fer­ent envir­on­ments (cli­ent, serv­er, and nat­ive), and are easy to test.
  5. React Nav­ig­a­tion: To handle nav­ig­a­tion in your React Nat­ive applic­a­tion, this is a com­munity-backed and highly cus­tom­iz­able solu­tion that offers excel­lent sup­port and documentation.

Troubleshoot­ing: React Nat­ive Devel­op­ment Serv­er Returned 500

As with any devel­op­ment pro­cess, errors can occur. A com­mon one is when the React Nat­ive devel­op­ment serv­er returns 500. This can be a res­ult of mul­tiple reas­ons, including:

  • Issue with the Pack­ager server.
  • Syn­tax error in your JavaS­cript code.
  • React Nat­ive ver­sion­ing problems.
  • Net­work­ing issues or mis­con­fig­ur­a­tion of the devel­op­ment server.

Debug­ging the error involves check­ing the error details, ensur­ing your pack­ager serv­er is run­ning smoothly, con­firm­ing the cor­rect ver­sion of React Nat­ive is installed, and mak­ing sure your JavaS­cript code is error-free.

Also Read: Com­pre­hens­ive Guide on React Nat­ive Get­ting Started

The React Nat­ive Devel­op­ment Roadmap

Adopt­ing a struc­tured roadmap when learn­ing or devel­op­ing with React Nat­ive can help stream­line the pro­cess sig­ni­fic­antly. A typ­ic­al React Nat­ive devel­op­ment roadmap would include the fol­low­ing stages:

  1. Learn­ing Fun­da­ment­als: This includes HTML, CSS, and JavaS­cript, with a focus on ES6 features.
  2. Mas­ter­ing React: Under­stand­ing React fun­da­ment­als, Hooks, con­text API, Redux, and test­ing with Jest.
  3. Explor­ing React Nat­ive: Learn­ing the basics, work­ing with com­pon­ents, under­stand­ing nav­ig­a­tion, state man­age­ment with Redux, and imple­ment­ing testing.
  4. Work­ing with Backend: Choos­ing and learn­ing a backend tech stack (Node.js, Django, etc.), under­stand­ing REST and GraphQL, and imple­ment­ing authentication.
  5. Deploy­ment: Under­stand­ing CI/CD prin­ciples, App store deploy­ment, and imple­ment­ing updates with OTA.

React Nat­ive Devel­op­ment Sys­tem Requirements

Before you dive into React Nat­ive devel­op­ment, ensure your sys­tem ful­fils these requirements:

  • Node.js: Ver­sion 12 LTS or newer
  • npm: Ver­sion 5.2 or new­er (gen­er­ally bundled with Node.js)
  • Java Devel­op­ment Kit (JDK): Ver­sion 8 or newer
  • Python 2: Required for Win­dows users
  • Android Stu­dio (For Android development)
  • Xcode (For iOS devel­op­ment on macOS)

These spe­cific­a­tions are recom­men­ded for an optim­al devel­op­ment exper­i­ence. React Nat­ive is known for its flex­ib­il­ity, so older ver­sions may work, but it’s not guaranteed.

Also Read: React Nat­ive Upgrade Help­er : App Upgrades with Ease

React Nat­ive Devel­op­ment on Windows

React Nat­ive is not exclus­ive to macOS users. Win­dows users can also par­ti­cip­ate in the devel­op­ment pro­cess, primar­ily for Android applications.

To set up the React Nat­ive devel­op­ment envir­on­ment on Win­dows, you’ll need Node, Python2, and the Java Devel­op­ment Kit. Android Stu­dio is a must for the Android SDK and emu­lat­or. Remem­ber to set up the ANDROID_HOME envir­on­ment vari­able for smooth­er operations.

React Native Development Environment Contact

Visu­al Stu­dio Code is a pop­u­lar choice as an IDE among Win­dows users for React Nat­ive devel­op­ment. Using the React Nat­ive Tools exten­sion can fur­ther sim­pli­fy the pro­cess, provid­ing a devel­op­ment envir­on­ment that includes debug­ging, Intel­li­S­ense, and code nav­ig­a­tion features.

Also Read: React Nat­ive App Cre­ation Step By Step Using Expo CLI Or React Nat­ive CLI

In con­clu­sion, React Nat­ive is a dynam­ic and power­ful frame­work with vast poten­tial for cross-plat­form mobile applic­a­tion devel­op­ment. With the cor­rect under­stand­ing of the devel­op­ment envir­on­ment, tool­sets, and sys­tem require­ments, coupled with a clear roadmap and a knack for troubleshoot­ing, you will be well-equipped to make the most of what React Nat­ive has to offer. The jour­ney is even more reward­ing when you can deploy your React Nat­ive applic­a­tions on mul­tiple plat­forms, all from a single code­base. Happy coding!

Mas­ter React Nat­ive App Devel­op­ment Step-by-Step Guide, Roadmap & Templates

As a seasoned pro­fes­sion­al writer with a dec­ade of exper­i­ence in con­tent writ­ing, I under­stand the con­stant quest for know­ledge and the need for learn­ing new skills in an ever-evolving industry. Today, we’ll delve into the excit­ing world of React Nat­ive App Devel­op­ment. This blog post aims to serve as your guide to devel­op­ing a React Nat­ive mobile applic­a­tion, from set­ting up your envir­on­ment to under­stand­ing the app’s archi­tec­ture and even choos­ing templates.

React Nat­ive App Devel­op­ment Step by Step

React Nat­ive, a renowned frame­work developed by Face­book, is widely employed for craft­ing nifty and effi­cient mobile applic­a­tions com­pat­ible with both iOS and Android. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to build your first React Nat­ive app.

Step 1: Envir­on­ment Setup

Kick­start your jour­ney with set­ting up your loc­al envir­on­ment. You’ll need Node, Watch­man, the React Nat­ive com­mand-line inter­face, and Xcode or Android Stu­dio (depend­ing on the tar­get OS). Refer to the offi­cial React Nat­ive Envir­on­ment Setup guide for detailed instructions.

Step 2: Cre­at­ing a New Application

Once your envir­on­ment is set up, you can cre­ate your new React Nat­ive pro­ject using the npx react-native init com­mand in your ter­min­al or com­mand line.

Step 3: Run­ning the Application

To run the applic­a­tion, use the npx react-native run-android com­mand if you’re devel­op­ing for Android, or npx react-native run-ios for iOS.

Step 4: Under­stand­ing & Edit­ing Your App

After suc­cess­fully run­ning your app, get accus­tomed to the file struc­ture. Then you can start edit­ing the App.js file to modi­fy your app’s UI.

React Nat­ive App Devel­op­ment Roadmap

For the unini­ti­ated, a roadmap offers a stra­tegic frame­work, out­lining the path to becom­ing a pro­fi­cient developer. Here’s a basic roadmap for React Nat­ive App development:

  1. Mas­ter the Fun­da­ment­als: This includes HTML, CSS, and most import­antly, JavaScript.
  2. Learn React: After JavaS­cript, the nat­ur­al pro­gres­sion is learn­ing React, as it’s the found­a­tion of React Native.
  3. Under­stand React Nat­ive: With a sol­id found­a­tion in React, learn­ing React Nat­ive becomes easier.
  4. State Man­age­ment: Learn about state man­age­ment tools like Redux or MobX.
  5. Nav­ig­ate through screens: Under­stand nav­ig­a­tion in React Nat­ive using lib­rar­ies like React Nav­ig­a­tion or React Nat­ive Navigation.
  6. Net­work­ing: Get to grips with Fetch API or Axios for net­work calls.
  7. Test­ing & Debug­ging: Acquaint your­self with tools like Jest and Reactotron.
  8. UI Com­pon­ent Lib­rar­ies: Learn to util­ize lib­rar­ies like Nat­ive­Base, React Nat­ive Ele­ments, etc.
  9. Deploy­ment: Finally, learn to deploy apps on the Play Store and App Store.

React Nat­ive Mobile App Devel­op­ment Setup

A cor­rect setup forms the bed­rock for smooth app devel­op­ment. It con­sists of installing NodeJS, Watch­man, Java Devel­op­ment Kit (JDK), Android Stu­dio or Xcode, and an IDE like Visu­al Stu­dio Code. The setup pro­cess is covered extens­ively in the step-by-step guide above.

React Nat­ive Mobile App Architecture

In the React Nat­ive frame­work, code com­pon­ents are writ­ten in JavaS­cript. Under the hood, how­ever, it uses nat­ive com­pon­ents for ren­der­ing, lead­ing to a near-nat­ive per­form­ance. The archi­tec­ture can be visu­al­ized in three major parts:

  1. JavaS­cript Thread: This is where your applic­a­tion’s busi­ness logic resides. The JS Thread runs inde­pend­ently of the main UI Thread, which makes it non-blocking.
  2. Nat­ive Thread: Also called the UI Thread, this is where the UI com­pon­ents and anim­a­tions are rendered.
  3. Bridge: This acts as a con­duit between the JavaS­cript and Nat­ive threads, passing seri­al­ized JSON mes­sages between the two.

Also Read: React Nat­ive Tutori­als — Learn to Build React Nat­ive Apps

React Nat­ive Mobile App Template

The use of tem­plates can exped­ite the app devel­op­ment pro­cess sig­ni­fic­antly. React Nat­ive provides a broad spec­trum of pre-made tem­plates which can be used as a boil­er­plate code for your mobile apps. Examples of such tem­plates include the clas­sic Blank Tem­plate’, the Tabs Tem­plate’, and the Draw­er Tem­plate’. You can browse the React Nat­ive dir­ect­ory for a com­pre­hens­ive list of templates.

React Nat­ive Mobile App Tem­plate Free Download

Get­ting a head start in your app devel­op­ment pro­ject can some­times be as easy as down­load­ing a free tem­plate. Plat­forms like Git­Hub host a pleth­ora of free React Nat­ive tem­plates. These tem­plates range from simple applic­a­tions like a to-do list or a cal­cu­lat­or, to com­plex, well-archi­tec­ted tem­plates for eco­m­merce apps or social media clones.

Also Read: Which Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?

React Nat­ive Mobile App Archi­tec­ture Diagram

The React Nat­ive Mobile App archi­tec­ture dia­gram provides a visu­al rep­res­ent­a­tion of the inter­ac­tion between dif­fer­ent parts of the sys­tem. This dia­gram usu­ally depicts the JavaS­cript Thread, the Bridge, and the Nat­ive Thread, and how they interact.

Also Read: Boost Your App Devel­op­ment with a High-Qual­ity React Nat­ive UI Library

Under­stand­ing this archi­tec­ture dia­gram provides a bet­ter grasp of how React Nat­ive works, help­ing developers optim­ise their applic­a­tions more effect­ively. This dia­gram is also often used when plan­ning the sys­tem’s archi­tec­ture and dur­ing dis­cus­sions about sys­tem design.

Also Read: Com­pre­hens­ive Guide on React Nat­ive Get­ting Started

In con­clu­sion, React Nat­ive is a power­ful frame­work that can help you build excel­lent mobile apps. While the jour­ney may seem daunt­ing at first, with a sys­tem­at­ic approach, a clear roadmap, a good under­stand­ing of the archi­tec­ture, and the right resources, you’ll soon find your­self adept at React Nat­ive App development.

Wheth­er you’re a novice dip­ping your toes into the world of mobile app devel­op­ment or a seasoned developer look­ing to expand your skills, I hope this com­pre­hens­ive guide serves as a use­ful resource in your React Nat­ive jour­ney. Remem­ber, every expert was once a begin­ner. So, keep learn­ing, keep cod­ing, and keep creating!

Boost Your App Devel­op­ment with a High-Qual­ity React Nat­ive UI Library

React Nat­ive is a sig­ni­fic­antly pop­u­lar frame­work among app developers for cross-plat­form devel­op­ment. Its rap­id devel­op­ment cycles and code reusab­il­ity have expan­ded its fan base glob­ally. The rich React Nat­ive UI com­pon­ents aid these fea­tures and make the stun­ning mobile apps that each busi­ness own­er is look­ing for. 

We placed the lime­light on React Nat­ive font fam­ily in one of our earli­er blogs. We advise you with the fam­ous font fam­il­ies people count on. This blog will take a mac­ro­scop­ic look at design ele­ments that enrich your user exper­i­ence for React Nat­ive mobile applic­a­tions. You will read about the top React Nat­ive UI lib­rar­ies you can explore to make your apps inter­act­ive across both OSs. 

Why choose React Nat­ive lib­rary for UI

Before scan­ning through the list of React Nat­ive UI lib­rary, I’m sure you want to know why to choose them. As the name sug­gests, React Nat­ive UI lib­rary is the lib­rary of pre-built UI com­pon­ents and design ele­ments. Con­sider it a ready-to-imple­ment and easy-to-cus­tom­ize UI toolkit. It fastens app devel­op­ment and lets developers con­cen­trate more on the unique func­tion­al­it­ies you seek. 

Need­less to say, all these UI com­pon­ents are cross-plat­form com­pat­ible. Since, React has a mod­u­lar archi­tec­ture, ele­ments could be reused. It saves a lot of time in the devel­op­ment cycle. The added advant­age of cus­tom­iz­a­tion gives lar­ger free­dom for developers to cus­tom­ize the entire UI of your app, befit­ting your brand­ing stand­ards. Moreover, the lar­ger React Nat­ive com­munity con­trib­utes to these open-source React Nat­ive UI lib­rar­ies. React Nat­ive developers find sev­er­al com­munity-developed UI com­pon­ents they thought to design from scratch. 

Also Read: Top 10 React Nat­ive Apps : Build & Deploy Guide

Top React Nat­ive UI Libraries 

1. React Nat­ive Elements

From stand­ard UI ele­ments to spe­cial­ized com­pon­ents like avatars, React Nat­ive cov­ers a wide range of UI com­pon­ents. This com­pre­hens­ive com­pon­ent lib­rary is easy to use. It stands out for cus­tom­iz­able styles & dia­logue boxes without com­prom­ising the screen space. It’s backed by a vibrant com­munity with the sup­port of 23.3K stars and 4.5K forks on GitHub. 

