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Top 10 React Nat­ive Apps 2023: Build & Deploy Guide

24 May 2023

Bene­fits of Cre­at­ing Mobile Apps with React Native

With the help of the well-known open-source frame­work React Nat­ive, pro­gram­mers may use JavaS­cript to con­struct mobile applic­a­tions. Due to its sim­pli­city in cre­at­ing high-per­form­ance, cross-plat­form nat­ive apps, it has exper­i­enced tre­mend­ous growth since its debut in 2015.

The access­ib­il­ity of nat­ive com­pon­ents is one of the main bene­fits of using React Nat­ive. The frame­work enables developers to lever­age nat­ive ele­ments in their app devel­op­ment pro­cess, such as but­tons, text inputs, and sliders. With the aid of this cap­ab­il­ity, React Nat­ive developers may more eas­ily pro­duce applic­a­tions that feel and look natural.

Faster devel­op­ment times and cost-effect­ive­ness are fur­ther advant­ages of adopt­ing React Nat­ive. Developers may write code once and reuse it across sev­er­al plat­forms, sav­ing time and effort because there is a single code­base for both the iOS and Android plat­forms. As a res­ult, there is no longer a need for spe­cial teams or resources for each plat­form, which lowers the over­all cost of devel­op­ing an app.

By enabling JavaS­cript usage while still allow­ing developers to cre­ate nat­ive applic­a­tions, React Nat­ive blends the best of both worlds. This implies that nat­ive app developers can take their exist­ing know­ledge of JavaS­cript and apply it to the cre­ation of mobile apps without sac­ri­fi­cing usab­il­ity or performance.

If youʼre con­tem­plat­ing wheth­er to adopt React Nat­ive for your sub­sequent pro­ject, take com­plex­ity, scalab­il­ity, and budget into account. Top 10 React Nat­ive apps might be a great option if you need a quick-to-mar­ket solu­tion with min­im­al func­tion­al­ity require­ments because of how quickly and cheaply it can be developed.

Show­case React Nat­iveʼs Ver­sat­il­ity and Flex­ib­il­ity in App Development

Ver­sat­il­ity and Flex­ib­il­ity: React Nat­iveʼs Key Fea­tures and What is react native?

The cre­ation of React Nat­ive apps is a chal­len­ging pro­cess that neces­sit­ates a developer­ʼs famili­ar­ity with a vari­ety of plat­forms and pro­gram­ming lan­guages. But now that react­ive nat­ive pro­gram­ming is avail­able, developers can use their know­ledge of JavaS­cript to pro­duce nat­ive apps for both the iOS and Android plat­forms. The frame­workʼs extreme adapt­ab­il­ity and flex­ib­il­ity in app cre­ation enable developers to make a wide range of pro­jects for many platforms.

Util­iz­ing JavaS­cript Skills for Nat­ive App Development

React Nat­iveʼs abil­ity to util­ize JavaS­cript skills for nat­ive app devel­op­ment has revo­lu­tion­ized the soft­ware industry. Developers no longer need to learn plat­form-spe­cif­ic lan­guages like Swift or Java to cre­ate high-per­form­ance apps for iOS or Android devices. Instead, they can devel­op cross-plat­form apps that oper­ate without an issue on both oper­at­ing sys­tems using their exist­ing JavaS­cript skills.

The end res­ult is a pro­duct­ive approach that saves time and mater­i­als while provid­ing a con­sist­ent user exper­i­ence across vari­ous devices. Addi­tion­ally, because the soft­ware is sim­il­ar across plat­forms, it gets sim­pler over time to main­tain and upgrade the program.

Per­form­ance Improve­ment Using Nat­ive Plat­form View System

By employ­ing nat­ive com­pon­ents instead of web views, React Nat­iveʼs nat­ive plat­form view archi­tec­ture makes sure that the appʼs speed is optim­ised. This res­ults in faster load times and more flu­id anim­a­tions because the pro­gram runs nat­ively on each device.

With React Nat­ive, developers can apply JavaS­cript dir­ectly to access nat­ive APIs without the use of a bridge or wrap­per pro­gram­mer. This makes it simple to include com­plex func­tion into your app, such as cam­era access or loc­a­tion services.

Vari­ety of Pro­jects Across Mul­tiple Platforms

React Nat­iveʼs ver­sat­il­ity extends bey­ond just iOS and Android plat­forms. Developers can also use it for soft­ware devel­op­ment on Win­dows and oth­er plat­forms such as macOS, Linux, or even web browsers.

