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What Are The Pros and Cons of Using React Nat­ive For Android?

21 Dec 2022

Strug­gling to choose the best tech­no­logy for applic­a­tion and web solu­tions? We know it’s a real deal. 

Everything from the prop­er under­stand­ing, qual­ity research, audi­ence interests, and busi­ness needs require core focus before mak­ing a decision. It could have been a big deal, but not anymore! 

We are here to help.

In our exper­i­ence as a React Nat­ive Devel­op­ment Com­pany, we have worked on many applic­a­tions for Android that work on React Nat­ive. Our nar­rat­ive dir­ectly comes from the exper­i­ences we’ve had with technology. 

While it comes with sig­ni­fic­ant advant­ages, cer­tain things can­not be overlooked.

Hence, we have come up with this write-up to give clar­ity and the most accur­ate inform­a­tion about React Nat­ive, espe­cially for the Android plat­form. So, if you’ve been look­ing for a simple guide, here it is!

Let’s dive in!

But first, let’s listen to what the facts and fig­ures say about it. After all, num­bers matter!

Import­ant React Nat­ive Stats to Consider

React was developed for Facebook’s needs in 2013. It was nev­er before 2015 that it was released into the mar­ket. Since then, it’s been widely used in the front-end devel­op­ment system.

There are approx­im­ately 34 thou­sand mobile applic­a­tions built on React Nat­ive, with a total num­ber of down­loads extend­ing to more than 4.2 billion.

The con­tri­bu­tion of React Nat­ive in vari­ous applic­a­tions and install has been pre­cisely presen­ted in the table below:

Num­ber of Apps Num­ber of Install
Over­all Mar­ket Share 5% 3.81%
Top apps Mar­ket Share 6.90% 8.65%
New Apps MarketShare 6.24% 0.03%


React Nat­ive for Android

React Nat­ive is a cross-plat­form mobile applic­a­tion devel­op­ment soft­ware. Yes, it helps devel­op applic­a­tions across mul­tiple plat­forms, but what’s unique about the soft­ware for Android applic­a­tion development?

There are 2 bil­lion Android users world­wide, mak­ing it the most widely used oper­at­ing system.

When an Android Nat­ive applic­a­tion is built (Spe­cif­ic Android Users), it is made on Java and Kot­lin cod­ing lan­guages. How­ever, React Nat­ive devel­ops applic­a­tions for Android using only JavaScript. 

From Face­book, Ins­tagram, Bloomberg, Pin­terest, and Wal­mart, to Sales­force, thou­sands of applic­a­tions run on React Native. 

Now, let’s see how React Nat­ive bene­fi­cial for Android users and what the chal­lenges can be for all the Android apps run­ning on React Native.

Also Read: What are the bene­fits of hir­ing a React Nat­ive App developer

Advant­ages of Using React Nat­ive for Android

Advant­ages of using React Nat­ive are as follows: 

1. Two Plat­forms for One Team

React Nat­ive is an excel­lent com­bin­a­tion of nat­ive applic­a­tion fea­tures that has the best User inter­face JavaS­cript lib­rary that is built-in. 

While you tar­get Android users, you can also reach out to iOS users without put­ting any­thing extra. Besides main­tain­ing mul­tiple plat­forms, everything is con­trolled by one code­base (JavaS­cript). 

One team of applic­a­tion developers can con­struct applic­a­tions from scratch or by using built-in fea­tures in the JavaS­cript library. 

We intend to say here that your Android team of app developers can also work for oth­er plat­form applic­a­tions without actu­ally work­ing on oth­er plat­forms. Did you get that? The Android and iOS applic­a­tion teams are one with React Nat­ive. The main advant­age here is that you needn’t hire a spe­cial team for Android applic­a­tion construction. 

2. 100%Native UI

The React Nat­ive JavaS­cript lib­rary used in build­ing applic­a­tion inter­faces is respons­ive and fast. The approach is com­pon­ent-based, and the abil­ity to render makes it extremely easy for developers to cre­ate simple and com­plex User Inter­face designs.