2. React Nat­ive Paper

When the mater­i­al design is your primary focus, React Nat­ive Paper can be your go-to place for a pro­fes­sion­al and cohes­ive appear­ance. You will find all the com­pon­ents in sync and have a cus­tom­iz­able appear­ance to help you cre­ate a con­sist­ent look and feel. This cus­tom­iz­a­tion also extends to themes to adjust the over­all design lay­out. React Nat­ive Paper is backed by massive sup­port from React Nat­ive developers on Git­Hub. It is 10.3K stars and 1.9K forks strong on the platform. 

3. Nat­ive Base 

Known often as a one-stop shop for com­mon UI ele­ments, Nat­ive Base has 19k stars and 2.3k forks on Git­Hub. The lib­rary has made a place in the com­munity for its vast col­lec­tion of pre-built util­ity-first com­pon­ents. They have fully cus­tom­iz­able styles to com­ple­ment your pro­ject require­ments. Their sim­pli­fied doc­u­ment­a­tion makes the use of com­pon­ents straight­for­ward for developers. You will find a fant­ast­ic com­munity here that keeps the lib­rary up-to-date. 

4. Lot­tie for React Native 

Make your mobile applic­a­tions more enga­ging with Airbnb’s Lot­tie lib­rary. Using Lot­tie, you can add anim­a­tions to your apps cre­ated by Adobe After Effects. Once you down­load the com­pat­ible format, you can use it in your web apps. 

You can use small anim­a­tion files to make UI visu­ally appealing—the exten­sion turns anim­a­tion data into JSON format from Body­Mov­in After Effects. Adding a JavaS­cript play­er with this exten­sion renders anim­a­tions on the web. It is sup­por­ted on Git­Hub by the com­munity with 15.4k stars. 

Also Read: What Are The Pros and Cons of Using React Nat­ive For Android?

5. Shoutem UI 

The lib­rary is a power­ful theme engine sup­por­ted by 4.5k stars and 500+ forks on Git­Hub. It provides a com­pre­hens­ive set of UI com­pon­ents, cus­tom­iz­able rough to change the app’s look and feel with utter ease. It sup­ports third-party exten­sions and lets developers build their own com­pon­ents lib­rary to meet the project’s vari­able needs. It is backed by a strong and act­ive com­munity that ensures timed updates for the lib­rary as and when required. 

React Native UI Library Contact

How To Choose React Nat­ive UI Com­pon­ents Library? 

The more the choices, the high­er the con­fu­sion. The long list of React Nat­ive UI lib­rar­ies con­fuses select­ing the best one for your mobile app. Not every lib­rary can bene­fit you in the same way. Hence, we are shar­ing the list of points to con­sider while choos­ing React Nat­ive UI library:

Also Read: Top React Tools & Lib­rar­ies That Every React Nat­ive Developer Must Know

1. Adhere to the pro­ject requirements — 

If you are build­ing a nat­ive or cross-plat­form app, this fil­ter can help you nar­row the search and add more diversity to your UI libraries. 

2. Util­ity and purpose — 

Ease of usage vs advanced func­tion­al­it­ies. Appeal­ing visu­al­iz­a­tion vs improved speed of ser­vice. Easy to cus­tom­ize vs ready to imple­ment. All your choices have pros and cons, so you must decide on your pur­pose beforehand.

3. Sup­port & Quality — 

No one has the time to update UI com­pon­ents every now and then, even if you’ve signed up for annu­al main­ten­ance. Com­munity sup­port and SLA response time are vital when select­ing UI lib­rar­ies for any app. 

Also Read: Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?

Wrap­ping Up

I hope now you are well-versed in the know­ledge of React Nat­ive UI lib­rary. It’s time to add anoth­er touch­point to grab the atten­tion of your tar­get audi­ence. Get a cross-plat­form mobile app developed for your busi­ness to reach both your Android & iOS users with­in a single investment. 

How is that pos­sible? At RNDC, we hold expert­ise in React Nat­ive App Devel­op­ment ser­vices in the UK. Please share your pro­ject require­ments by filling out the con­tact form, and our experts will be happy to assist you in your mobile app devel­op­ment journey. 

React Nat­ive Tutori­als — Learn to Build Nat­ive Mobile Apps with React


React Nat­ive has become a widely-used plat­form for cre­at­ing nat­ive mobile apps using JavaS­cript. Lever­aging the power of React, it allows developers to cre­ate nat­ive-like exper­i­ences using a single code­base. Wheth­er you’re a begin­ner look­ing to get star­ted with React Nat­ive or an exper­i­enced developer explor­ing advanced con­cepts, this com­pre­hens­ive guide will provide you with a wealth of resources, tutori­als, courses, examples, and pro­jects to enhance your React Nat­ive journey.

1. Get­ting Star­ted with React Native

1.1. React Nat­ive Basics Before diving into tutori­als and projects
it’s essen­tial to grasp the fun­da­ment­als of React Nat­ive. Under­stand­ing the core con­cepts, com­pon­ents, and syn­tax will provide a sol­id found­a­tion for your devel­op­ment jour­ney. Sev­er­al online resources offer com­pre­hens­ive guides and doc­u­ment­a­tion for begin­ners to explore, includ­ing the offi­cial React Nat­ive website.

1.2. React Nat­ive First App Tutori­al Once you have a good grasp of the basics

it’s time to cre­ate your first React Nat­ive app. Fol­low­ing step-by-step tutori­als, you’ll learn how to set up your devel­op­ment envir­on­ment, cre­ate a new pro­ject, and build a simple yet func­tion­al mobile applic­a­tion. These tutori­als often cov­er essen­tial top­ics like com­pon­ents, styl­ing, and hand­ling user interactions.

2. React Nat­ive Tutorials

2.1. React Web­site Tutorial

React Nat­ive is an exten­sion of React a JavaS­cript lib­rary for build­ing user inter­faces. There­fore, it’s essen­tial to under­stand the basics of React to util­ize React Nat­ive to its fullest poten­tial. React web­site tutori­als provide a wealth of inform­a­tion on React’s core con­cepts, JSX syn­tax, state man­age­ment, and more.

2.2. React Nat­ive Hybrid App Tutorial

React Nat­ive is well-known for its abil­ity to build hybrid applic­a­tions that work seam­lessly across mul­tiple plat­forms. Hybrid app tutori­als will guide you through the pro­cess of devel­op­ing an applic­a­tion that can be deployed on both iOS and Android plat­forms. You’ll explore tech­niques for hand­ling plat­form-spe­cif­ic fea­tures and optim­iz­ing performance.

Also Read: Top 10 React Nat­ive Apps : Build & Deploy Guide

2.3. React Nat­ive Full Stack Tutori­al To cre­ate a com­plete mobile application

you’ll often need to integ­rate it with a backend serv­er. React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment agency full stack tutori­als cov­er the end-to-end devel­op­ment pro­cess, from build­ing the fron­tend mobile app to cre­at­ing a backend serv­er using frame­works like Node.js and data­bases like Mon­goDB. These tutori­als offer a com­pre­hens­ive under­stand­ing of how to build a robust, scal­able, and fully func­tion­al application.

React Native Tutorials Contact

3. React Nat­ive Courses

3.1. React Nat­ive Full Course If you prefer a struc­tured and in-depth learn­ing experience

online courses are an excel­lent option. React Nat­ive full courses provide com­pre­hens­ive guid­ance on build­ing mobile applic­a­tions using React Nat­ive. These courses cov­er top­ics such as nav­ig­a­tion, data man­age­ment, integ­rat­ing APIs, and deploy­ing apps to app stores. They often include hands-on pro­jects and assign­ments to rein­force your learning.

3.2. Learn­ing React Nat­ive For those who prefer a more mod­u­lar approach to learning

There are ded­ic­ated React Nat­ive courses that focus spe­cific­ally on teach­ing the frame­work. These courses cov­er the core con­cepts, best prac­tices, and advanced tech­niques of React Nat­ive devel­op­ment. They are designed to take you from a begin­ner to an advanced level, provid­ing prac­tic­al examples and real-world scenarios.

4. React Nat­ive Examples and Projects

4.1. React Nat­ive Learning

Learn­ing by example is a power­ful way to under­stand and apply React Nat­ive con­cepts. React Nat­ive by example resources provide ready-to-use code snip­pets and com­plete applic­a­tions that show­case vari­ous fea­tures and func­tion­al­it­ies of React Nat­ive. By study­ing these examples, you’ll gain insights into best prac­tices, UI design pat­terns, and per­form­ance optimizations.

Also Read: Hybrid Mobile App Frame­work : The Future of App Development

4.2. React Nat­ive Apps Tutorial

Build­ing spe­cif­ic types of applic­a­tions can require unique approaches and tech­niques. React Nat­ive apps tutori­als focus on devel­op­ing apps for spe­cif­ic use cases, such as e‑commerce, social net­work­ing, or weath­er fore­cast­ing. These tutori­als delve into the spe­cif­ics of integ­rat­ing APIs, imple­ment­ing com­plex fea­tures, and hand­ling user authentication.

4.3. React Nat­ive Pro­ject Tutorial

Pro­ject-based tutori­als offer a hands-on approach to learn­ing React Nat­ive. These tutori­als walk you through the entire pro­cess of build­ing a com­plete mobile applic­a­tion from start to fin­ish. They cov­er vari­ous aspects, includ­ing UI design, data man­age­ment, state per­sist­ence, and deploy­ment. Fol­low­ing pro­ject tutori­als allows you to apply your know­ledge in a prac­tic­al con­text and gain a deep­er under­stand­ing of React Nat­ive devel­op­ment workflows.

Also Read: Com­pre­hens­ive Guide on React Nat­ive Get­ting Started

5. Resources and Communities

5.1. Offi­cial React Nat­ive Documentation

The offi­cial React Nat­ive doc­u­ment­a­tion is an invalu­able resource for developers of all levels. It provides com­pre­hens­ive guides, API ref­er­ences, and tutori­als that cov­er everything from basic con­cepts to advanced top­ics. It’s essen­tial to refer to the offi­cial doc­u­ment­a­tion reg­u­larly to stay up-to-date with the latest fea­tures, best prac­tices, and com­munity-driv­en updates.

5.2. React Nat­ive Community 

The React Nat­ive com­munity is vibrant and act­ive, with numer­ous online plat­forms where developers share their know­ledge and exper­i­ences. Join­ing React Nat­ive com­munit­ies, such as for­ums, Slack chan­nels, and social media groups, allows you to inter­act with like-minded developers, seek help, share your pro­jects, and stay informed about the most recent advance­ments and shifts in the ecosystem.

Also Read: Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?

5.3. Open-Source React Nat­ive Projects

Explor­ing open-source React Nat­ive pro­jects can provide valu­able insights into advanced tech­niques and best prac­tices. Git­Hub is an excel­lent plat­form to dis­cov­er a wide range of open-source pro­jects. By study­ing the source code, you can learn from exper­i­enced developers, under­stand com­plex imple­ment­a­tions, and con­trib­ute to the com­munity by sub­mit­ting bug fixes or fea­ture enhancements.


React Nat­ive has revo­lu­tion­ized mobile app devel­op­ment by enabling developers to cre­ate cross-plat­form applic­a­tions using a single code­base. Wheth­er you’re a begin­ner or an exper­i­enced developer, there is a wealth of tutori­als, courses, examples, and pro­jects avail­able to enhance your React Nat­ive skills. By fol­low­ing step-by-step tutori­als, com­plet­ing com­pre­hens­ive courses, study­ing prac­tic­al examples, and explor­ing open-source pro­jects, you can mas­ter React Nat­ive and build power­ful and enga­ging mobile applic­a­tions. Stay con­nec­ted with the React Nat­ive com­munity, refer to offi­cial doc­u­ment­a­tion, and con­tin­ue learn­ing and exper­i­ment­ing to stay at the fore­front of React Nat­ive devel­op­ment. Start your React Nat­ive jour­ney today and unlock the poten­tial of build­ing stun­ning mobile exper­i­ences across mul­tiple plat­forms. read more about What are the bene­fits of hir­ing a React Nat­ive App developer.

Explor­ing Advanced Fea­tures of React Nat­ive Fire­base Upgrade


React Nat­ive Fire­base is a power­ful frame­work that allows developers to seam­lessly integ­rate Fire­base ser­vices into their React Nat­ive applic­a­tions. Fire­base offers a diverse array of func­tion­al­it­ies, encom­passing real-time data­base, authen­tic­a­tion, cloud mes­saging, and host­ing, estab­lish­ing it as an optim­al plat­form for con­struct­ing resi­li­ent mobile applic­a­tions. In this art­icle, we will delve into sev­er­al key aspects of React Nat­ive Fire­base, includ­ing React Nat­ive Fire­base Upgrade , examples of Fire­base noti­fic­a­tions, push noti­fic­a­tions with Fire­base, log­ging in to Fire­base using email and pass­word, unit test­ing Fire­base rules, and the cost of Fire­base hosting.

I. React Nat­ive Fire­base Upgrade 

React Nat­ive Fire­base is con­tinu­ously evolving, with reg­u­lar updates and new fea­tures being added. Upgrad­ing React Nat­ive Fire­base to the latest ver­sion ensures that you have access to the latest enhance­ments and bug fixes. Here are the steps to React Nat­ive Fire­base upgrade  in your project:

  1. Update the React Nat­ive Fire­base lib­rary using npm or yarn.
  2. Update the neces­sary depend­en­cies in your pro­ject’s package.json file.
  3. Update the nat­ive iOS and Android pro­ject files to match the new ver­sion requirements.
  4. Test your applic­a­tion thor­oughly after the upgrade to ensure compatibility.

