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Which is bet­ter for mobile app devel­op­ment, React or Angular?

09 Jan 2023

As far as front-end devel­op­ment frame­works go, both Angu­lar and React have proved to be very versatile. 

How­ever, it can some­times take time to decide which one is the best to util­ize when devel­op­ing mobile apps. 

For your con­veni­ence, this blog post com­pares Angu­lar with ReactJS so that you can choose the prop­er frame­work for your project.

React Nat­ive: Intro­duc­tion and its features

The React Nat­ive frame­work is ver­sat­ile, allow­ing it to be used equally well for devel­op­ing React Nat­ive mobile apps and web apps. As an open-source com­munity for developers, the frame­work has offered a JavaS­cript lib­rary for user inter­face devel­op­ment since 2013. In addi­tion, with the hybrid JavaS­cript frame­work, React Nat­ive can render iOS and Android mobile applic­a­tions independently. 

Addi­tion­ally, developers favor it for its sim­pli­city and for the fact that it helps them deliv­er optim­al app per­form­ance. A fur­ther advant­age of React Nat­ive is its ease of learn­ing. There­fore, React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment is sim­pli­fied with cod­ing and launch­ing. Below are some of the key fea­tures of React Nat­ive soft­ware. Have a look!

React Native’s Key Features

In React Nat­ive, there are a few key fea­tures that make it stand out. Here are some of them:

  • First, this frame­work is highly secure and pre­vents XSS attacks.
  • It is easy for even novice developers to learn React Native.
  • Developers can use vari­ous com­pon­ents and add vari­ous func­tion­al­ity imme­di­ately from the start.
  • React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment struc­ture accel­er­ates app devel­op­ment without com­prom­ising performance.

Till now, we have seen React Nat­ive and its fea­tures. Now let’s under­stand what Angu­lar is.

Angu­lar: Intro­duc­tion and its features

Angu­lar is a JavaS­cript frame­work, just like React Nat­ive. Googleʼs Angu­lar team dir­ectly sup­ports and man­ages this TypeScript-based frame­work for mobile app devel­op­ment. Due to its open-source nature and back­ing by a glob­al tech giant, the frame­work has a sub­stan­tial developer community.

As a mobile app devel­op­ment frame­work, Angu­lar is highly com­pat­ible with vari­ous code edit­ors. Thus, Angu­lar developers can devel­op more dynam­ic and dazzling mobile applic­a­tions through this struc­ture since HTML is the basis of the tem­plate lan­guages. Because of this, it is rel­at­ively easi­er to cre­ate more com­plic­ated mobile apps using Angu­lar. Let’s explore some of Angu­larʼs key features. 

Angu­larʼs Key Features

Addi­tion­ally, Angu­lar has oth­er super­i­or fea­tures that set it apart from oth­er JS frame­works. Learn more about mobile app devel­op­ment frameworks.

  • The frame­work provides bet­ter error hand­ling to assist coders dur­ing app development.
  • Because it uses the Angu­lar CLI, developers can per­form updates seamlessly.
  • With Angu­lar, you get power­ful AJAX, HTML, and oth­er built-in support.
  • User Inter­faces and Busi­ness Logic Func­tions are organ­ized to avoid overlapping.

Now letʼs under­stand the Mar­ket pop­ular­ity of both Angu­lar vs React. 

Pop­ular­ity Growth: Angu­lar vs. React

To meas­ure pop­ular­ity, we will look at the num­ber of stars they receive on their Git­Hub repos­it­or­ies. Accord­ing to Git­Hub, React had 175k stars, and Angu­lar had 76.6k stars.

angular framework

Source: Angu­lar Framework

The Angu­lar frame­work is a full-fea­tured frame­work that can cre­ate mobile and desktop apps, while React is a JS lib­rary that can cre­ate com­plex inter­act­ive UIs. In addi­tion, due to its more straight­for­ward struc­ture and small pack­age size, React has a short­er learn­ing curve than Angular. 


There­fore, React is a go-to option for mobile app devel­op­ment teams requir­ing a slight learn­ing curve. In con­trast, Angu­lar is an excel­lent choice for enter­prise-grade apps that require extens­ive devel­op­ment, since steep­er learn­ing curves wonʼt pre­vent these teams from using it.

react framework

Source: React


The pop­ular­ity of React is increas­ing — it is con­stantly evolving and remains in style. This frame­work has many easy ways to reuse UI com­pon­ents, mak­ing it easy to work with. Due to its vir­tu­al DOM, ren­der­ing optim­iz­a­tions, and ease of migra­tion, React is super­i­or to Angular. 

