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Struc­ture of a React Nat­ive App: Everything You Need To Know

23 May 2023

Do you struggle with optim­ising app per­form­ance, organ­ising code effect­ively, or deliv­er­ing a seam­less user experience?

If so, you might be miss­ing some­thing. The under­stand­ing of the struc­ture of React Nat­ive app

Donʼt worry, we are here to help!

Our com­pre­hens­ive guide dives deep into the intric­a­cies of React Nat­ive app struc­ture, equip­ping you with the know­ledge to over­come these challenges.

Dis­cov­er how to build scal­able, well-organ­ised, and high-per­form­ing apps on React Nat­ive with the right struc­ture that wow your users. This guide will also help you if you are plan­ning to con­vert web­site to react nat­ive app.

Struc­ture Of React Nat­ive App-Why You Should Pay Spe­cial Attention?

Have you ever wondered what pro­ject struc­ture is all about? Letʼs under­stand it easily.

In a nut­shell, the pro­ject struc­ture is the blue­print, back­bone, or skel­et­on of your soft­ware pro­ject. Itʼs like organ­ising your closet or work­space, but instead of clothes, youʼre organ­ising files, folders, and resources for your React Nat­ive app.

Ima­gine hav­ing a well-struc­tured pro­ject folder where every file has its place. Screens, com­pon­ents, assets, stylesheets, and all required con­fig­ur­a­tion files, are all neatly organ­ized and eas­ily access­ible. Sounds per­fect, right?

Hav­ing a sol­id React Nat­ive pro­ject struc­ture gives you lots of benefits.

First off, it keeps your entire code­base organ­ized. For­get about dig­ging into a messy pile of files to find that spe­cif­ic code youʼre look­ing for. With a clear struc­ture, you know exactly where to find that elu­sive com­pon­ent or con­fig­ur­a­tion file.

The pro­ject struc­ture describes how you organ­ize your files, folders, and dir­ect­or­ies with­in your pro­ject. It also describes what type of files it con­tains, how your mod­ules are divided into sub­mod­ules, and how lar­ger dir­ect­or­ies are grouped.

Letʼs see how a new React Nat­ive app looks in its ini­tial pro­ject structure.

Also Read: Boost Your App Devel­op­ment with a High-Qual­ity React Nat­ive UI Library

1. Base Dependency

Base depend­en­cies are the lib­rary com­pon­ents and pack­ages required to set up and run your React Nat­ive pro­ject. To main­tain a stable devel­op­ment envir­on­ment, you must under­stand and con­fig­ure these depend­en­cies as per your pro­ject requirement.

  • react-nav­ig­a­tion — For easy Applic­a­tion navigation
  • redux — For Applic­a­tion state management
  • redux-thunk —  For Enabling asyn­chron­ous dis­patch­ing of actions
  • jest — For Javas­cript testing
  • reselect —  A simple Select­or lib­rary for Redux
  • axios — To handle Http Client
  • fastlane — For Auto­ma­tion tool

2. Folder Structure

A well-organ­ized folder struc­ture is essen­tial to main­tain a clean and man­age­able code­base. Here is how com­mon folder struc­ture for a React Nat­ive app:

Folder Structure

Source: Folder Struc­ture of React Nat­ive App


This folder con­tains all the stat­ic assets, includ­ing images or fonts, that you are using in the app.


Here, you can store reusable UI com­pon­ents that are used across mul­tiple screens.


Each app screen should have its own folder with­in the screens/ dir­ect­ory, with its asso­ci­ated com­pon­ents and styles.


This folder holds the nav­ig­a­tion-related code, includ­ing the con­fig­ur­a­tion for rout­ing and nav­ig­at­ing between screens.


Util­ity func­tions or help­er mod­ules can be placed in this folder for easy access and code reuse.


If you are using a state man­age­ment lib­rary like Redux, this folder can con­tain actions, redu­cers, and store configurations.