II. React Nat­ive Fire­base Noti­fic­a­tion Example

Fire­base Noti­fic­a­tions allow you to send tar­geted mes­sages to your users, keep­ing them engaged and informed. With React Nat­ive Fire­base, imple­ment­ing Fire­base Noti­fic­a­tions is straight­for­ward. Here are a few React Nat­ive Fire­base Noti­fic­a­tion Example for  how you can use Fire­base Noti­fic­a­tions in React Native:

1. Send­ing a Wel­come Notification: 

Send a per­son­al­ized wel­come noti­fic­a­tion to users when they cre­ate an account or install your app for the first time.

2. Push Noti­fic­a­tions for New Content: 

Noti­fy users about new art­icles, updates, or events rel­ev­ant to their interests.

3. Trans­ac­tion­al Notifications: 

Send noti­fic­a­tions for spe­cif­ic user actions, such as order con­firm­a­tions, pass­word resets, or deliv­ery status updates.

III. React Nat­ive Fire­base Push Noti­fic­a­tion Example

Push noti­fic­a­tions are a cru­cial com­pon­ent of any mobile applic­a­tion, enabling you to engage users even when the app is not act­ively being used. React Nat­ive Fire­base provides a simple and reli­able solu­tion for imple­ment­ing push noti­fic­a­tions. Here’s you see React Nat­ive Fire­base Push Noti­fic­a­tion Example and know how you can integ­rate push noti­fic­a­tions with Fire­base in React Native:

  1. Set up Fire­base Cloud Mes­saging (FCM) in your Fire­base project.
  2. Con­fig­ure the neces­sary per­mis­sions and noti­fic­a­tion chan­nels in your Android and iOS projects.
  3. Register the device token with Fire­base to receive push notifications.
  4. Handle incom­ing noti­fic­a­tions in your React Nat­ive applic­a­tion and cus­tom­ize the dis­play and actions as per your requirements.

IV. Fire­base Login with Email and Password

User authen­tic­a­tion is a fun­da­ment­al aspect of most applic­a­tions. Fire­base offers vari­ous authen­tic­a­tion meth­ods, includ­ing email and pass­word authen­tic­a­tion. Here’s how you can imple­ment Fire­base Login with email and pass­word authen­tic­a­tion in your React Nat­ive Fire­base project:

  1. Con­fig­ure Fire­base Authen­tic­a­tion with­in your Fire­base project.
  2. Cre­ate a login screen in your React Nat­ive applic­a­tion to col­lect user credentials.
  3. Use the Fire­base Authen­tic­a­tion API to authen­tic­ate users with their email and password.
  4. Handle authen­tic­a­tion events and man­age user ses­sions with­in your application.

V. Fire­base Rules Unit Testing

Fire­base allows you to define secur­ity rules to con­trol access to your data. Fire­base Rules Unit Test­ing ensures that they func­tion as inten­ded and provides an extra lay­er of secur­ity for your applic­a­tion. To Fire­base Rules Unit Test­ing in React Native:

  1. Set up the Fire­base Emu­lat­or Suite to emu­late Fire­base ser­vices loc­ally dur­ing testing.
  2. Write unit tests using the Fire­base Test­ing SDK to veri­fy the beha­vi­or of your secur­ity rules.
  3. Mock data and sim­u­late vari­ous scen­ari­os to cov­er dif­fer­ent rule paths.
  4. Run the unit tests to ensure that your secur­ity rules are work­ing correctly.

Contact React Native Firebase Upgrade

VI. The Cost of Fire­base Hosting

Fire­base Host­ing provides a scal­able and reli­able plat­form for host­ing web applic­a­tions. While Fire­base offers a gen­er­ous free tier, it’s essen­tial to under­stand the cost implic­a­tions as your applic­a­tion scales.
Fire­base Host­ing fol­lows a pay-as-you-go pri­cing mod­el based on usage. Here are the key factors that determ­ine the cost of Fire­base Host­ing or know is fire­base host­ing free or paid:

1. Host­ing Bandwidth: 

Fire­base Host­ing charges for the data trans­fer that occurs between your applic­a­tion and its users. The amount of data trans­ferred, includ­ing HTML, CSS, JavaS­cript, images, and oth­er assets, con­trib­utes to the band­width usage. Fire­base provides a cer­tain amount of free band­width each month, and bey­ond that, you will be billed based on the volume of data transferred.

2. Con­tent Deliv­ery Net­work (CDN): 

Fire­base Host­ing lever­ages a glob­al CDN to deliv­er your applic­a­tion’s con­tent to users quickly. The CDN ensures that your assets are cached and dis­trib­uted across mul­tiple serv­ers world­wide. While using the CDN enhances per­form­ance, it may incur addi­tion­al costs based on the num­ber of requests made and the geo­graph­ic­al dis­tri­bu­tion of your users.

3. SSL Certificates: 

Fire­base Host­ing auto­mat­ic­ally pro­vi­sions SSL cer­ti­fic­ates for your domains, ensur­ing secure con­nec­tions between your applic­a­tion and users. Get inform­a­tion about  is fire­base host­ing free or The cost of SSL cer­ti­fic­ates is included in the Fire­base Host­ing pricing.

4. Reserved IP Addresses: 

By default, Fire­base Host­ing uses shared IP addresses. How­ever, if you require a ded­ic­ated IP address for your applic­a­tion, Fire­base offers reserved IP addresses for an addi­tion­al cost.

5. Cloud Func­tions and Server­less Backend: 

If your applic­a­tion integ­rates Cloud Func­tions or oth­er server­less backend ser­vices, the asso­ci­ated costs will be sep­ar­ate from Fire­base Host­ing and depend on the usage and resources con­sumed by these services.

Also Read: React Nat­ive Upgrade Help­er: App Upgrades with Ease

contact for Cost of Firebase Hosting

To estim­ate the cost of Fire­base Host­ing for your applic­a­tion, you can refer to the Fire­base Pri­cing Cal­cu­lat­or on the Fire­base web­site. The cal­cu­lat­or allows you to input the expec­ted usage met­rics, such as band­width, CDN usage, and reserved IP addresses, and provides an estim­ate of the monthly cost based on your inputs.

It’s import­ant to mon­it­or your applic­a­tion’s usage and reg­u­larly review the Fire­base billing dash­board to keep track of your host­ing costs. By optim­iz­ing your applic­a­tion’s assets, lever­aging cach­ing tech­niques, and imple­ment­ing effi­cient data trans­fer prac­tices, you can effect­ively man­age and min­im­ize the cost of Fire­base Host­ing while provid­ing a fast and reli­able user experience.


React Nat­ive Fire­base offers a com­pre­hens­ive suite of fea­tures that empower developers to build fea­ture-rich mobile applic­a­tions. Upgrad­ing React Nat­ive Fire­base to the latest ver­sion ensures access to the latest enhance­ments and bug fixes. Examples of Fire­base Noti­fic­a­tions demon­strate how to engage users through per­son­al­ized and tar­geted mes­sages. Push noti­fic­a­tions with Fire­base enable developers to keep users informed and engaged even when the app is not in use. Imple­ment­ing email and pass­word authen­tic­a­tion allows users to securely log in to your app. Unit test­ing Fire­base rules ensures the secur­ity and integ­rity of your data. Under­stand­ing the cost factors asso­ci­ated with Fire­base Host­ing helps developers man­age expenses while deliv­er­ing a scal­able and per­form­ant web applic­a­tion. By har­ness­ing the power of React Nat­ive Fire­base, developers can cre­ate power­ful and enga­ging mobile applic­a­tions with ease. Get more inform­a­tion about react nat­ive Fire­base upgrade from the best React nat­ive app devel­op­ment agency.

Hybrid Mobile App Frame­work: The Future of App Development


In today’s rap­idly evolving digit­al land­scape, mobile applic­a­tions have become an essen­tial part of our lives. With the grow­ing demand for mobile app devel­op­ment, busi­nesses and developers are con­stantly seek­ing innov­at­ive ways to cre­ate high-per­form­ance applic­a­tions that cater to a wide range of devices and plat­forms. Hybrid mobile apps have emerged as a pop­u­lar solu­tion, offer­ing a com­bin­a­tion of the best fea­tures from nat­ive and web apps. In this art­icle, we will delve into the world of hybrid apps, their devel­op­ment pro­cess, and their bene­fits com­pared to nat­ive and web apps.

I. Under­stand­ing Hybrid Mobile Apps

Hybrid mobile apps are built using web tech­no­lo­gies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaS­cript. These apps are wrapped in a nat­ive con­tain­er, enabling them to be installed and run on vari­ous plat­forms, includ­ing iOS and Android. Hybrid apps lever­age a hybrid mobile app frame­work, which provides developers with a uni­fied devel­op­ment envir­on­ment and access to device-spe­cif­ic functionalities.

II. The Advant­ages of Hybrid Mobile Apps

1. Cross-plat­form Compatibility: 

Hybrid apps offer the abil­ity to write code once and deploy it across mul­tiple plat­forms, sav­ing time and resources in the devel­op­ment pro­cess. This allows busi­nesses to reach a wider audi­ence and provide a con­sist­ent user exper­i­ence across dif­fer­ent devices.

2. Cost-effect­ive Development: 

With hybrid apps, developers can lever­age exist­ing web devel­op­ment skills and frame­works, redu­cing the need for spe­cial­ized resources. This leads to cost sav­ings in terms of devel­op­ment and maintenance.

3. Enhanced Speed of Development: 

Hybrid mobile app frame­works provide pre-built com­pon­ents and lib­rar­ies that accel­er­ate the devel­op­ment pro­cess. This res­ults in faster time-to-mar­ket for busi­nesses, allow­ing them to stay ahead of the competition.

4. Access to Device Features: 

Hybrid apps can access device fea­tures like cam­era, GPS, and con­tacts through plu­gins or APIs, provid­ing a nat­ive-like exper­i­ence to users. This cap­ab­il­ity enables developers to cre­ate fea­ture-rich applic­a­tions that util­ize the full poten­tial of the under­ly­ing oper­at­ing system.

III. Nat­ive Apps vs. Hybrid Apps: Mak­ing the Right Choice

1. Per­form­ance: 

Nat­ive apps are known for their super­i­or per­form­ance as they are built spe­cific­ally for a par­tic­u­lar plat­form. How­ever, hybrid apps have come a long way and can achieve com­par­able per­form­ance levels, espe­cially with advance­ments in hybrid mobile app frameworks.

2. Devel­op­ment Cost: 

Nat­ive app devel­op­ment requires sep­ar­ate teams for each plat­form, res­ult­ing in high­er devel­op­ment costs. On the oth­er hand, hybrid apps can be developed by a single team using shared code, lead­ing to sig­ni­fic­ant cost savings.

3. Time-to-Mar­ket: 

Hybrid apps offer faster devel­op­ment cycles com­pared to nat­ive apps. Busi­nesses look­ing for a quick launch can bene­fit from the agil­ity offered by hybrid app development.

IV. Choos­ing the Right Hybrid Mobile App Framework

1. React Native: 

React Nat­ive, developed by Face­book, is a pop­u­lar frame­work for hybrid app devel­op­ment. It allows developers to build cross-plat­form apps using JavaS­cript and offers a rich set of UI com­pon­ents and libraries.

2. Flut­ter: 

Flut­ter, developed by Google, is gain­ing pop­ular­ity for its per­form­ance and attract­ive UI cap­ab­il­it­ies. It uses Dart pro­gram­ming lan­guage and offers a hot-reload fea­ture, allow­ing developers to see changes in real-time.

3. Ion­ic: 

Ion­ic is a widely adop­ted hybrid mobile app frame­work that util­izes web tech­no­lo­gies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaS­cript. It provides a lib­rary of pre-designed com­pon­ents and sup­ports pop­u­lar frame­works like Angu­lar and React.

V. Explor­ing Hybrid Mobile App Devel­op­ment Process

1. Plan­ning and Design: 

Define the app’s object­ives, tar­get audi­ence, and desired fea­tures. Cre­ate wire­frames and design mockups to visu­al­ize the user interface.

2. Devel­op­ment: 

Lever­age the chosen hybrid mobile app frame­work to write code and imple­ment the app’s func­tion­al­ity. Test the app dur­ing the devel­op­ment pro­cess to ensure com­pat­ib­il­ity and responsiveness.

3. Test­ing and Qual­ity Assurance: 

Con­duct thor­ough test­ing to identi­fy and resolve any bugs or issues. Per­form com­pat­ib­il­ity test­ing on dif­fer­ent devices and plat­forms to ensure a seam­less user experience.

4. Deploy­ment and Distribution: 

Pre­pare the app for deploy­ment by optim­iz­ing its per­form­ance, secur­ity, and com­pat­ib­il­ity. Cre­ate accounts on rel­ev­ant app stores (such as the Apple App Store and Google Play Store) to dis­trib­ute and pub­lish the app to a wider audience.

5. Main­ten­ance and Updates: 

Reg­u­larly mon­it­or and main­tain the app to address any user feed­back or bug reports. Con­tinu­ously update the app with new fea­tures and improve­ments to keep it rel­ev­ant and com­pet­it­ive in the market.

VI. Hybrid Mobile Apps: Bridging the Gap between Web Apps and Nat­ive Apps

1. Web Apps for Mobile: 

Web apps are access­ible through web browsers and are developed using web tech­no­lo­gies like HTML, CSS, and JavaS­cript. While web apps provide cross-plat­form com­pat­ib­il­ity, they often lack access to cer­tain device fea­tures and have lim­ited off­line cap­ab­il­it­ies. Hybrid apps bridge this gap by util­iz­ing web tech­no­lo­gies with­in a nat­ive con­tain­er, offer­ing a bal­ance between cross-plat­form reach and nat­ive-like functionality.