Because Angu­lar can handle mul­tiple things inde­pend­ently, it may appear chal­len­ging ini­tially. This frame­work, how­ever, provides the most extens­ive concept and is worth invest­ing your time in.

Check out the Google trends ana­lys­is below if you want to see some recent ana­lys­is. The graph shows the past 12 months’ search trends.

google trends

Source: Google Trends

Above-men­tioned inform­a­tion states that React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment cov­ers most of the Mobile app devel­op­ment mar­ket as com­pared to Angu­lar. Now letʼs see the dif­fer­ence between Angu­lar vs React.

Angu­lar vs. React.js: Tech Difference

Here are the essen­tial mobile app devel­op­ment areas and how the two frame­works compare.

#1. Per­form­ance & DOM

Angu­lar and React are both excel­lent front-end devel­op­ment frame­works. When it comes to build­ing large-scale applic­a­tions, they do equally well. How­ever, Angu­lar and React have one sig­ni­fic­ant difference.

As part of its imple­ment­a­tion, React uses DOM (Doc­u­ment Object Mod­el — which can help you access and modi­fy doc­u­ment con­tents, lay­outs, and even struc­ture). In con­trast, Angu­lar 2 uses real DOM.

Con­sider updat­ing a user pro­file detail, such as the last name. Instead of updat­ing just one bit of inform­a­tion, real DOM updates the entire tree struc­ture of HTML tables until the desired inform­a­tion gets reached. In our example, itʼs the user­ʼs last name. read about Why is React Nat­ive the future of mobile app devel­op­ment?

Vir­tu­al DOM allows us to update the HTML without rewrit­ing the entire doc­u­ment. Because of this, apps have much faster per­form­ance, regard­less of how large they are.

#2. Data Binding

Data bind­ing aims to syn­chron­ize data between busi­ness logic and the user inter­face. Com­pared with React, Angu­lar 2 util­izes both one and two-way data bind­ing: a change in data affects the view, and a change in view trig­gers a change in data.

On the oth­er hand, the React app uses one-way bind­ing: nes­ted child com­pon­ents are com­monly used with­in high­er-order par­ent com­pon­ents when devel­op­ing React Nat­ive mobile apps.

The one-way data bind­ing in React makes the code more stable and easi­er to debug, while the two-way data bind­ing in Angu­lar makes code devel­op­ment more flexible.

#3. Archi­tec­ture

React is a JavaS­cript lib­rary, where­as Angu­lar is a devel­op­ment frame­work. As a des­cend­ant of Angu­larJS, Angu­lar is a fully-fledged MVC frame­work, while React is more of a UX lib­rary. It is only the V com­pon­ent of MVC. M and C com­pon­ents require oth­er libraries.

In some developers’ opin­ion, it can be a pos­it­ive or a neg­at­ive factor. Due to Reactʼs min­im­al­ist approach, adding your own components/libraries is easi­er if you like things your own way. How­ever, if you use Angu­lar, you must adapt to pre-exist­ing libraries. 

An Angu­lar app makes sense if you need lib­rar­ies that are already avail­able in Angu­lar. If, how­ever, the lib­rar­ies you require are unavail­able in Angu­lar or React, you can­not use this cri­terion to make a decision.

The Angu­lar frame­work includes many com­pon­ents that a stand­ard applic­a­tion might need, such as rout­ing, AJAX requests, forms, and XSS pro­tec­tion. In con­trast, React has only a few built-in features. 

Also Read: Which Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?

#4. Speed

Since Angu­lar has more com­pon­ents than React, it takes longer to load, espe­cially on mobile devices. React has always been sleek, so it loads faster. As a res­ult, devel­op­ment is easi­er with Angu­larʼs CLI, which allows developers to cre­ate work­spaces and design func­tion­al applic­a­tions quickly. 

In Angu­lar, there are built-in pro­cess tools allow­ing developers to debug errors. Developers can also devel­op cus­tom com­pon­ents and ser­vices just by writ­ing a few lines of code.

Nev­er­the­less, React depends on the third-party lib­rary for devel­op­ment speed and pro­ductiv­ity. So, developers need to choose the appro­pri­ate tools and archi­tec­ture pat­terns for devel­op­ment. In addi­tion, each pro­ject requires a dif­fer­ent toolkit in React. 

Thus, updat­ing an exist­ing app requires more time and effort if the developer is new to the pro­ject. also read about Hybrid Mobile App Frame­work: The Future of App Development.