The mobile User Inter­face has a lot of sig­ni­fic­ance in React Nat­ive. It appears more like a JavaS­cript lib­rary and not a frame­work when com­pared to the met­eor JS and Angu­larJS frameworks.

React Nat­ive builds an order sequence for Android mobile applic­a­tions that is per­fect. The feel of the applic­a­tion on Android phones is smooth, with much less load time.

Thus, it has the most nat­ive User Inter­face in Android mobile applic­a­tions. also read about react nat­ive vs angu­lar mobile

3. Doesn’t Require App Store Approv­al for updates

Pre­vi­ously, developers were required to nudge the entire build­ing pro­cess for every app sep­ar­ately to pub­lish app updates. With React Nat­ive, the pro­cess has been stream­lined, and now the apps on both plat­forms are updated sim­ul­tan­eously, mak­ing the pro­cess much faster and simpler.

Anoth­er crit­ic­al update fea­ture is that developers now imple­ment app updates and improve­ments while users are act­ive on the apps. This is done via the OTA (Over-The-Air) updates. The recent update ini­ti­ated by developers will be avail­able to users the next time they open the app.

The point to note here is the advant­age we are talk­ing about: users needn’t update the applic­a­tion manu­ally or get it approved by Android (also iOS). This helps in sav­ing a lot of time.

4. Hot Reloading

Hot reloading

Hot Reload­ing

To provide the best developer exper­i­ence, React Nat­ive has taken the feed­back loop of sav­ing a file and see­ing the changes in approx­im­ately a second. It is con­sec­ut­ive even if the app grows.

Hot Reload­ing in React Nat­ive is the idea to keep the app’s sun­ning state con­stant while inject­ing new­er file ver­sions edited at runtime. This has helped keep the state closely packed, espe­cially when you’re plan­ning to tweak the UI.

Hot Reload­ing is a fea­ture in React Nat­ive that enables you to work and see the changes in real-time. Developers can fix the applic­a­tion, and the user using the app can see the changes through auto­mat­ic reload. Hence, it makes up for the most sig­ni­fic­ant advant­age in the mobile applic­a­tion segment. 

Also Read: React Nat­ive Upgrade Help­er : App Upgrades with Ease

5. Nat­ive-like Performance

If you have been overthink­ing or stress­ing that a code­base that works for mul­tiple plat­forms might lack the nat­ive look and feel of the applic­a­tion, you’re misguided!

The map­ping com­pon­ents of React Nat­ive are in the ratio 1:1. This means that it com­bines the Nat­ive User Inter­face with its build­ing JavaS­cript com­pon­ents that con­trib­ute to giv­ing the applic­a­tion the most nat­ive-like feel.

Anoth­er factor here is that the build­ing blocks of iOS and Android are almost alike, so the applic­a­tion is bound to have a spe­cif­ic, pre­cise, and nat­ive appearance. 

Thus, an Android applic­a­tion built on React Nat­ive will have a 100% nat­ive User Interface. 

6. Devel­op­ment Pro­cess is Faster

React Nat­ive builds frame­works rather than build­ing high-qual­ity soft­ware! But, why? The idea behind work­ing on Frame­works is to make the devel­op­ment pro­cess easi­er and faster while increas­ing productivity.

Anoth­er factor that accel­er­ates the devel­op­ment pro­cess is the flex­ib­il­ity in choos­ing code edit­ors. With no restric­tions in choos­ing code edit­ors, developers can start work­ing with code edit­ors without issues. 

Fur­ther, IDEs and text edit­ors make the work a lot easi­er. The fea­tures of the applic­a­tion and tools help with faster code writ­ing. Some examples of the code are Sub­lime Text, Atom, and Visu­al Studio.

Developers can reuse code in React Nat­ive, thus, developers needn’t write any code from scratch. For instance, pro­gram­mers can devel­op nav­ig­a­tion eas­ily with Nav­ig­a­tion exper­i­ments and React Navigation.

Hence, everything has made the pro­cess faster, sim­pler, and more convenient.