Also Read: Boost Your App Devel­op­ment with a High-Qual­ity React Nat­ive UI Library

2. App vs Web App: 

Tra­di­tion­al nat­ive apps offer the best per­form­ance and access to device fea­tures, but they require sep­ar­ate devel­op­ment efforts for dif­fer­ent plat­forms. Web apps provide cross-plat­form com­pat­ib­il­ity but may lack cer­tain nat­ive cap­ab­il­it­ies. Hybrid apps com­bine the best of both worlds, offer­ing cross-plat­form com­pat­ib­il­ity, access to device fea­tures, and a seam­less user experience.

VII. The Future of Hybrid Mobile Apps

1. Grow­ing Popularity: 

The demand for hybrid mobile apps is expec­ted to con­tin­ue to rise as busi­nesses seek cost-effect­ive solu­tions that can cater to diverse plat­forms. With advance­ments in hybrid mobile app frame­works and per­form­ance optim­iz­a­tion, hybrid apps are becom­ing a pre­ferred choice for app development.

2. Pro­gress­ive Web Apps (PWAs): 

PWAs are web apps that provide a nat­ive-like exper­i­ence by lever­aging mod­ern web cap­ab­il­it­ies. They can be installed on devices and offer off­line func­tion­al­ity. The line between hybrid apps and PWAs is blur­ring, with hybrid frame­works incor­por­at­ing PWA fea­tures, lead­ing to even more power­ful and ver­sat­ile app devel­op­ment options.

VIII. The Role of Hybrid Mobile App Developers

1. Skill­set: 

Hybrid mobile app developers pos­sess a unique skill­set that com­bines web devel­op­ment expert­ise with know­ledge of nat­ive app devel­op­ment. They are pro­fi­cient in web tech­no­lo­gies like HTML, CSS, and JavaS­cript, as well as frame­works and lib­rar­ies spe­cif­ic to hybrid app development.

2. Cross-Plat­form Development: 

Hybrid app developers have the abil­ity to write code once and deploy it across mul­tiple plat­forms. They under­stand the nuances of dif­fer­ent oper­at­ing sys­tems and know how to optim­ize app per­form­ance and user exper­i­ence for each platform.

3. Frame­work Proficiency: 

Hybrid mobile app developers are well-versed in pop­u­lar hybrid mobile app frame­works such as React Nat­ive, Flut­ter, and Ion­ic. They stay updated with the latest advance­ments and best prac­tices in these frame­works to deliv­er high-qual­ity apps.

4. User Inter­face Design: 

Developers with expert­ise in hybrid app devel­op­ment under­stand the import­ance of cre­at­ing visu­ally appeal­ing and intu­it­ive user inter­faces. They have know­ledge of respons­ive design prin­ciples to ensure that the app adapts seam­lessly to dif­fer­ent screen sizes and orientations.

Also Read: Which is bet­ter for mobile app devel­op­ment, React or Angular

IX. Com­mon Mis­con­cep­tions about Hybrid Apps

1. Poor Performance: 

In the past, hybrid apps were cri­ti­cized for their per­form­ance lim­it­a­tions com­pared to nat­ive apps. How­ever, with advance­ments in hybrid mobile app frame­works and improve­ments in device pro­cessing power, hybrid apps can achieve near-nat­ive per­form­ance levels, espe­cially for most busi­ness applications.

2. Lim­ited Functionality: 

Some believe that hybrid apps lack access to device-spe­cif­ic fea­tures and cap­ab­il­it­ies. While there may be some lim­it­a­tions com­pared to fully nat­ive apps, hybrid app frame­works offer plu­gins and APIs that allow developers to access a wide range of device func­tion­al­it­ies, ensur­ing a rich and immers­ive user experience.

3. Com­prom­ised User Experience: 

It’s often assumed that hybrid apps can­not deliv­er the same user exper­i­ence as nat­ive apps. How­ever, with care­ful plan­ning, thought­ful design, and optim­ized devel­op­ment, hybrid apps can provide a seam­less and enga­ging user exper­i­ence that rivals nat­ive apps.

X. Best Prac­tices for Hybrid Mobile App Development

1. Plan­ning and Research: 

Begin the app devel­op­ment pro­cess with thor­ough plan­ning and research. Identi­fy the tar­get audi­ence, study mar­ket trends, and ana­lyze com­pet­it­or apps to gain insights and devel­op a unique value proposition.

2. Optim­ize Performance: 

Pay atten­tion to per­form­ance optim­iz­a­tion tech­niques to ensure smooth and respons­ive app beha­vi­or. Min­im­ize unne­ces­sary resource con­sump­tion, optim­ize code, and lever­age cach­ing mech­an­isms to enhance app performance.

3. Respons­ive Design: 

Design the app with a respons­ive approach to ensure it looks and func­tions well across vari­ous screen sizes and ori­ent­a­tions. Test the app on dif­fer­ent devices to ensure con­sist­ency and adaptability.

4. Test and Debug: 

Con­duct rig­or­ous test­ing to identi­fy and fix any bugs or issues before releas­ing the app. Per­form both func­tion­al and com­pat­ib­il­ity test­ing on vari­ous devices, plat­forms, and net­work con­di­tions to ensure a seam­less user experience.

5. Reg­u­lar Updates and Maintenance: 

Con­tinu­ously update the app to address user feed­back, intro­duce new fea­tures, and improve per­form­ance. Reg­u­larly mon­it­or the app’s per­form­ance and secur­ity to ensure a smooth user exper­i­ence and pro­tect user data.

XI. Case Stud­ies: Suc­cess­ful Hybrid Mobile Apps

1. Airb­nb: 

Airb­nb, the pop­u­lar accom­mod­a­tion book­ing plat­form, opted for a hybrid approach to devel­op their mobile app. By using React Nat­ive, they were able to lever­age their exist­ing web devel­op­ment skills while deliv­er­ing a nat­ive-like exper­i­ence to their users. The hybrid app allowed Airb­nb to stream­line their devel­op­ment pro­cess, main­tain code con­sist­ency across plat­forms, and reach a wide user base.

2. Ins­tagram: 

Ins­tagram, the widely used social media plat­form, transitioned from a fully nat­ive app to a hybrid app using React Nat­ive. This shift allowed them to accel­er­ate their devel­op­ment cycles and deliv­er new fea­tures to both iOS and Android users sim­ul­tan­eously. The hybrid app approach enabled Ins­tagram to enhance their user exper­i­ence while improv­ing devel­op­ment efficiency.

Also Read: Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?

3. Wal­mart: 

Wal­mart, one of the largest retail cor­por­a­tions, adop­ted a hybrid mobile app strategy to provide a seam­less shop­ping exper­i­ence for their cus­tom­ers. They developed their app using Flut­ter, which enabled them to build a visu­ally appeal­ing and high-per­form­ance app across plat­forms. The hybrid app approach allowed Wal­mart to quickly roll out updates and provide a con­sist­ent shop­ping exper­i­ence to their users.

4. Paci­fica: 

Paci­fica, a men­tal health and well­ness app, util­ized a hybrid approach to devel­op their applic­a­tion. By lever­aging the Ion­ic frame­work, they were able to cre­ate an app that seam­lessly integ­rated web tech­no­lo­gies with nat­ive cap­ab­il­it­ies. The hybrid app allowed Paci­fica to reach a wider audi­ence, provide off­line func­tion­al­ity, and deliv­er a respons­ive and enga­ging user experience.

These case stud­ies demon­strate the suc­cess and effect­ive­ness of hybrid mobile app devel­op­ment for a diverse range of indus­tries and applic­a­tions. By lever­aging the advant­ages of hybrid apps, busi­nesses can achieve their app devel­op­ment goals effi­ciently while deliv­er­ing a high-qual­ity user experience.

app development goals

XII. Future Trends in Hybrid Mobile App Development

1. Increased Performance: 

As hybrid mobile app frame­works con­tin­ue to evolve, we can expect sig­ni­fic­ant improve­ments in app per­form­ance. Frame­works like React Nat­ive and Flut­ter are invest­ing in optim­iz­ing ren­der­ing engines and enhan­cing app star­tup times, res­ult­ing in smooth­er and faster user experiences.

2. Enhanced UI/UX Capabilities: 

Hybrid app frame­works are con­tinu­ously expand­ing their lib­rar­ies of UI com­pon­ents, allow­ing developers to cre­ate more visu­ally appeal­ing and inter­act­ive user inter­faces. We can anti­cip­ate the emer­gence of new design pat­terns and anim­a­tions spe­cif­ic to hybrid apps, fur­ther blur­ring the line between nat­ive and hybrid user experiences.

3. Integ­ra­tion with Emer­ging Technologies: 

Hybrid apps will lever­age emer­ging tech­no­lo­gies such as aug­men­ted real­ity (AR) and vir­tu­al real­ity (VR) to cre­ate immers­ive and enga­ging exper­i­ences. With frame­works like React Nat­ive and Flut­ter sup­port­ing AR and VR plu­gins, developers can seam­lessly integ­rate these tech­no­lo­gies into hybrid apps.

4. Pro­gress­ive Web Apps Integration: 

Pro­gress­ive Web Apps (PWAs) are gain­ing trac­tion as a hybrid approach that com­bines the best of web and mobile app exper­i­ences. Hybrid mobile app frame­works are likely to provide improved sup­port for build­ing PWAs, allow­ing developers to cre­ate apps that can be installed on devices, work off­line, and provide nat­ive-like functionality.

5. Inter­net of Things (IoT) Integration: 

With the pro­lif­er­a­tion of IoT devices, hybrid apps devel­op­ment will increas­ingly focus on integ­rat­ing with IoT eco­sys­tems. Frame­works like React Nat­ive are already offer­ing plu­gins and lib­rar­ies to facil­it­ate com­mu­nic­a­tion with IoT devices, enabling developers to build hybrid apps that seam­lessly inter­act with smart home sys­tems, wear­ables, and oth­er IoT devices.

6. Voice User Inter­faces (VUI): 

The rise of voice assist­ants and smart speak­ers has paved the way for voice-con­trolled apps. Hybrid mobile app frame­works are likely to provide bet­ter sup­port for integ­rat­ing voice user inter­faces, enabling developers to cre­ate apps that respond to voice com­mands and provide a hands-free user experience.

Contact for Hybrid mobile app frameworks

XIII. Choos­ing the Right Hybrid Mobile App Devel­op­ment Approach

1. Con­sider the App’s Requirements: 

When decid­ing between nat­ive, web, or hybrid apps devel­op­ment, it’s cru­cial to eval­u­ate the spe­cif­ic require­ments of your applic­a­tion. Con­sider factors such as per­form­ance, access to device fea­tures, off­line func­tion­al­ity, and tar­get plat­form com­pat­ib­il­ity. This ana­lys­is will help determ­ine wheth­er a hybrid approach is the right fit for your project.

2. Eval­u­ate Devel­op­ment Skills and Resources: 

Assess the skill set and resources avail­able with­in your devel­op­ment team. If your team is pro­fi­cient in web tech­no­lo­gies like HTML, CSS, and JavaS­cript, hybrid app devel­op­ment will lever­age their exist­ing skills, mak­ing it a viable choice. How­ever, if your team has expert­ise in React nat­ive app devel­op­ment or requires access to advanced device fea­tures, a nat­ive approach may be more suitable.

3. Time-to-Mar­ket Considerations: 

If speed is a crit­ic­al factor for your pro­ject, hybrid app devel­op­ment can provide sig­ni­fic­ant time-to-mar­ket advant­ages. With a shared code­base and stream­lined devel­op­ment pro­cess, hybrid apps can be deployed faster com­pared to sep­ar­ate nat­ive app devel­op­ment for each platform.

4. Budget­ary Considerations: 

Budget plays a cru­cial role in the decision-mak­ing pro­cess. Hybrid app devel­op­ment often offers cost sav­ings com­pared to devel­op­ing sep­ar­ate nat­ive apps. Assess your budget­ary con­straints and con­sider the long-term main­ten­ance and sup­port costs asso­ci­ated with each devel­op­ment approach.

5. User Exper­i­ence Requirements: 

Eval­u­ate the desired user exper­i­ence for your applic­a­tion. Hybrid apps can provide a smooth and seam­less user exper­i­ence, but cer­tain com­plex inter­ac­tions or anim­a­tions may be bet­ter suited for nat­ive devel­op­ment. Con­sider the spe­cif­ic UX require­ments and weigh them against the bene­fits and lim­it­a­tions of each approach.

6. Scalab­il­ity and Future Proofing: 

Assess the scalab­il­ity and future require­ments of your applic­a­tion. Hybrid apps can eas­ily adapt to changes in the industry and sup­port new fea­tures and tech­no­lo­gies through frame­work updates. Con­sider the poten­tial growth and evol­u­tion of your app to ensure the chosen approach aligns with your long-term goals.


Select­ing the right hybrid mobile app devel­op­ment approach is cru­cial for the suc­cess of your pro­ject. By care­fully eval­u­at­ing the app’s require­ments, con­sid­er­ing avail­able devel­op­ment skills and resources, assess­ing time-to-mar­ket and budget con­straints, and under­stand­ing the desired user exper­i­ence, you can make an informed decision.

Remem­ber that hybrid app devel­op­ment offers a bal­ance between cross-plat­form com­pat­ib­il­ity and nat­ive-like func­tion­al­ity, mak­ing it an attract­ive option for many busi­nesses. How­ever, it’s essen­tial to weigh the bene­fits and lim­it­a­tions against your pro­ject’s spe­cif­ic needs to choose the most appro­pri­ate approach.

By mak­ing a well-informed decision, you can embark on a suc­cess­ful hybrid mobile app devel­op­ment jour­ney that deliv­ers a high-qual­ity user exper­i­ence, optim­izes devel­op­ment resources, and aligns with your long-term object­ives. also read more about Why is React Nat­ive the future of mobile app devel­op­ment?