#5. Developer Com­munity and Support

One of the largest JS com­munit­ies in the world sup­ports and devel­ops React frame­work. Itʼs essen­tial to stay up to date with all the changes when work­ing with React. 

Even though the com­munity tries to keep up with all the latest doc­u­ment­a­tion as quickly as pos­sible, keep­ing up with all the changes takes work. In some cases, applic­a­tions might lack doc­u­ment­a­tion, but com­munity sup­port on them­at­ic for­ums usu­ally resolves the issue.

On the oth­er hand, Angu­lar is less pre­ferred than React, par­tially because Angu­lar 1.0 was unpop­u­lar. In addi­tion, developers dis­missed it as an overly time-con­sum­ing frame­work due to its com­plex­ity. How­ever, the fact that Google devel­ops Angu­lar lends cred­ib­il­ity to the framework.

As part of its long-term sup­port strategy, Google con­tinu­ously improves the frame­work. How­ever, the doc­u­ment­a­tion often falls behind due to the rap­id pace of updates. As a res­ult, React wins here with major com­munity support.

Also Read: Best React Nat­ive Font Fam­ily for Mobile App Development

#6. Com­plete Mobile App Devel­op­ment: App Structure

Regard­ing the entire mobile app devel­op­ment struc­ture, neither React Nat­ive nor Angu­lar is a clear win­ner. This is because Angu­lar and React both miss a few features. 

How­ever, as dis­cussed earli­er, Angu­lar is a set of built-in tools that become the best choice if an organ­iz­a­tion wants to devel­op an app with all the tools. 

How­ever, if a com­pany wishes to enhance the front end without con­tinu­ous reload­ing in the devel­op­ment pro­cess, React Nat­ive is the best choice. This is because the React frame­work breaks down UIs into components. 

It works like this: you cre­ate com­pon­ents that man­age their own state and con­nect them to more com­plex user inter­faces. Mul­tiple integ­ra­tions and sup­port­ing tools are neces­sary if you use React for your pro­ject architecture.

Some of them are

  • Redux  (a state con­tain­er that speeds up Reactʼs work in large apps)
  • Babel  (trans­lates JSX into JavaS­cript so that browsers can under­stand the app)
  • Webpack  (a lib­rary for bund­ling modules)

In con­trast to React, Angu­lar is a full-fea­tured frame­work with many out-of-the-box fea­tures, such as

  • RxJS  (imple­ments react­ive pro­gram­ming in JS)
  • Angu­lar CLI  (a power­ful com­mand-line tool)
  • Angu­lar Uni­ver­sal   (for serv­er-side rendering)

React, and Angu­lar both come with robust eco­sys­tems. Even though React is simple to learn, its full poten­tial depends on integ­rat­ing Redux and oth­er components.

So far, we have covered the dif­fer­ences between Angu­lar and React in detail. Now letʼs see the dif­fer­ence between these two para­met­er-wise with a com­par­is­on table.

Angu­lar vs. React – The Com­par­is­on Table

Para­met­er Angu­lar  React
Per­form­ance High  High
Data Bind­ing Two way  One way
DOM Real DOM Vir­tu­al DOM
Dynam­ic UI Binding Plain object UI binding Link­ing states dir­ectly to the UI
Install­a­tion Duration Install­a­tion is easy; apps and pro­jects are delivered quickly Setup takes time, res­ult­ing in delays in coding
Lib­rary Uses The Angu­lar frame­work provides a com­plete solution React sev­er­al libraries.

Top Reas­ons to Use Angular

The frame­work provides developers with an incred­ible com­bin­a­tion of tech­no­logy and prac­tic­al fea­tures. There­fore, Angu­lar is a no-brain­er for you if you fall into this cat­egory.  Weʼve now dis­cussed some of Angu­larʼs essen­tial fea­tures, so letʼs dis­cuss why Angu­lar is a great choice.

Angu­lar is the best frame­work for devel­op­ing mobile apps for the fol­low­ing reasons:

  • The serv­er-side ren­der­ing speeds up, and the browser-side ren­der­ing is also supported.
  • Since Angu­lar optim­izes its efforts and runs the com­pon­ents sim­ul­tan­eously, developers do not have to code much for sim­il­ar functions.
  • Angu­lar makes it easi­er to cre­ate apps and add files.

Top Reas­ons to Use React Nat­ive: Why choose React over Angular?