Also Read: React Nat­ive Tutori­als — Learn to Build Nat­ive Mobile Apps with React

Fur­ther­more, react nat­ive devel­op­ment sup­ports vari­ous third-party lib­rar­ies that enable developers to add advanced func­tion­al­it­ies such as push noti­fic­a­tions or social media integ­ra­tions into their apps quickly.

Also Read: Struc­ture of a React Nat­ive App : Everything You Need To Know

Top 10 Most Pop­u­lar React Nat­ive Apps

Most React Nat­ive Applic­a­tions You Should Know Regard­ing React Nat­ive is a pop­u­lar frame­work for design­ing mobile apps that have gained recog­ni­tion recently. Face­book cre­ated an open-source frame­work that enables pro­gram­mers to con­struct cross-plat­form mobile applic­a­tions using the same code­base. Here are the top 10 most well-known React Nat­ive apps users should be aware of. Many well-known names in busi­ness have adop­ted the framework.

Skype, Face­book, and Instagram

Con­sid­er­ing that Face­book is the cre­at­or of this tech­no­logy, it should come as no sur­prise that it is one of the biggest React Nat­ive apps. One of the first applic­a­tions cre­ated with React Nat­ive was Face­bookʼs Mes­sen­ger app, which was fol­lowed by Ins­tagram and Skype. These applic­a­tions have received awards for their per­fect oper­a­tion and approach­able design.

Wal­mart, Tesla, and Bloomberg

Wal­mart is one of the largest retail­ers in the world and has adop­ted React Nat­ive for its mobile app devel­op­ment. Sim­il­arly, Tesla has used it to devel­op its mobile app for con­trolling its elec­tric cars. Bloomberg also developed react nat­ive for app devel­op­ment its fin­ance app devel­op­ment due to its cross-plat­form capabilities.


Airb­n­bʼs mobile app is anoth­er great example of how React Nat­ive can help com­pan­ies save time on devel­op­ment while improv­ing user exper­i­ence. Airb­nb rebuilt their entire app using this frame­work which allowed them to share code between iOS and Android plat­forms while also mak­ing it easi­er to maintain.

Cross-Plat­form Capabilities

Due to its cross-plat­form fea­tures, React Nat­ive is fre­quently pre­ferred by busi­nesses over oth­er frame­works like Swift or Java. This implies that pro­gram­mers donʼt need to start from scratch when writ­ing code because they can write it once and deploy it to both the iOS and Android platforms.

Enhan­cing the Developer Experience

Com­pared to oth­er react nat­ive frame­works, React Nat­ive provides a developer exper­i­ence that is more stream­lined. With its hot reload­ing func­tion­al­ity, developers can see changes they make imme­di­ately rather than hav­ing to wait for a com­plete rebuild after each modification.

also read React Nat­ive Upgrade Help­er: App Upgrades with Ease

Increas­ing Pub­lic Support

Its expand­ing com­munity sup­port is anoth­er factor that has con­trib­uted to React Nat­iveʼs suc­cess. By devel­op­ing lib­rar­ies and tools that make it sim­pler to con­struct mobile apps, many developers have made improve­ments to the framework.

Cur­ated List of Open Source React Nat­ive Apps for Developers to Learn From

List of Open Source React Nat­ive Apps for Developers to Learn From

Study­ing open source applic­a­tions can help developers who desire to advance their React Nat­ive expert­ise. These apps are freely access­ible and offer the chance to dis­cov­er new fea­tures, devel­op­ment meth­ods, and best prac­tises. Developers can go through a vari­ety of apps, from social net­work­ing to e‑commerce, in this cur­ated col­lec­tion of freely avail­able React Nat­ive applications.

Apps for social media

Ins­tagram is a well-known example of a social net­work­ing applic­a­tion cre­ated with React Nat­ive. Developers can learn a lot from the app about how the data is handled and the user inter­face is cre­ated. The well-organ­ised code­base also makes it simple for engin­eers to move between the vari­ous components.
The Face­book Groups app is anoth­er worth­while social media app to invest­ig­ate. As part of Face­bookʼs effort to devel­op more mobile apps util­ising React Nat­ive, this app was developed. The code­base has sev­er­al soph­ist­ic­ated fea­tures, like anim­a­tions and ges­tures, that can be help­ful for developers look­ing to expand their expertise.