Top 10 React Nat­ive Apps 2023: Build & Deploy Guide

Bene­fits of Cre­at­ing Mobile Apps with React Native

With the help of the well-known open-source frame­work React Nat­ive, pro­gram­mers may use JavaS­cript to con­struct mobile applic­a­tions. Due to its sim­pli­city in cre­at­ing high-per­form­ance, cross-plat­form nat­ive apps, it has exper­i­enced tre­mend­ous growth since its debut in 2015.

The access­ib­il­ity of nat­ive com­pon­ents is one of the main bene­fits of using React Nat­ive. The frame­work enables developers to lever­age nat­ive ele­ments in their app devel­op­ment pro­cess, such as but­tons, text inputs, and sliders. With the aid of this cap­ab­il­ity, React Nat­ive developers may more eas­ily pro­duce applic­a­tions that feel and look natural.

Faster devel­op­ment times and cost-effect­ive­ness are fur­ther advant­ages of adopt­ing React Nat­ive. Developers may write code once and reuse it across sev­er­al plat­forms, sav­ing time and effort because there is a single code­base for both the iOS and Android plat­forms. As a res­ult, there is no longer a need for spe­cial teams or resources for each plat­form, which lowers the over­all cost of devel­op­ing an app.

By enabling JavaS­cript usage while still allow­ing developers to cre­ate nat­ive applic­a­tions, React Nat­ive blends the best of both worlds. This implies that nat­ive app developers can take their exist­ing know­ledge of JavaS­cript and apply it to the cre­ation of mobile apps without sac­ri­fi­cing usab­il­ity or performance.

If you’re con­tem­plat­ing wheth­er to adopt React Nat­ive for your sub­sequent pro­ject, take com­plex­ity, scalab­il­ity, and budget into account. Top 10 React Nat­ive apps might be a great option if you need a quick-to-mar­ket solu­tion with min­im­al func­tion­al­ity require­ments because of how quickly and cheaply it can be developed.

Show­case React Nat­ive’s Ver­sat­il­ity and Flex­ib­il­ity in App Development

Ver­sat­il­ity and Flex­ib­il­ity: React Nat­ive’s Key Fea­tures and What is react native?

The cre­ation of React Nat­ive apps is a chal­len­ging pro­cess that neces­sit­ates a developer­’s famili­ar­ity with a vari­ety of plat­forms and pro­gram­ming lan­guages. But now that react­ive nat­ive pro­gram­ming is avail­able, developers can use their know­ledge of JavaS­cript to pro­duce nat­ive apps for both the iOS and Android plat­forms. The frame­work’s extreme adapt­ab­il­ity and flex­ib­il­ity in app cre­ation enable developers to make a wide range of pro­jects for many platforms.

Util­iz­ing JavaS­cript Skills for Nat­ive App Development

React Nat­ive’s abil­ity to util­ize JavaS­cript skills for nat­ive app devel­op­ment has revo­lu­tion­ized the soft­ware industry. Developers no longer need to learn plat­form-spe­cif­ic lan­guages like Swift or Java to cre­ate high-per­form­ance apps for iOS or Android devices. Instead, they can devel­op cross-plat­form apps that oper­ate without an issue on both oper­at­ing sys­tems using their exist­ing JavaS­cript skills.

The end res­ult is a pro­duct­ive approach that saves time and mater­i­als while provid­ing a con­sist­ent user exper­i­ence across vari­ous devices. Addi­tion­ally, because the soft­ware is sim­il­ar across plat­forms, it gets sim­pler over time to main­tain and upgrade the program.

Per­form­ance Improve­ment Using Nat­ive Plat­form View System

By employ­ing nat­ive com­pon­ents instead of web views, React Nat­ive’s nat­ive plat­form view archi­tec­ture makes sure that the app’s speed is optim­ised. This res­ults in faster load times and more flu­id anim­a­tions because the pro­gram runs nat­ively on each device.

With React Nat­ive, developers can apply JavaS­cript dir­ectly to access nat­ive APIs without the use of a bridge or wrap­per pro­gram­mer. This makes it simple to include com­plex func­tion into your app, such as cam­era access or loc­a­tion services.

Vari­ety of Pro­jects Across Mul­tiple Platforms

React Nat­ive’s ver­sat­il­ity extends bey­ond just iOS and Android plat­forms. Developers can also use it for soft­ware devel­op­ment on Win­dows and oth­er plat­forms such as macOS, Linux, or even web browsers.

Also Read: React Nat­ive Tutori­als — Learn to Build Nat­ive Mobile Apps with React

Fur­ther­more, react nat­ive devel­op­ment sup­ports vari­ous third-party lib­rar­ies that enable developers to add advanced func­tion­al­it­ies such as push noti­fic­a­tions or social media integ­ra­tions into their apps quickly.

Also Read: Struc­ture of a React Nat­ive App : Everything You Need To Know

Top 10 Most Pop­u­lar React Nat­ive Apps

Most React Nat­ive Applic­a­tions You Should Know Regard­ing React Nat­ive is a pop­u­lar frame­work for design­ing mobile apps that have gained recog­ni­tion recently. Face­book cre­ated an open-source frame­work that enables pro­gram­mers to con­struct cross-plat­form mobile applic­a­tions using the same code­base. Here are the top 10 most well-known React Nat­ive apps users should be aware of. Many well-known names in busi­ness have adop­ted the framework.

Skype, Face­book, and Instagram

Con­sid­er­ing that Face­book is the cre­at­or of this tech­no­logy, it should come as no sur­prise that it is one of the biggest React Nat­ive apps. One of the first applic­a­tions cre­ated with React Nat­ive was Face­book’s Mes­sen­ger app, which was fol­lowed by Ins­tagram and Skype. These applic­a­tions have received awards for their per­fect oper­a­tion and approach­able design.

Wal­mart, Tesla, and Bloomberg

Wal­mart is one of the largest retail­ers in the world and has adop­ted React Nat­ive for its mobile app devel­op­ment. Sim­il­arly, Tesla has used it to devel­op its mobile app for con­trolling its elec­tric cars. Bloomberg also developed react nat­ive for app devel­op­ment its fin­ance app devel­op­ment due to its cross-plat­form capabilities.


Airb­n­b’s mobile app is anoth­er great example of how React Nat­ive can help com­pan­ies save time on devel­op­ment while improv­ing user exper­i­ence. Airb­nb rebuilt their entire app using this frame­work which allowed them to share code between iOS and Android plat­forms while also mak­ing it easi­er to maintain.

Cross-Plat­form Capabilities

Due to its cross-plat­form fea­tures, React Nat­ive is fre­quently pre­ferred by busi­nesses over oth­er frame­works like Swift or Java. This implies that pro­gram­mers don’t need to start from scratch when writ­ing code because they can write it once and deploy it to both the iOS and Android platforms.

Enhan­cing the Developer Experience

Com­pared to oth­er react nat­ive frame­works, React Nat­ive provides a developer exper­i­ence that is more stream­lined. With its hot reload­ing func­tion­al­ity, developers can see changes they make imme­di­ately rather than hav­ing to wait for a com­plete rebuild after each modification.

also read React Nat­ive Upgrade Help­er: App Upgrades with Ease

Increas­ing Pub­lic Support

Its expand­ing com­munity sup­port is anoth­er factor that has con­trib­uted to React Nat­ive’s suc­cess. By devel­op­ing lib­rar­ies and tools that make it sim­pler to con­struct mobile apps, many developers have made improve­ments to the framework.

Cur­ated List of Open Source React Nat­ive Apps for Developers to Learn From

List of Open Source React Nat­ive Apps for Developers to Learn From

Study­ing open source applic­a­tions can help developers who desire to advance their React Nat­ive expert­ise. These apps are freely access­ible and offer the chance to dis­cov­er new fea­tures, devel­op­ment meth­ods, and best prac­tises. Developers can go through a vari­ety of apps, from social net­work­ing to e‑commerce, in this cur­ated col­lec­tion of freely avail­able React Nat­ive applications.

Apps for social media

Ins­tagram is a well-known example of a social net­work­ing applic­a­tion cre­ated with React Nat­ive. Developers can learn a lot from the app about how the data is handled and the user inter­face is cre­ated. The well-organ­ised code­base also makes it simple for engin­eers to move between the vari­ous components.
The Face­book Groups app is anoth­er worth­while social media app to invest­ig­ate. As part of Face­book’s effort to devel­op more mobile apps util­ising React Nat­ive, this app was developed. The code­base has sev­er­al soph­ist­ic­ated fea­tures, like anim­a­tions and ges­tures, that can be help­ful for developers look­ing to expand their expertise.

Apps for e‑commerce

There are numer­ous open-source examples of e‑commerce apps that can be cre­ated with React Nat­ive. One such illus­tra­tion is PWA­Com­mer­ce’s Woo­Com­merce Mobile App, which enables cus­tom­ers to build an online store using Word­Press and Woo­Com­merce integ­ra­tion. Push alerts, product search per­form­ance and pay­ment gate­ways are among the fea­tures present in the codebase.

The Shopi­fy Mobile App is anoth­er e‑commerce app cre­ated with React Nat­ive. Using this soft­ware, busi­ness own­ers can eas­ily man­age their mobile inter­net store­fronts. The app’s user authen­tic­a­tion pro­cess and integ­ra­tion with Shopi­fy’s APIs are both avail­able for developers to explore.

Cooper­a­tion and Development

These open-source lib­rar­ies make it pos­sible for pro­gram­mers from all over the world to share ideas and enhance one another­’s work. Developers can con­trib­ute to the over­all qual­ity of these applic­a­tions by report­ing bugs or adding code to Git­Hub repos­it­or­ies, while also pick­ing up new skills from others.

Trust and being transparent

Gain­ing con­sumers’ trust by giv­ing them access to an app’s source code is anoth­er bene­fit. Users can feel more con­fid­ent in the secure hand­ling of their data when they are aware that an app was cre­ated using open-source soft­ware. By being more upfront about how their apps func­tion, developers who depend on lib­rar­ies are bet­ter equipped to win cus­tom­ers’ trust.

9 Incred­ible Mobile Apps Developed Using React Native

Because it can be used across sev­er­al plat­forms, React Nat­ive has become a pop­u­lar altern­at­ive for cre­at­ing mobile apps. It saves time and resources by enabling developers to cre­ate nat­ive apps for both the Android and iOS plat­forms from a single code­base. We’ll talk about nine incred­ible mobile apps cre­ated with React Nat­ive in this section.

Face­book Ads and Instagram

It’s worth not­ing that Face­book Ads and Ins­tagram are also built with React Nat­ive. These two social media giants have adop­ted the tech­no­logy due to its seam­less integ­ra­tion with web apps and mobile plat­forms. With over 2 bil­lion monthly act­ive users on Face­book alone, it’s clear that React Nat­ive can handle high traffic and com­plex features.

Oth­er Apps Built with React Native

Aside from Face­book Ads and Ins­tagram, there are many oth­er pop­u­lar apps built with React Nat­ive. Here are some examples:

1. Bloomberg

2. Dis­cord

3. Skype

4. Tesla

5. UberEats

6. Wal­mart

7. Wix

8. Sound­Cloud Pulse

These apps demon­strate the ver­sat­il­ity of React Nat­ive as a frame­work for build­ing nat­ive applic­a­tions across dif­fer­ent industries.

Crash Course or Step-by-Step Guide for Build­ing a Com­plete App with React Native

Nav­ig­a­tion: An Import­ant Aspect of Build­ing a Com­plete App with React Native

When build­ing a com­plete app with React Nat­ive, one import­ant aspect to con­sider is nav­ig­a­tion. Nav­ig­a­tion refers to how users move through the app and inter­act with its vari­ous screens and fea­tures. There are sev­er­al ways to imple­ment nav­ig­a­tion in a React Nat­ive app, includ­ing using built-in com­pon­ents like the Tab­Nav­ig­at­or or DrawerNav­ig­at­or, or by cre­at­ing cus­tom nav­ig­at­ors using third-party lib­rar­ies like React Navigation.

Using a stack nav­ig­at­or is one typ­ic­al meth­od of nav­ig­a­tion in a React Nat­ive applic­a­tion. Sim­il­ar to how web­sites func­tion, a stack nav­ig­at­or enables users to move between dis­plays in a hier­arch­ic­al fash­ion. The last screen will be added to a stack whenev­er a user switches between screens and can quickly access it again by hit­ting the back button.

Also Read: React Nat­ive App Cre­ation Step By Step Using Expo CLI Or React Nat­ive CLI

To imple­ment a stack nav­ig­at­or in your React Nat­ive app, you can use the cre­ateSt­ack­Nav­ig­at­or func­tion provided by the React Nav­ig­a­tion lib­rary. This func­tion takes an object as its argu­ment, which spe­cifies the vari­ous screens in your app and their asso­ci­ated options (such as head­er titles and styles). Once you’ve defined your screens and options, you can then cre­ate your nav­ig­at­or by call­ing cre­ateSt­ack­Nav­ig­at­or() with this object as its argument.

Help­ful Resources for Build­ing Com­plete Apps with React Native

  • There are sev­er­al online tools that may help you cre­ate full apps fast and effect­ively, wheth­er you’re new to React Nat­ive or a pro­fes­sion­al nat­ive app developer seek­ing some extra dir­ec­tion. Sev­er­al well-liked sources are:
  • React Nat­ive’s offi­cial doc­u­ment­a­tion: This in-depth manu­al cov­ers everything, from learn­ing React Nat­ive to advanced sub­jects like per­form­ance improve­ment and troubleshoot­ing. Online courses and tutori­als Numer­ous courses for build­ing apps with React Nat­ive are avail­able on web­sites like Udemy, Cours­era, and Codec­ademy. Com­munity for­ums: Web­sites like Stack Over­flow and Red­dit’s r/reactnative com­munity offer sug­ges­tions and guid­ance from oth­er developers who have built apps with React Native.Open-source pro­jects: Look­ing at open-source React Nat­ive pro­jects on plat­forms like Git­Hub can provide valu­able insights into how oth­er developers have built com­plete apps with the react nat­ive framework.