As an open-source lib­rary and reusable UI com­pon­ent, React Developers prefer to React over any oth­er frame­work for mobile app devel­op­ment. In addi­tion, since Face­book sup­ports the frame­work, lead­ing organ­iz­a­tions use it for large mobile applic­a­tions since they do not have to reload entire pages. Here are some oth­er top reas­ons to use React Native:

  • React Nat­ive sim­pli­fies con­vert­ing JSX to JavaS­cript for browser understanding
  • The React Nat­ive frame­work requires developers to add extern­al entit­ies to access all functions.
  • In React Nat­ive, URL routers such as web pack and React­Router are necessary.


Here are a few top web­sites that use REACT dur­ing development.

#1. Face­book – With over 1 bil­lion mobile users, Face­book has used the React frame­work since its inception.

#2. Tesla – Tesla Motors” offi­cial site uses React as a foundation.

#3. Drop­box – The pop­u­lar online file stor­age ser­vice Drop­box, which syn­chron­izes your data in the cloud seam­lessly, also uses React.

#4. Airb­nb – Airb­nb is anoth­er plat­form that uses React as its found­a­tion to con­nect ten­ants and land­lords globally.

#5. Net­flix – There are plenty of enter­tain­ment options on Net­flix, includ­ing web series, movies, and shows. Net­flixʼs seam­less ser­vices rely on the React framework.

Web­sites based on ANGULAR include 

#1. Google – It offers everything from search engines to soft­ware, hard­ware, cloud com­put­ing, and advert­ising tech­no­logy, formerly known as Back­Rub.’

#2. Adobe Fonts – Online ser­vice that offers high-qual­ity font sub­scrip­tions Angu­lar provides the found­a­tion for the website.

#3. For­bes – For­bes is one of the best magazine web­sites cov­er­ing vari­ous cat­egor­ies, blogs, and top­ics and using Angu­lar as a foundation.

#4. PayP­al – The Angu­lar frame­work makes PayP­alʼs online money trans­fers so fast and straight­for­ward. With Angu­lar, PayP­al can do this.

#5. Jet­Blue – Jet­Blueʼs web­site uses Angu­lar. As a res­ult, the design and book­ing options are seam­less, and you can explore des­tin­a­tions and road maps.

Com­pan­ies of all types and sizes prefer Angu­lar and React accord­ing to their product require­ment in the mar­ket today.


So letʼs now exam­ine which tech­no­logy is most suit­able for your requirement.

Angu­lar Vs. React: Which One To Choose And When?

Choos­ing the prop­er frame­work or lib­rary — such as React or Angu­lar — can be chal­len­ging because each has unique fea­tures. How­ever, since Angu­lar and React can solve the same prob­lem, choos­ing one is usu­ally a per­son­al pref­er­ence. To sum­mar­ize, here are some points to consider:

Choos­ing Angu­lar Framework

Angu­lar is the best plat­form for devel­op­ing dynam­ic apps in the fol­low­ing scenarios:

  • You will be more pro­duct­ive if you use already-pre­pared software.
  • A large-scale frame­work and rich fea­tures are essen­tial to you.
  • If the devel­op­ment team has worked with Java, C#, and old ver­sions of Angular.
  • Main­tain a low dif­fi­culty level for your app.

Choos­ing React framework

In the fol­low­ing scen­ario, React is the best plat­form for devel­op­ing a dynam­ic app:

  • You want to cre­ate a multi-event application.
  • The devel­op­ment team has expert­ise in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.
  • A cus­tom­ized approach is needed when devel­op­ing an application.
  • A web applic­a­tion requires share­able components.

So the art­icle ends here, but not the com­par­is­on. Sev­er­al things are yet to be added to this art­icle. Till then, letʼs sum­mar­ize it.

The Future Scen­ario-Angu­lar vs. React

Based on Angu­lar vs. React ana­lys­is, and both plat­forms will remain in the game for quite some time. 

It is ideal for developers that both frame­works are being updated, improved, and changed at the right time. Before choos­ing a plat­form, wheth­er itʼs React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment or Angu­lar app devel­op­ment, it is cru­cial to identi­fy the object­ive and require­ments of the applic­a­tion. read more about ReactJS app devel­op­ment and its fea­tures.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which framework is more popular – Angular or React?

To understand why React is more popular than Angular, we must first understand that Angular is a full-fledged framework, whereas React is only a highly mature JavaScript library. The use of Angular and React is equally widespread among start-ups and Fortune 500 companies. However, according to a StackOverflow survey, React is more popular than Angular.

2. Which is better with, Java React or Angular?

Regarding data binding, React operates on virtual DOM & one-way data binding, whereas Angular uses real DOM and two-way data binding. Also, React has a smaller bundle size and works faster.