Down­sides of Using React Nat­ive for Android

  • Per­form­ance Hit

While liv­ing up to a lot of oth­er expect­a­tions, React Nat­ive poten­tial per­form­ance in com­par­is­on to a nat­ive app is still lag­ging. A nat­ive application’s cap­ab­il­it­ies and max­im­iz­a­tion of func­tion­al­it­ies and deliv­er­ing an ulti­mate exper­i­ence is still a chal­lenge in React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment ser­vices. 

To users, per­form­ance is the biggest con­cern. As per data and stat­ist­ics, half the users expect the load­ing of applic­a­tions to take place in less than 2 seconds. More than half the users blame the applic­a­tion for being slow and not their gad­get. It doesn’t end here, four out of five users would not try load­ing the app more than 3 times. It’s mostly less than three.

But, the re-archi­tec­ture has been focus­ing a lot on increased RN per­form­ance. For that, a new JS engine is avail­able called Her­mes that helps applic­a­tions run faster in older Android gadgets.

  • Nat­ive Developer Need

For all nat­ive OS fea­tures, React Nat­ive codes have the nat­ive codes with­in them (third-party ser­vices, push noti­fic­a­tions, and cam­er­as). We already know React Nat­ive applic­a­tions are avail­able on the App Store and Google Play Store. How­ever, the prob­lem here is in link­ing the lib­rar­ies of the nat­ive mod­ules with that of the React Nat­ive mod­ules. Here is when the help of an Android developer for the React Nat­ive applic­a­tion run­ning on the Android device becomes significant.

Even with the pro­cess of app pub­lish­ing, it is straight­for­ward for a Nat­ive developer to do the job who’s already met the doc­u­ment­a­tion and pro­ced­ure of the task when com­pared to a React Nat­ive Developer.

Hence, it would be tricky to say if a React developer would suf­fice for everything required, from devel­op­ing and pub­lish­ing to main­tain­ing React Nat­ive apps.

  • Debug­ging and TroubleShooting

When com­pared to lan­guages of Nat­ive applic­a­tions (Java and Kot­lin for Android), React Native’s code­base is JavaS­cript. In gen­er­al, JS is a leni­ent cod­ing lan­guage, and with this comes unex­pec­ted prob­lems of func­tion­al­it­ies and integ­ra­tions either for an entire applic­a­tion or for par­tic­u­lar plat­forms in general.

React Nat­ive is liv­ing at a young age, mak­ing it more prone to prob­lems that weren’t exper­i­enced before. Debug­ging such new prob­lems might be a time-con­sum­ing activity. 

Though it’s not a clear dis­ad­vant­age, a close pre­dic­tion of one of the chal­lenges that might come with React Nat­ive applic­a­tion development.

  • Depend­ency on Face­book and Third-Party Components

It is always a risk factor to have a depend­ency on a their-party tech­no­logy that is open-source. While nat­ive code lan­guages pri­or­it­ise back­ward com­pat­ib­il­ity and max­im­um usab­il­ity to users, React might lag there. 

An open-source product’s strength depends on its community’s strength, where you don’t get to see any such reg­u­lar updates, which is why you can see a con­sid­er­able gap in the launch of a new nat­ive fea­ture and its inclu­sion in React Native.

How­ever, React Native’s com­munity is soar­ing high. Net­flix, Wal­mart, Shopi­fy, UberEats, and oth­er big names ship in React Native.

  • Few Third-Party Com­pon­ents and Lim­ited APIs

In the con­text of func­tion­al­ity integ­ra­tion, nat­ive applic­a­tions give much free­dom to those third-party lib­rar­ies and nat­ive APIs. React Nat­ive offers insert­ing nat­ive mod­ules in its code, but doing that might not be the most fant­ast­ic thing to do as it can make it heav­ier, affect­ing the end-users performance. 

Also, applic­a­tions that rely on nat­ive code inser­tion (bridging nat­ive codes in React Nat­ive) in React Nat­ive defeat the idea of using React Native. 

Also Read: Boost Your App Devel­op­ment With React Nat­ive UI Library

Should You Choose React Native?

So, the ulti­mate ques­tion is, should you use React Nat­ive for applications?