The offi­cial React Nat­ive doc­u­ment­a­tion: This com­pre­hens­ive guide cov­ers everything from get­ting star­ted with React Nat­ive to more advanced top­ics like debug­ging and per­form­ance optimization.

Online tutori­als and courses: Plat­forms like Udemy, Cours­era, and Codec­ademy offer numer­ous courses on build­ing apps with React Native.

Com­munity for­ums: Web­sites like Red­dit’s r/reactnative com­munity or Stack Over­flow provide help­ful tips and advice from oth­er developers who have exper­i­ence build­ing apps with React Native.

Open-source pro­jects: Look­ing at open-source React Nat­ive pro­jects on plat­forms like Git­Hub can provide valu­able insights into how oth­er developers have built com­plete apps with the framework.

Object­ives of Cre­at­ing Fin­ished Apps with React Native
The end res­ult of using React Nat­ive to con­struct an entire app is to pro­duce an enjoy­able user inter­face across iOS and Android devices. This entails optim­ising your app’s per­form­ance and usab­il­ity to take advant­age of the spe­cif­ic fea­tures and lim­it­a­tions of each plat­form, in addi­tion to mak­ing sure that the applic­a­tion looks and feels the same across all platforms.
It’s crit­ic­al to remem­ber key best prac­tises for devel­op­ing React Nat­ive apps in order to accom­plish this goal. For instance, you should always test the applic­a­tion extens­ively before mak­ing it avail­able to con­sumers, auto­mat­ing test­ing chores with tools like Jest or Enzyme. You should also make sure to optim­ize your app’s per­form­ance by min­im­iz­ing unne­ces­sary re-renders, using lazy load­ing tech­niques, and avoid­ing com­plex anim­a­tions or trans­itions that could slow down the user experience.

Redux Imple­ment­a­tion in React Nat­ive Applications

A well-liked state man­age­ment toolkit called Redux is com­pat­ible with React Nat­ive and oth­er JavaS­cript frame­works. By con­sol­id­at­ing all of your app’s state into a single store object with Redux, you can stream­line your code­base. This makes it sim­pler to man­age com­plic­ated data flows and guar­an­tees that every part of your pro­gramme is con­stantly cur­rent with the most recent state.

You must use npm to get the redux and react-redux pack­ages in order to use Redux in your React Nat­ive applic­a­tion. The next step is cre­at­ing your store object, which houses all of your applic­a­tion’s state, using Redux’s cre­ateSt­ore function.

Once you’ve defined your store object, you can then use the Pro­vider com­pon­ent from react-redux to make it avail­able through­out your app.


You­Tube Video Tutori­al on How to Build and Deploy a React Nat­ive App

Build­ing and Deploy­ing a React Nat­ive App: A Step-by-Step Guide
Being new to the realm of react­ive mobile app devel­op­ment, build­ing a mobile app from scratch can be a daunt­ing under­tak­ing. For­tu­nately, there are a tonne of tools online that can assist in dir­ect­ing you through the pro­ced­ure. You­Tube is one such resource that provides a pleth­ora of videos on how to cre­ate and deploy apps using dif­fer­ent pro­gram­ming lan­guages and frameworks.
There are vari­ous You­Tube video tutori­als that will help you get star­ted if you’re inter­ested in cre­at­ing an app for mobile devices using React Nat­ive, one of the most well-known frame­works for cre­at­ing cross-plat­form apps. In this part, we’ll go through some of these les­sons’ import­ant com­pon­ents along with what you can expect to receive from them.

Set­ting up the Devel­op­ment Environment

Before diving into build­ing your first React Nat­ive app, it is import­ant to ensure that you have all the neces­sary tools installed on your com­puter. This includes Node.js, npm (Node Pack­age Man­ager), Xcode (if you plan on build­ing iOS apps), Android Stu­dio (if you plan on build­ing Android apps), and a text edit­or or Atom or Visu­al Stu­dio Code are examples of these integ­rated devel­op­ment envir­on­ments (IDEs).

Most You­Tube video tutori­als on React Nat­ive will cov­er how to set up your devel­op­ment envir­on­ment step-by-step so that even begin­ners can fol­low along. A new pro­ject cre­ation pro­cess using the com­mand-line inter­face (CLI) tool made avail­able by React Nat­ive will also be covered.

How to Cre­ate Your First App

After set­ting up your devel­op­ment envir­on­ment, you can begin cre­at­ing your first app. The major­ity of You­Tube video tutori­als will show you how to build a straight­for­ward Hello World” pro­gram­mer that shows a simple mes­sage on the screen.

From there, they will gradu­ally intro­duce more com­plex fea­tures such as styl­ing with CSS-like syn­tax, adding images and icons, hand­ling user input with forms and but­tons, nav­ig­at­ing between screens using react-nav­ig­a­tion lib­rary etc.

These tutori­als often provide detailed explan­a­tions of each fea­ture along with code snip­pets so that learners can fol­low along and under­stand what is hap­pen­ing at each step. They may also provide tips and tricks for debug­ging com­mon errors that begin­ners often encounter.

Also Read: Com­pre­hens­ive Guide on React Nat­ive Get­ting Started

Deploy­ing Your App

Once you have built your app, the next step is to deploy it to a mobile device or emu­lat­or so that you can test it out. Most You­Tube video tutori­als will cov­er how to do this for both iOS and Android plat­forms, using either Xcode or Android Stu­dio. They may also explain how to use third-party ser­vices such as Expo or Fire­base to sim­pli­fy the deploy­ment process.


The Advant­ages of Devel­op­ing Mobile Apps with React Native

React Nat­ive is an increas­ingly com­mon choice among developers since it offers a pleth­ora of bene­fits for cre­at­ing mobile apps. React mobile app devel­op­ment’s adapt­ab­il­ity and flex­ib­il­ity enable the con­struc­tion of high-cal­ibre, cross-plat­form applic­a­tions that work flaw­lessly on both iOS and Android devices.
Some of the most well-known mobile applic­a­tions avail­able today, includ­ing Face­book, Ins­tagram, and Skype, are powered by React Nat­ive. These applic­a­tions serve mil­lions of users glob­ally, demon­strat­ing the strength and prom­ise of React Nat­ive in build­ing soph­ist­ic­ated and fea­ture-rich applications.

For developers look­ing to learn from oth­er pro­jects, there are numer­ous open-source React Nat­ive apps avail­able online. These cur­ated lists provide an excel­lent oppor­tun­ity for developers to explore dif­fer­ent cod­ing styles, design pat­terns, and imple­ment­a­tion strategies used in real-world applications.

Also Read: Top React Tools & Lib­rar­ies That Every React Nat­ive Developer Must Know

Moreover, build­ing mobile apps with React Nat­ive is not lim­ited to large cor­por­a­tions or estab­lished busi­nesses. Small star­tups and inde­pend­ent react nat­ive developers can also cre­ate amaz­ing applic­a­tions using this tech­no­logy without break­ing the bank. In fact, some of the most suc­cess­ful react nat­ive mobile apps were built by small teams with lim­ited resources but with a clear vis­ion for their product.

If you’re inter­ested in learn­ing how to build your own app with React Nat­ive con­tact react agency, there are plenty of resources avail­able online. From crash courses to step-by-step guides and video tutori­als on You­Tube, you can find everything you need to get star­ted on your pro­ject. Must know Which Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?

Struc­ture of a React Nat­ive App: Everything You Need To Know

Do you struggle with optim­ising app per­form­ance, organ­ising code effect­ively, or deliv­er­ing a seam­less user experience?

If so, you might be miss­ing some­thing. The under­stand­ing of the struc­ture of React Nat­ive app

Don’t worry, we are here to help!

Our com­pre­hens­ive guide dives deep into the intric­a­cies of React Nat­ive app struc­ture, equip­ping you with the know­ledge to over­come these challenges.

Dis­cov­er how to build scal­able, well-organ­ised, and high-per­form­ing apps on React Nat­ive with the right struc­ture that wow your users. This guide will also help you if you are plan­ning to con­vert web­site to react nat­ive app.

Struc­ture Of React Nat­ive App-Why You Should Pay Spe­cial Attention?

Have you ever wondered what pro­ject struc­ture is all about? Let’s under­stand it easily.

In a nut­shell, the pro­ject struc­ture is the blue­print, back­bone, or skel­et­on of your soft­ware pro­ject. It’s like organ­ising your closet or work­space, but instead of clothes, you’re organ­ising files, folders, and resources for your React Nat­ive app.

Ima­gine hav­ing a well-struc­tured pro­ject folder where every file has its place. Screens, com­pon­ents, assets, stylesheets, and all required con­fig­ur­a­tion files, are all neatly organ­ized and eas­ily access­ible. Sounds per­fect, right?

Hav­ing a sol­id React Nat­ive pro­ject struc­ture gives you lots of benefits.

First off, it keeps your entire code­base organ­ized. For­get about dig­ging into a messy pile of files to find that spe­cif­ic code you’re look­ing for. With a clear struc­ture, you know exactly where to find that elu­sive com­pon­ent or con­fig­ur­a­tion file.

The pro­ject struc­ture describes how you organ­ize your files, folders, and dir­ect­or­ies with­in your pro­ject. It also describes what type of files it con­tains, how your mod­ules are divided into sub­mod­ules, and how lar­ger dir­ect­or­ies are grouped.

Let’s see how a new React Nat­ive app looks in its ini­tial pro­ject structure.

Also Read: Boost Your App Devel­op­ment with a High-Qual­ity React Nat­ive UI Library

1. Base Dependency

Base depend­en­cies are the lib­rary com­pon­ents and pack­ages required to set up and run your React Nat­ive pro­ject. To main­tain a stable devel­op­ment envir­on­ment, you must under­stand and con­fig­ure these depend­en­cies as per your pro­ject requirement.

  • react-nav­ig­a­tion — For easy Applic­a­tion navigation
  • redux — For Applic­a­tion state management
  • redux-thunk —  For Enabling asyn­chron­ous dis­patch­ing of actions
  • jest — For Javas­cript testing
  • reselect —  A simple Select­or lib­rary for Redux
  • axios — To handle Http Client
  • fastlane — For Auto­ma­tion tool

2. Folder Structure

A well-organ­ized folder struc­ture is essen­tial to main­tain a clean and man­age­able code­base. Here is how com­mon folder struc­ture for a React Nat­ive app:

Folder Structure

Source: Folder Struc­ture of React Nat­ive App


This folder con­tains all the stat­ic assets, includ­ing images or fonts, that you are using in the app.


Here, you can store reusable UI com­pon­ents that are used across mul­tiple screens.


Each app screen should have its own folder with­in the screens/ dir­ect­ory, with its asso­ci­ated com­pon­ents and styles.


This folder holds the nav­ig­a­tion-related code, includ­ing the con­fig­ur­a­tion for rout­ing and nav­ig­at­ing between screens.


Util­ity func­tions or help­er mod­ules can be placed in this folder for easy access and code reuse.


If you are using a state man­age­ment lib­rary like Redux, this folder can con­tain actions, redu­cers, and store configurations.

Also Read: Top 10 React Nat­ive Apps : Build & Deploy Guide

Struc­ture Vs Archi­tec­ture: What Is The Dif­fer­ence Between Two? 

Often­times, begin­ners will con­fuse the struc­ture and archi­tec­ture for react nat­ive app and use the term inter­change­ably. How­ever, they are both dif­fer­ent. In the earli­er sec­tion, we out­lined the struc­ture of React Nat­ive app. Now let’s explore the archi­tec­ture of React Nat­ive app before you plan to con­vert web­site to react nat­ive app.

It was Octo­ber 2022 when the offi­cial React Nat­ive com­munity launched the new React Nat­ive V0.70 archi­tec­ture with added per­form­ance and flex­ib­il­ity into the frame­work. It was designed to help developers over­come any draw­backs of pre­vi­ous architecture.

The new archi­tec­ture also brought an improved JavaS­cript Engine, Her­mes. The aim of the new archi­tec­ture is to enhance per­form­ance and bring apps near­er to nat­ives alike.

Fol­low­ing are the pil­lar ele­ments of the new architecture.

1. Fab­ric

Fab­ric is a term often mis­un­der­stood in React Nat­ive. It actu­ally refers to just one part of React Nat­ive, spe­cific­ally the UI layer.

The UI lay­er is respons­ible for dis­play­ing and man­aging the visu­al ele­ments of an app. In the past, this lay­er was writ­ten in JavaS­cript, which had some per­form­ance lim­it­a­tions. To address this, React Nat­ive intro­duced Fabric.

The term, Fab­ric is a part of React Nat­ive, spe­cific­ally a UI lay­er of the archi­tec­ture. But often mis­un­der­stood as an entire React Nat­ive struc­ture. The Fab­ric lay­er is respons­ible for man­aging and dis­play­ing the visu­al ele­ments of the app.

Also Read: React Nat­ive Tutori­als — Learn to Build React Nat­ive Apps

2. Turbo Module

The new archi­tec­ture derived the Tur­boMod­ule from an old archi­tec­ture with added new integ­ra­tion and beha­viour. Tur­boMod­ules are best known for their lazy-load­ing functionality.

These mod­ules help JavaS­cript to load and main­tain the needed mod­ule at exe­cu­tion time. This helps reduce the star­tup time for pro­grams requir­ing the large nat­ive mod­ule for execution.

3. Code­gen 

The code­gen is a tool avail­able in archi­tec­ture. It helps developers to avoid writ­ing repet­it­ive code. It gen­er­ates scaf­fold­ing code that saves developers lots of time. Whenev­er the developer builds an Android or iOS app, React Nat­ive invokes Code­gen automatically.

