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What is ReactJS app devel­op­ment, and what are its features?

28 Dec 2022

Wheth­er it is about increas­ing brand aware­ness glob­ally or increas­ing sales and rev­en­ue, mobile applic­a­tions are boost­ing busi­nesses to new heights.

The increased demand for mobile applic­a­tions com­pelled com­pan­ies to adopt the latest tech­no­logy. React Nat­ive is one such ReactJS frame­work that is the most pop­u­lar lib­rary for applic­a­tion development.

What’s unique about React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment com­pan­ies is that they use cross-plat­form devel­op­ment to provide ser­vices for both Android and iOS.

In the fol­low­ing art­icle, you will learn about

  • ReactJS and React Native
  • How ReactJS is dif­fer­ent from React Native
  • The fea­tures and bene­fits of React

After read­ing this art­icle, you will be able to decide wisely wheth­er React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment ser­vices are the best option for your company’s mobile applic­a­tion needs or not. 

What Is ReactJS?

ReactJS is an open-source JavaS­cript frame­work developed by Face­book (Meta) that is used to effi­ciently build web applic­a­tions with inter­act­ive UI using less code than tra­di­tion­al vanilla JavaScript.

Jordan Walke, a soft­ware developer at Face­book, cre­ated it. Face­book developed ReactJS in its news­feed area in 2011, but it was made avail­able to the pub­lic in May 2013.

In React, your applic­a­tion com­prises small, reusable com­pon­ents, each con­tain­ing a small piece of HTML code. These com­pon­ents func­tion as build­ing blocks that make it sim­pler to cre­ate com­plex websites.

Also Read: Struc­ture of a React Nat­ive App : Everything You Need To Know

ReactJS con­trols the view lay­er of the MVC (mod­el-view-con­trol­ler) archi­tec­ture with a DOM-based mech­an­ism to fill or change the HTML DOM. As a res­ult, it is sub­stan­tially faster, as it only changes indi­vidu­al DOM ele­ments instead of the com­plete DOM every time.

What Are The Major Fea­tures Of ReactJS?

ReactJS is quickly exceed­ing oth­er JavaS­cript frame­works in pop­ular­ity among front-end developers because of its out­stand­ing fea­tures, includ­ing those lis­ted below.

  • JSX

JSX is a React exten­sion for JavaS­cript XML and has a syn­tax com­par­able to HTML, which is famil­i­ar to many developers. This HTML-like con­tent can coex­ist with Reactʼs JavaS­cript code thanks to JSX.

Although JSX isnʼt required in React, describ­ing how the UI should look and mak­ing code easi­er to read and com­pre­hend is suggested.

  • Com­pon­ents

Com­pon­ents are the reusable build­ing blocks of React; they are small units of code with logic and control.

A React app is built using mul­tiple com­pon­ents; even if the pro­ject is large-scale and com­plex, a React app can be made using these.

  • Uni­direc­tion­al Data Binding

ReactJS fol­lows uni­direc­tion­al data flow or one-way data bind­ing, accom­plished through the flux pattern. 

Com­pon­ents are cre­ated immut­able and can­not be altered; there­fore, data move­ment in the oth­er dir­ec­tion needs addi­tion­al functionality. 

This uni­direc­tion­al flow makes the applic­a­tion more flex­ible and efficient.

  • Vir­tu­al Doc­u­ment Object Mod­el 

A Vir­tu­al Doc­u­ment Object Manip­u­la­tion (V‑DOM) is a vir­tu­al object of DOM main­tained in React memory whenev­er a DOM update occurs.

The entire UI is rendered inside V‑DOM and com­pared to the pre­vi­ous DOM, and only the DOM objects that vary are changed rather than the DOM as a whole.

This con­serves memory and allows your pro­gram to run and load faster.

  • Exten­sions

React offers sev­er­al exten­sions for applic­a­tion architecture. 

For example, in the devel­op­ment of web applic­a­tions, Redux, Flux, and serv­er-side ren­der­ing are all widely sup­por­ted in React. 

For build­ing mobile apps, React Nat­ive is a well-known frame­work of React that is cross-plat­form com­pat­ible and provides React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment ser­vices for both Android and iOS.

  • Debug­ging

Use of break­points makes debug­ging easi­er. For example, the func­tion­ing of that spe­cif­ic code sec­tion may be checked and eas­ily fixed by set­ting break­points at vari­ous loc­a­tions in the code.

What Are The Key Bene­fits Of ReactJS Devel­op­ment?

React is widely used in indus­tries because it has the fol­low­ing key benefits.

  • Easy To Learn And Use

React app devel­op­ment is simple to learn and use, espe­cially if you come from a JavaS­cript back­ground. There are many tutori­als and art­icles avail­able to help you learn React.