Apps for e‑commerce

There are numer­ous open-source examples of e‑commerce apps that can be cre­ated with React Nat­ive. One such illus­tra­tion is PWA­Com­mer­ceʼs Woo­Com­merce Mobile App, which enables cus­tom­ers to build an online store using Word­Press and Woo­Com­merce integ­ra­tion. Push alerts, product search per­form­ance and pay­ment gate­ways are among the fea­tures present in the codebase.

The Shopi­fy Mobile App is anoth­er e‑commerce app cre­ated with React Nat­ive. Using this soft­ware, busi­ness own­ers can eas­ily man­age their mobile inter­net store­fronts. The appʼs user authen­tic­a­tion pro­cess and integ­ra­tion with Shopi­fyʼs APIs are both avail­able for developers to explore.

Cooper­a­tion and Development

These open-source lib­rar­ies make it pos­sible for pro­gram­mers from all over the world to share ideas and enhance one another­ʼs work. Developers can con­trib­ute to the over­all qual­ity of these applic­a­tions by report­ing bugs or adding code to Git­Hub repos­it­or­ies, while also pick­ing up new skills from others.

Trust and being transparent

Gain­ing con­sumers’ trust by giv­ing them access to an appʼs source code is anoth­er bene­fit. Users can feel more con­fid­ent in the secure hand­ling of their data when they are aware that an app was cre­ated using open-source soft­ware. By being more upfront about how their apps func­tion, developers who depend on lib­rar­ies are bet­ter equipped to win cus­tom­ers’ trust.

9 Incred­ible Mobile Apps Developed Using React Native

Because it can be used across sev­er­al plat­forms, React Nat­ive has become a pop­u­lar altern­at­ive for cre­at­ing mobile apps. It saves time and resources by enabling developers to cre­ate nat­ive apps for both the Android and iOS plat­forms from a single code­base. Weʼll talk about nine incred­ible mobile apps cre­ated with React Nat­ive in this section.

Face­book Ads and Instagram

Itʼs worth not­ing that Face­book Ads and Ins­tagram are also built with React Nat­ive. These two social media giants have adop­ted the tech­no­logy due to its seam­less integ­ra­tion with web apps and mobile plat­forms. With over 2 bil­lion monthly act­ive users on Face­book alone, itʼs clear that React Nat­ive can handle high traffic and com­plex features.

Oth­er Apps Built with React Native

Aside from Face­book Ads and Ins­tagram, there are many oth­er pop­u­lar apps built with React Nat­ive. Here are some examples:

1. Bloomberg

2. Dis­cord

3. Skype

4. Tesla

5. UberEats

6. Wal­mart

7. Wix

8. Sound­Cloud Pulse

These apps demon­strate the ver­sat­il­ity of React Nat­ive as a frame­work for build­ing nat­ive applic­a­tions across dif­fer­ent industries.

Crash Course or Step-by-Step Guide for Build­ing a Com­plete App with React Native

Nav­ig­a­tion: An Import­ant Aspect of Build­ing a Com­plete App with React Native

When build­ing a com­plete app with React Nat­ive, one import­ant aspect to con­sider is nav­ig­a­tion. Nav­ig­a­tion refers to how users move through the app and inter­act with its vari­ous screens and fea­tures. There are sev­er­al ways to imple­ment nav­ig­a­tion in a React Nat­ive app, includ­ing using built-in com­pon­ents like the Tab­Nav­ig­at­or or DrawerNav­ig­at­or, or by cre­at­ing cus­tom nav­ig­at­ors using third-party lib­rar­ies like React Navigation.

Using a stack nav­ig­at­or is one typ­ic­al meth­od of nav­ig­a­tion in a React Nat­ive applic­a­tion. Sim­il­ar to how web­sites func­tion, a stack nav­ig­at­or enables users to move between dis­plays in a hier­arch­ic­al fash­ion. The last screen will be added to a stack whenev­er a user switches between screens and can quickly access it again by hit­ting the back button.

Also Read: React Nat­ive App Cre­ation Step By Step Using Expo CLI Or React Nat­ive CLI

To imple­ment a stack nav­ig­at­or in your React Nat­ive app, you can use the cre­ateSt­ack­Nav­ig­at­or func­tion provided by the React Nav­ig­a­tion lib­rary. This func­tion takes an object as its argu­ment, which spe­cifies the vari­ous screens in your app and their asso­ci­ated options (such as head­er titles and styles). Once youʼve defined your screens and options, you can then cre­ate your nav­ig­at­or by call­ing cre­ateSt­ack­Nav­ig­at­or() with this object as its argument.