Well, React Nat­ive is a rel­at­ively new concept that is still in its evolving phase. It was intro­duced in pub­lic only in 2015

While it has developed cross-plat­form applic­a­tions with code-reusab­il­ity, func­tion­al lib­rary, and oth­er such advant­ages, there might be troubleshoot­ing that would require a com­pletely dif­fer­ent solu­tion approach. 

Below are a few point­ers to con­sider while think­ing of get­ting your applic­a­tions developed with React Nat­ive from per business’s perspective:

  • You want to reach a wider audi­ence with lim­ited resources and time.
  • Your applic­a­tion needs no large OS-spe­cif­ic integ­ra­tions or AR/VR functionalities.
  • You want a sim­il­ar look and feel of the applic­a­tion on all platforms.

So, what’s the level of clar­ity you have after read­ing the blog? We tried hav­ing a very fair and con­struct­ive tone while dis­cuss­ing the bene­fits and chal­lenges of using React Nat­ive for applic­a­tions. The most import­ant thing here is to be able to have an under­stand­ing of your needs and make a decision.

At WEDOWEBAPPS LTD, we always strive to lever­age the power of React Nat­ive to devel­op robust apps that can with­stand the test of time. If you are look­ing for React Nat­ive App Devel­op­ment Ser­vices, letʼs chat and build some­thing phe­nom­en­al togeth­er. also, get know­ledge about a mobile app devel­op­ment framework

React Nat­ive Statistics

The pop­ular­ity of React Nat­ive has been con­sist­ently increas­ing over the years, and recent stat­ist­ics show that it is one of the top choices for mobile app devel­op­ment. Accord­ing to Stack Over­flow, React Nat­ive is one of the most loved frame­works, with 62.5% of developers using it for mobile app devel­op­ment. Fur­ther­more, it has been pre­dicted that the mar­ket for React Nat­ive will grow by around 22% annu­ally from 2021 to 2026.

React Nat­ive App Development

React Nat­ive offers a pleth­ora of advant­ages when it comes to app devel­op­ment. With its abil­ity to use the same code­base for both iOS and Android, developers can save time and resources, which ulti­mately leads to faster devel­op­ment cycles and quick­er deploy­ment. Addi­tion­ally, React Nat­ive offers a range of pre-built com­pon­ents that can be used to devel­op com­plex user inter­faces with ease, enabling developers to focus on build­ing unique fea­tures for their app.

Nat­ive Developers and React Nat­ive Community

React Nat­ive has a grow­ing and act­ive com­munity of developers who are con­tinu­ously work­ing on improv­ing the frame­work. The com­munity offers valu­able resources such as for­ums, tutori­als, and open-source lib­rar­ies that help developers build high-qual­ity applic­a­tions quickly and effi­ciently. The com­munity also encour­ages col­lab­or­a­tion among developers, mak­ing it easi­er for them to share ideas and best practices.

React Nat­ive Developers

Busi­nesses look­ing to devel­op apps using React Nat­ive will find that there is no short­age of skilled developers avail­able. The demand for React Nat­ive developers is high, and there are many tal­en­ted pro­fes­sion­als with exper­i­ence in this area. Hir­ing a React Nat­ive developer can ensure that a busi­nessʼs app is developed using best prac­tices and provides an optim­al user experience.

In sum­mary, React Nat­ive is a power­ful frame­work for mobile app devel­op­ment, and its pop­ular­ity is only set to grow. With its abil­ity to use the same code­base for both iOS and Android, its range of pre-built com­pon­ents, and its act­ive com­munity of developers, React Nat­ive offers numer­ous bene­fits to busi­nesses look­ing to devel­op mobile applic­a­tions. Fur­ther­more, the avail­ab­il­ity of skilled React Nat­ive developers ensures that busi­nesses can build high-qual­ity apps that meet the needs of their users. Read more about Top React Tools & Libraries

and know about A Beginner’s Guide to Mobile App Devel­op­ment Tutori­als.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the advantages of using React Native for Android app development?