  • Cre­ate a Dynam­ic Web Application

Cre­at­ing a dynam­ic web­site with React is incred­ibly effi­cient since it uses JSX syn­tax, which com­bines HTML-like XML code with JavaS­cript and can be util­ised to devel­op excep­tion­al UI designs.

  • Reusable Com­pon­ents

React uses com­pon­ents to build web­sites; these objects of coded blocks can be used many times to quickly devel­op and main­tain large websites.

  • SEO Friendly

ReactJS fixes the dif­fi­culty that SEO has when using JavaS­cript applications.

React pages execute on the serv­er thanks to vir­tu­al DOM ren­der­ing, and each page loads as a reg­u­lar webpage on the browser dur­ing nav­ig­a­tion. This min­im­ises the need for the browser to deal with heavy JavaScript.

  • Faster Ren­der­ing

The com­plete UI is presen­ted inside V‑DOM and com­pared to the pri­or DOM; only the DOM items that dif­fer are updated, as opposed to the entire DOM, allow­ing your pro­gram to run and load faster.

  • Scope for Test­ing the Codes

With the sup­port of break­points, React allows for pro­ject test­ing and debug­ging. With React, find­ing bugs and errors is simple.

  • A Strong Community

There is a strong com­munity that sup­ports ReactJS, and mil­lions of developers are engaged in and devel­op­ing ReactJS. As a res­ult, you can eas­ily find help and support. 

React is fre­quently used because of its abil­ity to devel­op func­tion­al web apps with fant­ast­ic user inter­faces with less effort and fast coding.

How Is React JS Dif­fer­ent From React Nat­ive? Why Should­nʼt You Con­fuse Between Two?


  • ReactJS is a JavaS­cript library.
  • Mainly used to devel­op web applications.
  • It has a router to nav­ig­ate through web pages.
  • Uses V‑DOM to render using browser code.
  • Uses CSS and JavaS­cript lib­rar­ies for animations.
  • Plat­form-inde­pend­ent and can be executed on all platforms.

React Nat­ive

  • React Nat­ive is a React framework.
  • Used to devel­op cross-plat­form mobile applications.
  • It has a built-in lib­rary to nav­ig­ate through mobile applications.
  • It uses its API to render code for mobile apps.
  • Has built-in lib­rar­ies for animations.
  • Not plat­form-inde­pend­ent and requires extra effort to run on dif­fer­ent platforms.

When Should You Use ReactJS?

Des­pite being one of the most pop­u­lar pro­gram­ming lan­guages among the massive developer com­munity, plain JavaS­cript lacks the scal­able out­comes that ReactJS, which is a lib­rary, provides. 

ReactJS is a bet­ter option when you devel­op a large and scal­able pro­ject, an SPA (single page applic­a­tion), because of its fast DOM manip­u­la­tion or an excel­lent SEO-friendly web application.

The devel­op­ment of React also powers frame­works like React Nat­ive, which is an excep­tion­al tool for mobile app devel­op­ment. In addi­tion, React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment ser­vices cre­ate cross-plat­form applic­a­tions with the same codebase.

React for App Development

If you plan to con­struct a mobile applic­a­tion and seek a suit­able tech­no­logy, con­sider React Native.

React Nat­ive is a React frame­work cre­ated by Meta to cre­ate cross-plat­form mobile apps for iOS and Android. Using the same base code, the frame­work enables you to con­struct applic­a­tions for dif­fer­ent plat­forms, such as Android and iOS.

React Nat­ive devel­op­ment is used to power some of the most well-known mobile applic­a­tions in the world, includ­ing Ins­tagram, Face­book, and Skype. As a res­ult, busi­nesses are already adopt­ing the ser­vices of React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment com­pan­ies.

What Is The Pre­requis­ite Know­ledge One Should Have For Build­ing A React App?

Are you start­ing with React Nat­ive app development?

What is needed for React app?

Before work­ing on React Nat­ive, you should be famil­i­ar with the fol­low­ing ideas and concepts:

  • Pro­gram­ming terms like func­tions, objects, arrays, and, to a less­er extent, classes should be friendly to you.
  • At the very least, you should be famil­i­ar with JavaScript.
  • You should have a basic know­ledge of HTML and CSS.
  • Last but not least, if you have exper­i­ence with React, you already know about React Nat­ive and should have no trouble using it.

Why Should React Be Your First Choice?

In the ulti­mate test of pop­ular­ity, React is com­ing out as the win­ner. But why do busi­nesses and developers opt for React over altern­at­ive frameworks?

Letʼs Exam­ine The Causes

  1. The learn­ing step of React is more straight­for­ward. Com­pared to Angu­lar and Vue, React is sig­ni­fic­antly sim­pler to adopt, espe­cially for new developers with some famili­ar­ity with JavaScript.
  2. React is a form of JavaS­cript that uses JSX files con­tain­ing HTML struc­ture and the most recent CSS trends to pro­duce bet­ter user inter­face designs.
  3. React also offers high­er runtime per­form­ance. This is because React ensures that the com­pon­ent sub­trees re-render is turned on.