The developer can also run the mod­ule script to check what type of code and files are get­ting gen­er­ated. This hap­pens mostly when the developer works on Turbo Nat­ive mod­ules and Fab­ric Nat­ive components.

4. Bridge­less

The old archi­tec­ture con­tained a Bridge for data trans­mis­sion. The new archi­tec­ture removes Bridge from React Nat­ive. The major reas­on behind this change is that the Bridge was devel­op­ing unne­ces­sary issues and doubts while trans­fer­ring data and res­ult­ing in delays.

The new archi­tec­ture replaces the Bridge lay­er with React Nat­ive JSI to enable dir­ect com­mu­nic­a­tion between the JavaS­cript and Nat­ive code. This provides flex­ib­il­ity in work­ing with JavaS­cript engines and improves Nat­ive com­pon­ent interaction.

That said, You might have a doubt. Why Use React For Front End Devel­op­ment? Let’s get you some answers.

Why Use React For Front End Devel­op­ment?

React has taken the developer world by storm, and for a good reas­on. In this sec­tion, we’ll uncov­er why React has become the top choice for build­ing inter­act­ive user interfaces.

From its mod­u­lar com­pon­ents to its seam­less ren­der­ing, we’ll explore why React is a front-end powerhouse!

1. Time-Sav­ing When It Comes To Development

A developer’s pro­ductiv­ity is the most import­ant thing in pro­ject devel­op­ment. And, react nat­ive allows you to reuse the com­pon­ents and tools so the devel­op­ment time is faster as you can build vari­ous functionalities.

There are mul­tiple devel­op­ment tools avail­able in the mar­ket for React you can use to speed up your devel­op­ment work. For example, you can use the React Developer Tools exten­sion to make your cod­ing work much easier.

2. Rich User-Interfaces

Do you know 88% of users will nev­er return to your site after a bad exper­i­ence? Ima­gine los­ing 88% of your user base just because of a bad UI.

For­tu­nately for you, React makes it easy to devel­op rich user inter­faces with­in a short time. How? Using fron­tend lib­rar­ies like Boot­strap, Chakra, and Tail­wind. So, nev­er lose a user to a bad user exper­i­ence again.

3. Built-in developer tool set

Face­book under­stands that learn­ing emer­ging tech­no­lo­gies and work­ing with them in real-life pro­jects can bene­fit every developer. And for this, they have added much-needed React Nat­ive tools and a Chrome dev tool set.

These React tools are there to help the developer to dis­cov­er all child and par­ent com­pon­ents of each func­tion, observe com­pon­ent hier­arch­ies and inspect com­pon­ents’ cur­rent state.

Choos­ing The Right Backend: What is the Best Backend For React Nat­ive App?

As much as fron­tend is import­ant, backend is equally import­ant is cre­at­ing resi­li­ent apps. Here are the top backend options that seam­lessly integ­rate with React Native.

1. Node.js  

React Nat­ive’s backend runs on JavaS­cript. Node.js’ scalab­il­ity and effi­cient event-driv­en archi­tec­ture allow developers to build robust and effi­cient apps hav­ing world-class archi­tec­ture for react nat­ive apps.

2. Fire­base  

Powered by Google and trus­ted by mil­lions of busi­nesses, Fire­base helps you build and grow apps and games that users love.

3. Her­oku

Provid­ing a reli­able and flex­ible host­ing solu­tion for React Nat­ive apps, Her­oku sim­pli­fies backend deploy­ment and scaling.

4. Express.js

Provid­ing a robust fea­ture set for web and mobile applic­a­tions, Express is a min­im­al and flex­ible Node.js framework.

5. Django

An open-source, Python-based web frame­work, Django, fol­lows the mod­el-tem­plate-views archi­tec­tur­al pattern.




Under­stand­ing React Nat­ive app struc­ture and archi­tec­ture is cru­cial for developers and busi­ness own­ers. It’s not just about boost­ing per­form­ance and giv­ing users a stel­lar exper­i­ence, but also about keep­ing our code in the right shape and ensur­ing scalability.

After know­ing the app’s struc­ture, we can design robust, scal­able, and easy-to-main­tain solu­tions by using best-in-class react nat­ive app tem­plates or con­vert web­site to react nat­ive apps in the long run. Plus, hav­ing a deep under­stand­ing of the archi­tec­ture lets us make smart decisions, col­lab­or­ate smoothly with our team, and tap into cool fea­tures like the vir­tu­al DOM.

So, let’s embrace this know­ledge, unlock our full poten­tial as React Nat­ive Devel­op­ment Ser­vices in the UK, and cre­ate jaw-drop­ping apps that users will love. also read about Which Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?

React Nat­ive Upgrade Help­er: Stream­line Your App Upgrades with Ease

Tech­no­logy is evolving at a very fast pace. The ideas we’ve dreamt of yes­ter­day are now the fea­tures of the smart devices we’re using at the moment. 

Like every tech and frame­work, React Nat­ive com­munity keeps upgrad­ing React Nat­ive to make your applic­a­tions com­pat­ible with device’s fea­tures. Launch of every new ver­sion of React nat­ive gives developers access to more APIs, developer tools, and fea­tures to make applic­a­tions more inter­act­ive and user-friendly. 

We know upgrad­ing is tedi­ous task but its not some­thing you can delay for longer than few months. With each upgrade there comes the patch for bugs you’ve detec­ted earli­er and some new fea­tures. It’s a nev­er end­ing cycle. In this blog you will learn to upgrade React nat­ive ver­sion in exist­ing pro­ject. Fur­ther, we will share some tips to remem­ber while debug­ging for your RN app.

How To Upgrade React Nat­ive Ver­sion In Exist­ing Project?

You can fol­low one of the two ways to upgrade your react nat­ive project: 

1. Using React Nat­ive CLI

2. Using React Nat­ive upgrade tool 

Now, each of the above-men­tioned approaches has its own pros and cons. 

Upgrad­ing with React Nat­ive CLI is a one-step oper­a­tion and takes less­er time. But, it doesn’t reveal the com­pat­ib­il­ity of depend­en­cies the new­er ver­sion sup­port. On the oth­er hand, React Nat­ive upgrade help­er shows the updates made in each of the files in the upgrade pack­age. Though it involves upgrad­ing manu­ally, which is a bit time tak­ing, it ensures great­er accuracy. 

Shar­ing a few tips before you get started

  • Do check release notes for the ver­sion you are upgrad­ing to. Make a men­tal note of depend­en­cies you believe will be affected by this upgrade. 
  • Go through the changelog while debug­ging to take second look at changes made. 
  • Check­ing repo of issues repor­ted by oth­er developer while upgrad­ing can be a lot help­ful in fix­ing errors in the mean­time rather start­ing the research from scratch. 
  • While doing major upgradess don’t make a dir­ect jump to latest ver­sion. Going step-by-step can help you track pro­gress and com­pat­ib­il­ity of depend­en­cies much easily. 
  • Make time estim­a­tion and set tent­at­ive timelines to ensure every­one in the team is aligned. 
  • While using React Nat­ive ver­sion upgrade help­er make sure it’s updated per the latest ver­sion to min­im­ize hassles. 

Also Read: React Nat­ive Tutori­als — Learn to Build Nat­ive Mobile Apps with React

What is React Nat­ive Upgrade Helper? 

React Nat­ive Upgrade Help­er is a web tool that assists in upgrad­ing your apps to the latest ver­sion by giv­ing a detailed view of updates made in two ver­sions. You can view the com­ments and changes made in each of the files in the pack­age to get under­stand­ing of depend­en­cies and resolve the con­flicts hand-in-hand. 

How to upgrade react nat­ive to latest version? 

Fol­low below steps to upgrade your exist­ing react nat­ive pro­jects to the latest ver­sion using React Nat­ive Upgrade Helper.

Also Read: What Are The Pros and Cons of Using React Nat­ive For Android?

1. Go to React Nat­ive Upgrade Help­er on RN com­munity. You will see an inter­face like this.

Go to React Native Upgrade Helper

2. Choose the version: 

Type name of your app. Men­tion the cur­rent ver­sion of your React Nat­ive app and the latest ver­sion you would like to upgrade your app to. You will find latest ver­sion set there by default. Now, click on Show me how to upgrade!” From here you can see the modi­fic­a­tions made in each of the pack­age files.

Choose the version


3. Upgrade depend­en­cies:

Now, one by one you can check for the depend­en­cies and see their impact on oth­er func­tion­al­it­ies before upgrad­ing them to the latest ver­sion. Install JS and nat­ive depend­en­cies. Let’s say, react-nat­ive and react have changes, you can install them run­ning yarn add com­mand. Don’t for­get to men­tion to ver­sion you are upgrad­ing to. 

# {{VERSION}} and {{REACT_VERSION}} are the release versions showing in the diff
yarn add react-native@{{VERSION}}
yarn add react@{{REACT_VERSION}}

4. Upgrade your pro­ject files: 

There can be sev­er­al files in the pack­age impacted by ver­sion upgrade, you can check each of those and update manu­ally by copy­ing and past­ing the code. 

5. Build & debug: 

Once done you can rebuild your pro­ject and per­form debug­ging to check errors com­ing in the mean­time. Take build in debug mode and check in sta­ging envir­on­ment before push­ing the build in the release mode. You can deploy sta­ging on your private store to ensure it doesn’t impact oper­a­tions when made live.

Is Your React Nat­ive Upgrade Tool Up-To-Date? 

Upgrade help­er relies on rn-diff-purge to fetch and show dif­fer­ences among two ver­sions. While upgrad­ing your React Nat­ive app with React Nat­ive upgrade help­er make sure RN upgrade help­er is updated to upgrade. Though, it’s already upgraded, you can check that and update the upgrader if required. 

Fol­low below instruc­tions per your cur­rent ver­sion to update RN upgrade helper:

For ver­sion >= 0.68 

Circ­leCI job pushes release link to trig­ger Git­Hub action. 

For ver­sion < 0.69

You can trig­ger Git­Hub action via CURL run­ning below commands.

# Update the "version" with your version and provide your PAT
curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ \
   -d '{"event_type":"publish", "client_payload": {"version": "0.67.0"}}' \
   -H "authorization: Bearer &lt;PAT&gt;"

Wrap­ping Up

Thanks for being with us till now! Hope this have helped you under­stand react nat­ive devel­op­ment tool. 

Are you look­ing for pro­fes­sion­al assist­ance to upgrade your exist­ing pro­ject? If so, RNDC will be delighted to help you. RNDC is React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment com­pany with expert­ise in the React Nat­ive tech. You can share your con­cerns and pro­ject details with us here. We will def­in­itely respond you with­in 23 busi­ness days. also, read more What are the bene­fits of hir­ing a React Nat­ive App developer.

Best React Nat­ive Font Fam­ily for Mobile App Development

Are you a busi­ness own­er who wants to serve Android & iOS users with seam­less exper­i­ences and has budget con­straints as well? If that answers yes, your busi­ness needs hybrid mobile apps. React Nat­ive frame­work is the ulti­mate choice among app developers for cross-plat­form app development.

Being an open-source frame­work, React Nat­ive have numer­ous lib­rar­ies of nat­ive ele­ments, includ­ing APIs, nav­ig­a­tion, fancy vec­tor icons, anim­a­tions, and font fam­il­ies. Its com­munity mem­bers are con­stantly adding value with the addi­tion of more lib­rar­ies. Though there can be sev­er­al details around React nat­ive lib­rar­ies, this blog will be con­fined to dis­cuss­ing React nat­ive font family. 

What is React Nat­ive font family? 

The core com­pon­ent here is the Text con­figured to dis­play text on the screen to the users. This com­pon­ent sup­ports styl­ing, nest­ing, and touch hand­ling. Titles and body text with sim­il­ar styl­ing are often grouped togeth­er as fonts of the same fam­ily are referred to as font fam­ily. As developers use font­Fam­ily while writ­ing code in React Nat­ive, the text will auto­mat­ic­ally inher­it prop­er­ties and font styl­ing of the font fam­ily it belongs to. 

React Nat­ive text font fam­ily list

Though React Nat­ive default font is San Fran­cisco for iOS and Roboto for android, there are plenty oth­er font fam­il­ies that both OSs support. 