3. Which is faster, React or Angular? 

Using virtual DOM, developers can update a React mobile app’s DOM without having to rewrite the entire HTML file. As a result, it ensures more rapid performance and renders updates faster.

4. Why choose to React over Angular?

There are several factors where React outperforms Angular. Following are some of them.

  • React allows the developer to switch between versions without hassle.
  • As discussed earlier, React has a smaller bundle size than Angular, so React Native mobile apps are light in weight.
  • React has continuously evolved since its inception, and it remains trendy to this day.
  • The learning curve for React is much simpler than Angular, making beginners easy to get started.
5. What are the key differences between React and Angular for mobile app development?

React and Angular are both popular JavaScript frameworks for creating mobile apps, but they have some key differences. React is known for its simplicity and flexibility. It uses a virtual DOM, which means that updating the user interface is very fast. React components are also reusable, so you can save time by not having to rewrite code. Angular, on the other hand, is known for its structure and organization. It uses TypeScript for improved type checking and has a built-in dependency injection system. Angular also has a powerful command-line interface and supports progressive web apps. Overall, React is better for smaller projects or those that require a lot of customization, while Angular is better for larger, more complex projects with strict organization requirements. It really depends on the specific needs of your project.

6. How does Angular support building native-like mobile apps?

Angular provides a platform for building native-like mobile apps through the use of NativeScript. NativeScript is an open-source framework that leverages Angular's web development expertise to allow developers to create native apps using JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, and CSS. The platform allows developers to make use of the same codebase across multiple mobile platforms, including Android and iOS. With Angular and NativeScript, developers can build apps that have a native look and feel, access to native APIs, and high performance, making it an ideal choice for developing mobile apps that provide a seamless user experience.

7. How does the performance of React and Angular compare in mobile app development?

React and Angular are both popular frameworks for mobile app development. React Native, the mobile version of React, is known for its speed and efficiency, allowing for a faster and smoother user experience. Angular, on the other hand, is highly customizable and great for building complex apps with interactivity.
Both frameworks have their advantages and disadvantages. React Native has a steeper learning curve, but offers more flexibility and a wider range of libraries and tools. Angular is easier to learn, but can be less performant for large-scale apps. Ultimately, it depends on the specific needs and goals of your project. It's recommended to do some research and testing to determine which framework will work best for your mobile app development needs.

8. What are the best use cases for React and Angular in mobile app development?

React and Angular are both excellent choices for mobile app development that offer unique benefits depending on your specific needs. React is a great choice for creating fast and responsive apps that require a lot of data input, such as social media or e-commerce apps. It's also great for building apps that need to be compatible with multiple platforms, as React Native allows for cross-platform development.
Angular, on the other hand, is better suited for large-scale enterprise applications where robustness, scalability, and sophisticated data handling are a priority. Angular's two-way data binding and dependency injection capabilities make it perfect for creating complex mobile applications that handle large amounts of data. It's also ideal for creating interactive apps with real-time features, such as chat apps and media streaming platforms. Ultimately, the best use cases for React and Angular will depend on the specific requirements of your mobile app project.

9. How do React and Angular impact the cost and time of app development?

React and Angular are both popular frameworks for developing web and mobile applications, and both can have a significant impact on the cost and time of app development. React is known for its simplicity and flexibility, making it easy to build complex user interfaces with reusable components. The learning curve is generally lower than other frameworks, which could result in lower development costs and shorter timeframes. Angular, on the other hand, is a more complex framework with a steeper learning curve. However, it is also more powerful and scalable, making it ideal for large, complex applications. While development costs may be higher with Angular, the end result could be a more robust and scalable application.
Ultimately, the choice between React and Angular depends on your project's specific needs and requirements. You should evaluate both options carefully and consult with experienced developers to determine which framework will best suit your needs.

10. How can businesses choose between React and Angular for their mobile app development needs?

Both React and Angular have their advantages and disadvantages, so it ultimately boils down to the specific needs and goals of the business. React is great for applications that require complex UIs and a lot of interactivity, while Angular is better suited for larger, more complex applications with multiple developers working on the same codebase.
The business should consider factors such as the size and scope of the project, the skillset and experience of their development team, how easily the framework integrates with their backend technology stack, and their budget and timeline. It may also be helpful to do a proof of concept in both frameworks to see which one works better for their particular use case. Ultimately, the decision should be based on what will result in the most efficient, effective, and sustainable solution for the business.

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