The Part­ing Note

React is appro­pri­ate for enter­prises for sev­er­al reas­ons. Giv­en its quick­ness, ease of use, and ver­sat­il­ity, React is well-liked by the developer com­munity. Due to Reactʼs com­pet­it­ive bene­fits, React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment com­pany have already adop­ted it, and undoubtedly more will do so shortly. So, are you ready to adopt? Join us, UK’s lead­ing React Nat­ive app devel­op­ment ser­vices and let’s cre­ate futur­ist­ic apps

Know more about react nat­ive vs angu­lar mobile

Frequently Asked Questions

 What is NPM?

NPM is a node package manager. It contains thousands of free packages, and because NPM is loaded when you install Node, downloading and using packages is simple. NPM is the largest JavaScript registry.

2. Can we develop an application using ReactJS?

Yes, although ReactJS is suitable for developing websites, it is not considered a good option for developing applications. For creating mobile apps, you can use React Native. With React Native, we can develop a single application that uses standard web technologies and works natively on iOS, Android, and the browser.

3. Do I need to learn ReactJS before React Native?

No, it might come in handy if you know ReactJS before starting React Native, but it is not necessary. ReactJS and React Native both require a good knowledge of JavaScript, so even if you have never worked with ReactJS, you can easily start working on React Native to develop an app with your prior knowledge of JavaScript.

4. What is ReactJS app development, and how does it work?

ReactJS is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It works by creating reusable components that can be combined together to create complex UIs. React allows developers to update and render only the necessary components in response to user actions, instead of having to reload the entire page. This results in faster and more efficient web applications. React also has a virtual DOM (Document Object Model), which helps with performance optimization by minimizing the number of updates to the actual DOM. Overall, ReactJS app development is a popular choice for creating modern and dynamic web applications.

5. How does ReactJS improve the efficiency and productivity of web development?

ReactJS is a powerful JavaScript library that is designed to create user interfaces much more quickly and efficiently than traditional methods. It allows developers to build components that can be easily reused across multiple screens, reducing the amount of code required to build complex web applications. This results in faster development times, easier maintenance, and fewer errors. Additionally, ReactJS allows for real-time updates to web pages without requiring a complete refresh, providing a faster and smoother user experience. Its efficient rendering system and virtual DOM implementation make it the go-to choice for large-scale applications that demand high performance. Overall, ReactJS provides a developer-friendly environment that improves productivity and efficiency, resulting in faster development times and better quality software.

6. What are the top features of ReactJS that make it a popular choice for web development?

ReactJS has become popular for web development due to several features. Firstly, it allows for the creation of modular and reusable components, making it simpler to maintain and update code. ReactJS also has a virtual DOM, which enhances website performance and speed by using just part of the webpage in case an update is made. Its ability to work with other libraries and frameworks, like Redux and Angular, also adds to its popularity. Additionally, its strong community support and comprehensive documentation means that developers can easily access valuable resources to aid in their development processes.

7. What are the advantages of using ReactJS over other web development frameworks?

ReactJS has become one of the most popular and widely used web development frameworks due to its numerous advantages, such as its exceptional speed and efficiency. Unlike other frameworks, ReactJS uses a virtual DOM, which helps minimize unnecessary updates and render only the necessary parts of a web page, leading to faster loading times and improved website performance. Additionally, ReactJS is open-source and features a vast library of reusable components, which simplifies web development and ensures consistency in design. Another significant advantage is its adaptability; ReactJS can be used for developing mobile applications, server-side rendering, and building complex web applications. Overall, ReactJS brings simplicity, flexibility, and high-performance to web development, making it a top choice for developers worldwide.

8. How does the use of ReactJS impact web development trends?

ReactJS has been a game-changer in web development trends. Its component-based structure makes it easier to build complex user interfaces with reusable blocks of code. This has led to faster development cycles and greater scalability of web applications. ReactJS has also become increasingly popular in the mobile app development space with tools like React Native, which allows developers to build native mobile apps for both iOS and Android using ReactJS syntax. Overall, the adoption of ReactJS has brought about a shift in the way developers approach front-end development, emphasizing a focus on performance and user experience.

9. How does ReactJS support building scalable and modular applications?

ReactJS supports building scalable and modular applications through its component-based architecture. With ReactJS, applications are broken down into smaller components, which can be reused across the application. This makes it easier to manage and update individual parts of the application without affecting the entire system. Additionally, ReactJS also uses a virtual DOM, which allows for efficient rendering and updating of components. This helps to ensure that the application runs smoothly and can handle large amounts of data. Overall, ReactJS provides a powerful framework for building scalable and modular applications, which can help businesses and organizations to grow and adapt to changing needs.

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