Sup­por­ted React nat­ive text font fam­ily list for Android


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, ScrollView, Text, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';

    scroller: {
        flex: 1,

export default class AndroidFonts extends Component{
  render (){
      <ScrollView style={styles.scroller}>
        <Text style={{fontFamily: 'normal'}}>  normal </Text>
        <Text style={{fontFamily: 'notoserif'}}>  notoserif </Text>
        <Text style={{fontFamily: 'sans-serif'}}>  sans-serif </Text>
        <Text style={{fontFamily: 'sans-serif-light'}}>  sans-serif-light </Text>
        <Text style={{fontFamily: 'sans-serif-thin'}}>  sans-serif-thin </Text>
        <Text style={{fontFamily: 'sans-serif-condensed'}}>  sans-serif-condensed </Text>
        <Text style={{fontFamily: 'sans-serif-medium'}}>  sans-serif-medium </Text>
        <Text style={{fontFamily: 'serif'}}>  serif </Text>
        <Text style={{fontFamily: 'Roboto'}}>  Roboto </Text>
        <Text style={{fontFamily: 'monospace'}}>  monospace </Text>        

AppRegistry.registerComponent('AndroidFonts', () => AndroidFonts);

Also Read: Top React Tools & Lib­rar­ies That Every React Nat­ive Developer Must Know

Sup­por­ted React nat­ive text font fam­ily list for iOS

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { AppRegistry, ScrollView, Text, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
    scroller: {
        flex: 1,
export default class IosFonts extends Component{
  render (){
      <ScrollView style={styles.scroller}>
        <Text style={{fontFamily: 'Academy Engraved LET'}}>Academy Engraved LET </Text>
        <Text style={{fontFamily: 'AcademyEngravedLetPlain'}}>AcademyEngravedLetPlain </Text>
AppRegistry.registerComponent('IosFonts', () => IosFonts);


If you want  use oth­er font fam­il­ies please refer to the below table -

Academy Engraved LET Academy­En­graved­Let­Plain
Al Nile AlNile-Bold
Amer­ic­an Typewriter Amer­ic­an­Type­writer-Bold
Amer­ic­an­Type­writer-Con­densed Amer­ic­an­Type­writer-Con­densed­Bold
Amer­ic­an­Type­writer-Con­densed­Light Amer­ic­an­Type­writer-Light
Apple Col­or Emoji Apple SD Goth­ic Neo
Apple­ColorE­moji AppleS­DGoth­icNeo-Bold
AppleS­DGoth­icNeo-Light AppleS­DGoth­icNeo-Medi­um
AppleS­DGoth­icNeo-Reg­u­lar AppleS­DGoth­icNeo-SemiBold
AppleS­DGoth­icNeo-Thin AppleS­DGoth­icNeo-Ultr­a­Light
Arial Arial Hebrew
Arial Roun­ded MT Bold Arial-BoldIt­alicMT
Arial-Bold­MT Arial-ItalicMT
Arial­Hebrew Arial­Hebrew-Bold
Arial­Hebrew-Light ArialMT
Arial­Roun­ded­MT­Bold Avenir
Avenir Next Avenir Next Condensed
Avenir-Black Avenir-Black­Ob­lique
Avenir-Book Avenir-BookOb­lique
Avenir-Heavy Avenir-Heavy­Ob­lique
Avenir-Light Avenir-LightOb­lique
Avenir-Medi­um Avenir-Medi­umOb­lique
Avenir-Oblique Avenir-Roman
AvenirNext-Bold AvenirNext-BoldIt­al­ic
AvenirNext-DemiBold AvenirNext-DemiBoldIt­al­ic
AvenirNext-Heavy AvenirNext-Heavy­It­al­ic
AvenirNext-Ital­ic AvenirNext-Medi­um
AvenirNext-Medi­umIt­al­ic AvenirNext-Reg­u­lar
AvenirNext-Ultr­a­Light AvenirNext-Ultr­a­Light­It­al­ic
AvenirNextCon­densed-Bold AvenirNextCon­densed-BoldIt­al­ic
AvenirNextCon­densed-DemiBold AvenirNextCon­densed-DemiBoldIt­al­ic
AvenirNextCon­densed-Heavy AvenirNextCon­densed-Heavy­It­al­ic
AvenirNextCon­densed-Ital­ic AvenirNextCon­densed-Medi­um
AvenirNextCon­densed-Medi­umIt­al­ic AvenirNextCon­densed-Reg­u­lar
AvenirNextCon­densed-Ultr­a­Light AvenirNextCon­densed-Ultr­a­Light­It­al­ic
Bangla Sangam MN Bask­erville
Bask­erville-Bold Bask­erville-BoldIt­al­ic
Bask­erville-Ital­ic Bask­erville-SemiBold
Bask­erville-SemiBoldIt­al­ic Bodoni 72
Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Bodoni 72 Smallcaps
Bodoni Orna­ments Bodo­ni­Orna­ment­sITCTT
Bodon­iS­vtyT­woITCTT-Bold Bodon­iS­vtyT­woITCTT-Book
Bodon­iS­vtyT­woITCTT-Book­Ita Bodon­iS­vtyT­woOS­ITCTT-Bold
Bodon­iS­vtyT­woOS­ITCTT-Book Bodon­iS­vtyT­woS­CITCTT-Book
Brad­ley Hand Brad­ley­Han­dITCTT-Bold
Chalk­board SE Chalk­boardSE-Bold
Chalk­boardSE-Light Chalk­boardSE-Reg­u­lar
Chalk­dust­er Chalk­dust­er
Coch­in Coch­in-Bold
Coch­in-BoldIt­al­ic Coch­in-Ital­ic
Cop­per­plate Cop­per­plate-Bold
Cop­per­plate-Light Cour­i­er
Cour­i­er New Cour­i­er-Bold
Cour­i­er-Bol­dOb­lique Cour­i­er-Oblique
Couri­erNewPS-BoldIt­alicMT Couri­erNewPS-Bold­MT
Couri­erNewPS-ItalicMT Couri­erNewPSMT
Dam­as­cus Dam­as­cus­Bold
Dam­as­cus­Light Dam­as­cusMe­di­um
Dam­as­cusSemiBold Devanagari Sangam MN
Devanagar­iS­angamMN Devanagar­iS­angamMN-Bold
Didot Didot-Bold
Didot-Ital­ic Diwan­Mis­hafi
Euphemia UCAS EuphemiaUCAS-Bold
EuphemiaUCAS-Ital­ic Farah
Futura Futura-Con­dense­dEx­tra­Bold
Futura-Con­densedMe­di­um Futura-Medi­um
Futura-Medi­umIt­al­ic Geeza Pro
GeezaPro-Bold Geor­gia
Geor­gia-Bold Geor­gia-BoldIt­al­ic
Geor­gia-Ital­ic Gill Sans
Gill­S­ans-Bold Gill­S­ans-BoldIt­al­ic
Gill­S­ans-Ital­ic Gill­S­ans-Light
Gill­S­ans-Light­It­al­ic Gill­S­ans-SemiBold
Gill­S­ans-SemiBoldIt­al­ic Gill­S­ans-Ultra­Bold
Gujar­ati Sangam MN Gujar­a­t­iS­angamMN
Gujar­a­t­iS­angamMN-Bold Gur­mukhi MN
Gur­mukhiMN-Bold Heiti SC
Heiti TC Hel­vetica
Hel­vetica Neue Hel­vetica-Bold
Hel­vetica-Bol­dOb­lique Hel­vetica-Light
Hel­vetica-LightOb­lique Hel­vetica-Oblique
Hel­veticaNeue-Bold Hel­veticaNeue-BoldIt­al­ic
Hel­veticaNeue-Con­densed­Black Hel­veticaNeue-Con­densed­Bold
Hel­veticaNeue-Ital­ic Hel­veticaNeue-Light
Hel­veticaNeue-Light­It­al­ic Hel­veticaNeue-Medi­um
Hel­veticaNeue-Medi­umIt­al­ic Hel­veticaNeue-Thin
Hel­veticaNeue-Thin­It­al­ic Hel­veticaNeue-Ultr­a­Light
Hel­veticaNeue-Ultr­a­Light­It­al­ic Hira­gino Min­cho ProN
Hira­gino Sans Hira­ginoSans-W3
Hira­ginoSans-W6 HiraM­in­ProN-W3
HiraM­in­ProN-W6 Hoe­fler Text
Hoe­fler­Text-Black Hoe­fler­Text-Black­It­al­ic
Hoe­fler­Text-Ital­ic Hoe­fler­Text-Reg­u­lar
Iow­an Old Style Iow­an­Old­Style-Bold
Iow­an­Old­Style-BoldIt­al­ic Iow­an­Old­Style-Ital­ic
Iow­an­Old­Style-Roman Kailasa
Kailasa-Bold Kan­nada Sangam MN
Kan­nadaSangamMN Kan­nadaSangamMN-Bold
Khmer Sangam MN Kohinoor Bangla
Kohinoor Devanagari Kohinoor Telugu
Kohinoor­B­angla-Light Kohinoor­B­angla-Reg­u­lar
Kohinoor­B­angla-Semibold KohinoorDevanagari-Light
KohinoorDevanagari-Reg­u­lar KohinoorDevanagari-Semibold
Kohinoor­Telugu-Light Kohinoor­Telugu-Medi­um
Kohinoor­Telugu-Reg­u­lar Lao Sangam MN
Malay­alam Sangam MN Malay­alam­SangamMN
Malay­alam­SangamMN-Bold Mark­er Felt
Mark­er­Felt-Thin Mark­er­Felt-Wide
Menlo Menlo-Bold
Menlo-BoldIt­al­ic Menlo-Ital­ic
Menlo-Reg­u­lar Mis­hafi
Note­worthy Note­worthy-Bold
Note­worthy-Light Optima
Optima-Bold Optima-BoldIt­al­ic
Optima-Extra­B­lack Optima-Ital­ic
Optima-Reg­u­lar Oriya Sangam MN
Oriy­aS­angamMN Oriy­aS­angamMN-Bold
Pal­atino Pal­atino-Bold
Pal­atino-BoldIt­al­ic Pal­atino-Ital­ic
Pal­atino-Roman Papyr­us
Papyr­us-Con­densed Party LET
PartyLet­Plain Ping­Fang HK
Ping­Fang SC Ping­Fang TC
Ping­FangHK-Light Ping­FangHK-Medi­um
Ping­FangHK-Reg­u­lar Ping­FangHK-Semibold
Ping­FangHK-Thin Ping­FangHK-Ultr­a­light
Ping­Fang­SC-Light Ping­Fang­SC-Medi­um
Ping­Fang­SC-Reg­u­lar Ping­Fang­SC-Semibold
Ping­Fang­SC-Thin Ping­Fang­SC-Ultr­a­light
Ping­FangTC-Light Ping­FangTC-Medi­um
Ping­FangTC-Reg­u­lar Ping­FangTC-Semibold
Ping­FangTC-Thin Ping­FangTC-Ultr­a­light
Savoye LET Savoye­Let­Plain
Sin­hala Sangam MN Sin­halaS­angamMN
Sin­halaS­angamMN-Bold Snell Round­hand
Snell­Round­hand-Black Snell­Round­hand-Bold
Sym­bol Tamil Sangam MN
TamilS­angamMN-Bold Telugu Sangam MN
Thon­buri Thon­buri-Bold
Thon­buri-Light Times New Roman
Times­Ne­wRo­man­PS-BoldIt­alicMT Times­Ne­wRo­man­PS-Bold­MT
Times­Ne­wRo­man­PS-ItalicMT Times­Ne­wRo­man­PSMT
Treb­uchet MS Treb­uchet-BoldIt­al­ic
Treb­uchetMS-Bold Treb­uchetMS-Ital­ic
Verd­ana Verd­ana-Bold
Verd­ana-BoldIt­al­ic Verd­ana-Ital­ic
Zapf Ding­bats Zapf­D­ing­bat­sITC

How to add cus­tom fonts in React native ?

In addi­tion to the exist­ing lib­rary of React nat­ive font fam­ily, you can per­son­al­ize your mobile apps by installing cus­tom font fam­il­ies. Shar­ing the step-by-step pro­cess with you here. 

1. Select a font fam­ily you would like to use. Don’t for­get to check the file name. For Android, the file name remains the same, but for iOS, the Post­Script name” will be added before the file name. So, you need to rename the font files; if you are using the font SF UI Dis­play” and its files are like the ones shown below, then for iOS, you have to use SFUID­isplay-Bold” des­pite your file name SFUIDisplayBold.otf”.

How to add custom fonts in React native

2. Next step is the addi­tion of fonts to assets. 

3. Now you have to define the assets dir­ect­ory, when using React Nat­ive ver­sion ≥ 0.60 cre­ate file react-native.config.js and add below code 

module.exports = {
  project: {
    ios: {},
    android: {}, // grouped into "project"
  assets: ["./assets/fonts/"], // stays the same

4. If you are still using React Nat­ive ver­sion < 0.60. You need to men­tion the loc­a­tion of cus­tom fonts in React nat­ive. Adding the below lines in package.json can make it hap­pen for you. Make sure you add the right path in the source folder else it won’t be able to fetch the font files.

Also Read: Which Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?

5. Next thing is to link assets. Due to auto-link­ing, link and unlike com­mands are now removed from React Nat­ive 0.69. So, for the ver­sions above 0.69 run below com­mand in terminal 

npx react-nat­ive-asset

And, for ver­sions below 0.69 use 

$ npx react-nat­ive link 

For iOS link com­mand will link fonts in Info.plst and for Android cre­ates dir­ect­ory (android/app/src/main/assets/fonts). 

6. Now, you can use this newly added font­Fam­ily” any­where in the app using React nat­ive styles

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: "center",
    alignItems: "center"
  welcome: {
    fontSize: 20,
    textAlign: "center",
    margin: 10,
    fontFamily: "SFUIDisplay-Bold"
  instructions: {
    textAlign: "center",
    color: "#333333",
    marginBottom: 5,
    fontFamily: "SFUIDisplay-Semibold"

React Nat­ive Paper Fonts

I’m sure you’ve heard of React Nat­ive paper, if not, let me tell you that it’s renowned design lib­rary for React nat­ive com­pon­ents. Like React Nat­ive, it is open-source and avail­able for free. Mobile app developers often use its high-qual­ity design ele­ments to bring a nat­ive feel to the app. It’s led by call­stack and has offi­cial Face­book part­ners as contributors.

Also Read: React Nat­ive Tutori­als — Learn to Build Nat­ive Mobile Apps with React

React Nat­ive Paper gives you access to com­pact code to code for UI/UX design of your mobile app. Hence, saves you a lot of time writ­ing long and com­plex code for sev­er­al use cases from scratch. 

Learn to install cus­tom fonts using .ttf files, con­fig­ure fonts in ThemePro­vider and addi­tion of font vari­ants to the mater­i­al design from React Nat­ive Git­Hub lib­rary here

Wrap­ping Up 

To get a cross-plat­form mobile app for your busi­ness, React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment ser­vices can help you at their best. WeDoWebApps is a React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment com­pany with strong expert­ise in design­ing desir­able mobile applic­a­tions. To ini­ti­ate your React Nat­ive pro­ject, share your require­ments here. also, read more about React Nat­ive Upgrade Help­er: Stream­line Your App Upgrades with Ease and Which Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?