Also Read: Top 10 React Nat­ive Apps : Build & Deploy Guide

Struc­ture Vs Archi­tec­ture: What Is The Dif­fer­ence Between Two? 

Often­times, begin­ners will con­fuse the struc­ture and archi­tec­ture for react nat­ive app and use the term inter­change­ably. How­ever, they are both dif­fer­ent. In the earli­er sec­tion, we out­lined the struc­ture of React Nat­ive app. Now letʼs explore the archi­tec­ture of React Nat­ive app before you plan to con­vert web­site to react nat­ive app.

It was Octo­ber 2022 when the offi­cial React Nat­ive com­munity launched the new React Nat­ive V0.70 archi­tec­ture with added per­form­ance and flex­ib­il­ity into the frame­work. It was designed to help developers over­come any draw­backs of pre­vi­ous architecture.

The new archi­tec­ture also brought an improved JavaS­cript Engine, Her­mes. The aim of the new archi­tec­ture is to enhance per­form­ance and bring apps near­er to nat­ives alike.

Fol­low­ing are the pil­lar ele­ments of the new architecture.

1. Fab­ric

Fab­ric is a term often mis­un­der­stood in React Nat­ive. It actu­ally refers to just one part of React Nat­ive, spe­cific­ally the UI layer.

The UI lay­er is respons­ible for dis­play­ing and man­aging the visu­al ele­ments of an app. In the past, this lay­er was writ­ten in JavaS­cript, which had some per­form­ance lim­it­a­tions. To address this, React Nat­ive intro­duced Fabric.

The term, Fab­ric is a part of React Nat­ive, spe­cific­ally a UI lay­er of the archi­tec­ture. But often mis­un­der­stood as an entire React Nat­ive struc­ture. The Fab­ric lay­er is respons­ible for man­aging and dis­play­ing the visu­al ele­ments of the app.

Also Read: React Nat­ive Tutori­als — Learn to Build React Nat­ive Apps

2. Turbo Module

The new archi­tec­ture derived the Tur­boMod­ule from an old archi­tec­ture with added new integ­ra­tion and beha­viour. Tur­boMod­ules are best known for their lazy-load­ing functionality.

These mod­ules help JavaS­cript to load and main­tain the needed mod­ule at exe­cu­tion time. This helps reduce the star­tup time for pro­grams requir­ing the large nat­ive mod­ule for execution.

3. Code­gen 

The code­gen is a tool avail­able in archi­tec­ture. It helps developers to avoid writ­ing repet­it­ive code. It gen­er­ates scaf­fold­ing code that saves developers lots of time. Whenev­er the developer builds an Android or iOS app, React Nat­ive invokes Code­gen automatically.

The developer can also run the mod­ule script to check what type of code and files are get­ting gen­er­ated. This hap­pens mostly when the developer works on Turbo Nat­ive mod­ules and Fab­ric Nat­ive components.

4. Bridge­less

The old archi­tec­ture con­tained a Bridge for data trans­mis­sion. The new archi­tec­ture removes Bridge from React Nat­ive. The major reas­on behind this change is that the Bridge was devel­op­ing unne­ces­sary issues and doubts while trans­fer­ring data and res­ult­ing in delays.

The new archi­tec­ture replaces the Bridge lay­er with React Nat­ive JSI to enable dir­ect com­mu­nic­a­tion between the JavaS­cript and Nat­ive code. This provides flex­ib­il­ity in work­ing with JavaS­cript engines and improves Nat­ive com­pon­ent interaction.

That said, You might have a doubt. Why Use React For Front End Devel­op­ment? Letʼs get you some answers.

Why Use React For Front End Devel­op­ment?

React has taken the developer world by storm, and for a good reas­on. In this sec­tion, weʼll uncov­er why React has become the top choice for build­ing inter­act­ive user interfaces.

From its mod­u­lar com­pon­ents to its seam­less ren­der­ing, weʼll explore why React is a front-end powerhouse!