Help­ful Resources for Build­ing Com­plete Apps with React Native

  • There are sev­er­al online tools that may help you cre­ate full apps fast and effect­ively, wheth­er youʼre new to React Nat­ive or a pro­fes­sion­al nat­ive app developer seek­ing some extra dir­ec­tion. Sev­er­al well-liked sources are:
  • React Nat­iveʼs offi­cial doc­u­ment­a­tion: This in-depth manu­al cov­ers everything, from learn­ing React Nat­ive to advanced sub­jects like per­form­ance improve­ment and troubleshoot­ing. Online courses and tutori­als Numer­ous courses for build­ing apps with React Nat­ive are avail­able on web­sites like Udemy, Cours­era, and Codec­ademy. Com­munity for­ums: Web­sites like Stack Over­flow and Red­ditʼs r/reactnative com­munity offer sug­ges­tions and guid­ance from oth­er developers who have built apps with React Native.Open-source pro­jects: Look­ing at open-source React Nat­ive pro­jects on plat­forms like Git­Hub can provide valu­able insights into how oth­er developers have built com­plete apps with the react nat­ive framework.

The offi­cial React Nat­ive doc­u­ment­a­tion: This com­pre­hens­ive guide cov­ers everything from get­ting star­ted with React Nat­ive to more advanced top­ics like debug­ging and per­form­ance optimization.

Online tutori­als and courses: Plat­forms like Udemy, Cours­era, and Codec­ademy offer numer­ous courses on build­ing apps with React Native.

Com­munity for­ums: Web­sites like Red­ditʼs r/reactnative com­munity or Stack Over­flow provide help­ful tips and advice from oth­er developers who have exper­i­ence build­ing apps with React Native.

Open-source pro­jects: Look­ing at open-source React Nat­ive pro­jects on plat­forms like Git­Hub can provide valu­able insights into how oth­er developers have built com­plete apps with the framework.

Object­ives of Cre­at­ing Fin­ished Apps with React Native
The end res­ult of using React Nat­ive to con­struct an entire app is to pro­duce an enjoy­able user inter­face across iOS and Android devices. This entails optim­ising your appʼs per­form­ance and usab­il­ity to take advant­age of the spe­cif­ic fea­tures and lim­it­a­tions of each plat­form, in addi­tion to mak­ing sure that the applic­a­tion looks and feels the same across all platforms.
Itʼs crit­ic­al to remem­ber key best prac­tises for devel­op­ing React Nat­ive apps in order to accom­plish this goal. For instance, you should always test the applic­a­tion extens­ively before mak­ing it avail­able to con­sumers, auto­mat­ing test­ing chores with tools like Jest or Enzyme. You should also make sure to optim­ize your appʼs per­form­ance by min­im­iz­ing unne­ces­sary re-renders, using lazy load­ing tech­niques, and avoid­ing com­plex anim­a­tions or trans­itions that could slow down the user experience.

Redux Imple­ment­a­tion in React Nat­ive Applications

A well-liked state man­age­ment toolkit called Redux is com­pat­ible with React Nat­ive and oth­er JavaS­cript frame­works. By con­sol­id­at­ing all of your appʼs state into a single store object with Redux, you can stream­line your code­base. This makes it sim­pler to man­age com­plic­ated data flows and guar­an­tees that every part of your pro­gramme is con­stantly cur­rent with the most recent state.

You must use npm to get the redux and react-redux pack­ages in order to use Redux in your React Nat­ive applic­a­tion. The next step is cre­at­ing your store object, which houses all of your applic­a­tionʼs state, using Reduxʼs cre­ateSt­ore function.

Once youʼve defined your store object, you can then use the Pro­vider com­pon­ent from react-redux to make it avail­able through­out your app.