React Native is a popular framework for developing cross-platform mobile applications, and it has several advantages for Android app development. Firstly, it uses a single codebase for both iOS and Android, which saves on development time and cost. Additionally, React Native apps have faster performance and provide a native look and feel, thanks to its integration with native components. It also has a strong and active community, with many helpful libraries and plugins available, making development even easier. Finally, React Native provides easy debugging and code testing, which makes it a preferred choice for many developers.

2. How does React Native simplify the Android app development process?

React Native simplifies the Android app development process by allowing developers to write code once, and run it on multiple platforms such as iOS and Android. This means that developers don't need to write separate codebases for different platforms, and can instead use a single codebase for both platforms. Additionally, React Native offers a simplified development process through pre-built components and a live reload feature, which allows developers to see changes to their code in real-time. This saves developers time and effort, and allows them to focus on other important aspects of app development.

3. What are the performance benefits of using React Native for Android apps?

React Native provides a number of performance benefits for Android apps. One of the key advantages is that it allows for faster development and deployment times, as developers can use a single codebase for both iOS and Android platforms. Additionally, React Native uses a virtual DOM, which means that updates to the app can be made more efficiently with fewer resource-intensive redraws. This can result in better app performance, particularly on low-end or older Android devices. React Native also includes a number of built-in performance optimization tools, such as the ability to lazy load components, to further improve the user experience.

4. What are the limitations of using React Native for Android app development?

While React Native is a useful tool for building cross-platform mobile apps, there are some limitations when it comes to developing specifically for Android. One limitation is that React Native uses an abstraction layer to bridge the gap between the app code and the underlying platform, which can make it harder to customize features for Android-specific functionality. Additionally, React Native may not support all of the latest Android APIs, which can limit your ability to take advantage of new features in the Android operating system. Finally, performance can be a concern on Android devices, as React Native may not be as optimized for the platform as it is for iOS. However, most of the limitations can be addressed by leveraging third-party libraries and tools or by writing native code when needed.

5. How does React Native compare to other Android app development frameworks?

React Native offers some unique advantages over traditional Android app development frameworks. First and foremost, React Native allows for the creation of cross-platform apps, meaning developers can create apps for both Android and iOS simultaneously. Additionally, React Native allows for the development of apps using familiar web development languages and tools, such as JavaScript and CSS. This can make it easier for developers to get started with React Native and can save time and resources compared to using traditional Android development frameworks. Finally, React Native offers improved performance and faster development times compared to other frameworks. Overall, React Native can be a great choice for developers looking to create high-quality Android apps quickly and efficiently.

6. What are the cost advantages of using React Native for Android app development?

React Native offers numerous cost advantages for Android app development. Firstly, it allows for the development of cross-platform apps, which means that one codebase can be used for both Android and iOS, thereby reducing development costs. Second, it offers a hot reloading feature that allows developers to see changes in real-time, increasing development speed and reducing costs. Third, it has a large and active community, which means that there are plenty of resources, such as documentation, tutorials, and open-source libraries, available for free. Fourth, it allows for agile development, which means that changes can be made quickly and cost-effectively, making it easier to respond to changes in user requirements. Finally, React Native offers excellent performance, which means that apps developed with it are less likely to require costly and time-consuming maintenance and updates.

7. Is React Native good For Android Development?

If you want to build an application specific to Android devices, it would be suggestive to you to use the Native codes. However, React Native will help you make the application for Android and iOS at once and saves almost 95% of the coding time. It's best to outsource the development to an experienced React Native Development Company, as they have the knowledge to leverage Framework to its highest potential. 

8. Which is Better: React Native or Android?

React Native lets you build mobile applications that work similarly on Android and iOS devices. Its features, like in-built libraries and components, make the development process much more manageable. On the other hand, android native codes like Java and Kotlin help you build applications that only run on Android devices. It’s not about what’s better, it’s about your needs! Both have pros and cons

9. What are the Advantages of Using React Native?

The most significant advantage of React Native is building an application for cross-platform use in real-time. Further, it reduces the time load by 95% and also features an in-built component library of its own. Developers can help code from the library or build the application from scratch.

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