1. Time-Sav­ing When It Comes To Development

A developer’s pro­ductiv­ity is the most import­ant thing in pro­ject devel­op­ment. And, react nat­ive allows you to reuse the com­pon­ents and tools so the devel­op­ment time is faster as you can build vari­ous functionalities.

There are mul­tiple devel­op­ment tools avail­able in the mar­ket for React you can use to speed up your devel­op­ment work. For example, you can use the React Developer Tools exten­sion to make your cod­ing work much easier.

2. Rich User-Interfaces

Do you know 88% of users will nev­er return to your site after a bad exper­i­ence? Ima­gine los­ing 88% of your user base just because of a bad UI.

For­tu­nately for you, React makes it easy to devel­op rich user inter­faces with­in a short time. How? Using fron­tend lib­rar­ies like Boot­strap, Chakra, and Tail­wind. So, nev­er lose a user to a bad user exper­i­ence again.

3. Built-in developer tool set

Face­book under­stands that learn­ing emer­ging tech­no­lo­gies and work­ing with them in real-life pro­jects can bene­fit every developer. And for this, they have added much-needed React Nat­ive tools and a Chrome dev tool set.

These React tools are there to help the developer to dis­cov­er all child and par­ent com­pon­ents of each func­tion, observe com­pon­ent hier­arch­ies and inspect com­pon­ents’ cur­rent state.

Choos­ing The Right Backend: What is the Best Backend For React Nat­ive App?

As much as fron­tend is import­ant, backend is equally import­ant is cre­at­ing resi­li­ent apps. Here are the top backend options that seam­lessly integ­rate with React Native.

1. Node.js  

React Nat­iveʼs backend runs on JavaS­cript. Node.js’ scalab­il­ity and effi­cient event-driv­en archi­tec­ture allow developers to build robust and effi­cient apps hav­ing world-class archi­tec­ture for react nat­ive apps.

2. Fire­base  

Powered by Google and trus­ted by mil­lions of busi­nesses, Fire­base helps you build and grow apps and games that users love.

3. Her­oku

Provid­ing a reli­able and flex­ible host­ing solu­tion for React Nat­ive apps, Her­oku sim­pli­fies backend deploy­ment and scaling.

4. Express.js

Provid­ing a robust fea­ture set for web and mobile applic­a­tions, Express is a min­im­al and flex­ible Node.js framework.

5. Django

An open-source, Python-based web frame­work, Django, fol­lows the mod­el-tem­plate-views archi­tec­tur­al pattern.




Under­stand­ing React Nat­ive app struc­ture and archi­tec­ture is cru­cial for developers and busi­ness own­ers. Itʼs not just about boost­ing per­form­ance and giv­ing users a stel­lar exper­i­ence, but also about keep­ing our code in the right shape and ensur­ing scalability.

After know­ing the appʼs struc­ture, we can design robust, scal­able, and easy-to-main­tain solu­tions by using best-in-class react nat­ive app tem­plates or con­vert web­site to react nat­ive apps in the long run. Plus, hav­ing a deep under­stand­ing of the archi­tec­ture lets us make smart decisions, col­lab­or­ate smoothly with our team, and tap into cool fea­tures like the vir­tu­al DOM.

So, letʼs embrace this know­ledge, unlock our full poten­tial as React Nat­ive Devel­op­ment Ser­vices in the UK, and cre­ate jaw-drop­ping apps that users will love. also read about Which Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you define the structure of a React Native app?

Each folder with different application layers formulate the structure of React Native app. For example, when it comes to UI layer it is responsible for user interface and similarly business logic layer helps to write a detailed logic of the app. There is a third structure, which is the data layer responsible for managing the app’s data.

2. What is the best backend For React Native App?

The best backend for a React Native app depends on different factors like scalability, performance, and development preferences. Popular options include Node.js, Firebase, and Django. Let React Native Development Services in the UK help you make the best choice.

#3. What Are The Top React Native App Templates ?

1. Material Kit React Native

2. Galio Framework

3. Ignite CLI

Remember, the process for choosing the right react native app template can vary based on your website's complexity and specific needs.

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