You­Tube Video Tutori­al on How to Build and Deploy a React Nat­ive App

Build­ing and Deploy­ing a React Nat­ive App: A Step-by-Step Guide
Being new to the realm of react­ive mobile app devel­op­ment, build­ing a mobile app from scratch can be a daunt­ing under­tak­ing. For­tu­nately, there are a tonne of tools online that can assist in dir­ect­ing you through the pro­ced­ure. You­Tube is one such resource that provides a pleth­ora of videos on how to cre­ate and deploy apps using dif­fer­ent pro­gram­ming lan­guages and frameworks.
There are vari­ous You­Tube video tutori­als that will help you get star­ted if youʼre inter­ested in cre­at­ing an app for mobile devices using React Nat­ive, one of the most well-known frame­works for cre­at­ing cross-plat­form apps. In this part, weʼll go through some of these les­sons’ import­ant com­pon­ents along with what you can expect to receive from them.

Set­ting up the Devel­op­ment Environment

Before diving into build­ing your first React Nat­ive app, it is import­ant to ensure that you have all the neces­sary tools installed on your com­puter. This includes Node.js, npm (Node Pack­age Man­ager), Xcode (if you plan on build­ing iOS apps), Android Stu­dio (if you plan on build­ing Android apps), and a text edit­or or Atom or Visu­al Stu­dio Code are examples of these integ­rated devel­op­ment envir­on­ments (IDEs).

Most You­Tube video tutori­als on React Nat­ive will cov­er how to set up your devel­op­ment envir­on­ment step-by-step so that even begin­ners can fol­low along. A new pro­ject cre­ation pro­cess using the com­mand-line inter­face (CLI) tool made avail­able by React Nat­ive will also be covered.

How to Cre­ate Your First App

After set­ting up your devel­op­ment envir­on­ment, you can begin cre­at­ing your first app. The major­ity of You­Tube video tutori­als will show you how to build a straight­for­ward Hello World” pro­gram­mer that shows a simple mes­sage on the screen.

From there, they will gradu­ally intro­duce more com­plex fea­tures such as styl­ing with CSS-like syn­tax, adding images and icons, hand­ling user input with forms and but­tons, nav­ig­at­ing between screens using react-nav­ig­a­tion lib­rary etc.

These tutori­als often provide detailed explan­a­tions of each fea­ture along with code snip­pets so that learners can fol­low along and under­stand what is hap­pen­ing at each step. They may also provide tips and tricks for debug­ging com­mon errors that begin­ners often encounter.

Also Read: Com­pre­hens­ive Guide on React Nat­ive Get­ting Started

Deploy­ing Your App

Once you have built your app, the next step is to deploy it to a mobile device or emu­lat­or so that you can test it out. Most You­Tube video tutori­als will cov­er how to do this for both iOS and Android plat­forms, using either Xcode or Android Stu­dio. They may also explain how to use third-party ser­vices such as Expo or Fire­base to sim­pli­fy the deploy­ment process.


The Advant­ages of Devel­op­ing Mobile Apps with React Native

React Nat­ive is an increas­ingly com­mon choice among developers since it offers a pleth­ora of bene­fits for cre­at­ing mobile apps. React mobile app devel­op­mentʼs adapt­ab­il­ity and flex­ib­il­ity enable the con­struc­tion of high-cal­ibre, cross-plat­form applic­a­tions that work flaw­lessly on both iOS and Android devices.
Some of the most well-known mobile applic­a­tions avail­able today, includ­ing Face­book, Ins­tagram, and Skype, are powered by React Nat­ive. These applic­a­tions serve mil­lions of users glob­ally, demon­strat­ing the strength and prom­ise of React Nat­ive in build­ing soph­ist­ic­ated and fea­ture-rich applications.

For developers look­ing to learn from oth­er pro­jects, there are numer­ous open-source React Nat­ive apps avail­able online. These cur­ated lists provide an excel­lent oppor­tun­ity for developers to explore dif­fer­ent cod­ing styles, design pat­terns, and imple­ment­a­tion strategies used in real-world applications.

Also Read: Top React Tools & Lib­rar­ies That Every React Nat­ive Developer Must Know

Moreover, build­ing mobile apps with React Nat­ive is not lim­ited to large cor­por­a­tions or estab­lished busi­nesses. Small star­tups and inde­pend­ent react nat­ive developers can also cre­ate amaz­ing applic­a­tions using this tech­no­logy without break­ing the bank. In fact, some of the most suc­cess­ful react nat­ive mobile apps were built by small teams with lim­ited resources but with a clear vis­ion for their product.

If youʼre inter­ested in learn­ing how to build your own app with React Nat­ive con­tact react agency, there are plenty of resources avail­able online. From crash courses to step-by-step guides and video tutori­als on You­Tube, you can find everything you need to get star­ted on your pro­ject. Must know Which Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?

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