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Boost Your App Devel­op­ment with a High-Qual­ity React Nat­ive UI Library

28 Jun 2023

React Nat­ive is a sig­ni­fic­antly pop­u­lar frame­work among app developers for cross-plat­form devel­op­ment. Its rap­id devel­op­ment cycles and code reusab­il­ity have expan­ded its fan base glob­ally. The rich React Nat­ive UI com­pon­ents aid these fea­tures and make the stun­ning mobile apps that each busi­ness own­er is look­ing for. 

We placed the lime­light on React Nat­ive font fam­ily in one of our earli­er blogs. We advise you with the fam­ous font fam­il­ies people count on. This blog will take a mac­ro­scop­ic look at design ele­ments that enrich your user exper­i­ence for React Nat­ive mobile applic­a­tions. You will read about the top React Nat­ive UI lib­rar­ies you can explore to make your apps inter­act­ive across both OSs. 

Why choose React Nat­ive lib­rary for UI

Before scan­ning through the list of React Nat­ive UI lib­rary, I’m sure you want to know why to choose them. As the name sug­gests, React Nat­ive UI lib­rary is the lib­rary of pre-built UI com­pon­ents and design ele­ments. Con­sider it a ready-to-imple­ment and easy-to-cus­tom­ize UI toolkit. It fastens app devel­op­ment and lets developers con­cen­trate more on the unique func­tion­al­it­ies you seek. 

Need­less to say, all these UI com­pon­ents are cross-plat­form com­pat­ible. Since, React has a mod­u­lar archi­tec­ture, ele­ments could be reused. It saves a lot of time in the devel­op­ment cycle. The added advant­age of cus­tom­iz­a­tion gives lar­ger free­dom for developers to cus­tom­ize the entire UI of your app, befit­ting your brand­ing stand­ards. Moreover, the lar­ger React Nat­ive com­munity con­trib­utes to these open-source React Nat­ive UI lib­rar­ies. React Nat­ive developers find sev­er­al com­munity-developed UI com­pon­ents they thought to design from scratch. 

Also Read: Top 10 React Nat­ive Apps : Build & Deploy Guide

Top React Nat­ive UI Libraries 

1. React Nat­ive Elements

From stand­ard UI ele­ments to spe­cial­ized com­pon­ents like avatars, React Nat­ive cov­ers a wide range of UI com­pon­ents. This com­pre­hens­ive com­pon­ent lib­rary is easy to use. It stands out for cus­tom­iz­able styles & dia­logue boxes without com­prom­ising the screen space. It’s backed by a vibrant com­munity with the sup­port of 23.3K stars and 4.5K forks on GitHub. 

2. React Nat­ive Paper

When the mater­i­al design is your primary focus, React Nat­ive Paper can be your go-to place for a pro­fes­sion­al and cohes­ive appear­ance. You will find all the com­pon­ents in sync and have a cus­tom­iz­able appear­ance to help you cre­ate a con­sist­ent look and feel. This cus­tom­iz­a­tion also extends to themes to adjust the over­all design lay­out. React Nat­ive Paper is backed by massive sup­port from React Nat­ive developers on Git­Hub. It is 10.3K stars and 1.9K forks strong on the platform. 

3. Nat­ive Base 

Known often as a one-stop shop for com­mon UI ele­ments, Nat­ive Base has 19k stars and 2.3k forks on Git­Hub. The lib­rary has made a place in the com­munity for its vast col­lec­tion of pre-built util­ity-first com­pon­ents. They have fully cus­tom­iz­able styles to com­ple­ment your pro­ject require­ments. Their sim­pli­fied doc­u­ment­a­tion makes the use of com­pon­ents straight­for­ward for developers. You will find a fant­ast­ic com­munity here that keeps the lib­rary up-to-date. 

4. Lot­tie for React Native 

Make your mobile applic­a­tions more enga­ging with Airbnb’s Lot­tie lib­rary. Using Lot­tie, you can add anim­a­tions to your apps cre­ated by Adobe After Effects. Once you down­load the com­pat­ible format, you can use it in your web apps. 

You can use small anim­a­tion files to make UI visu­ally appealing—the exten­sion turns anim­a­tion data into JSON format from Body­Mov­in After Effects. Adding a JavaS­cript play­er with this exten­sion renders anim­a­tions on the web. It is sup­por­ted on Git­Hub by the com­munity with 15.4k stars. 

Also Read: What Are The Pros and Cons of Using React Nat­ive For Android?

5. Shoutem UI 

The lib­rary is a power­ful theme engine sup­por­ted by 4.5k stars and 500+ forks on Git­Hub. It provides a com­pre­hens­ive set of UI com­pon­ents, cus­tom­iz­able rough to change the app’s look and feel with utter ease. It sup­ports third-party exten­sions and lets developers build their own com­pon­ents lib­rary to meet the project’s vari­able needs. It is backed by a strong and act­ive com­munity that ensures timed updates for the lib­rary as and when required. 

React Native UI Library Contact

How To Choose React Nat­ive UI Com­pon­ents Library? 

The more the choices, the high­er the con­fu­sion. The long list of React Nat­ive UI lib­rar­ies con­fuses select­ing the best one for your mobile app. Not every lib­rary can bene­fit you in the same way. Hence, we are shar­ing the list of points to con­sider while choos­ing React Nat­ive UI library:

Also Read: Top React Tools & Lib­rar­ies That Every React Nat­ive Developer Must Know

1. Adhere to the pro­ject requirements — 

If you are build­ing a nat­ive or cross-plat­form app, this fil­ter can help you nar­row the search and add more diversity to your UI libraries. 

2. Util­ity and purpose — 

Ease of usage vs advanced func­tion­al­it­ies. Appeal­ing visu­al­iz­a­tion vs improved speed of ser­vice. Easy to cus­tom­ize vs ready to imple­ment. All your choices have pros and cons, so you must decide on your pur­pose beforehand.

3. Sup­port & Quality — 

No one has the time to update UI com­pon­ents every now and then, even if you’ve signed up for annu­al main­ten­ance. Com­munity sup­port and SLA response time are vital when select­ing UI lib­rar­ies for any app. 

Also Read: Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?

Wrap­ping Up

I hope now you are well-versed in the know­ledge of React Nat­ive UI lib­rary. It’s time to add anoth­er touch­point to grab the atten­tion of your tar­get audi­ence. Get a cross-plat­form mobile app developed for your busi­ness to reach both your Android & iOS users with­in a single investment. 

How is that pos­sible? At RNDC, we hold expert­ise in React Nat­ive App Devel­op­ment ser­vices in the UK. Please share your pro­ject require­ments by filling out the con­tact form, and our experts will be happy to assist you in your mobile app devel­op­ment journey. 

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