React v React Native: Which One to Choose?
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20 Apr, 2023 | React Native App Development

React v React Native: Confused About Which One to Choose?

When it comes to building a mobile app, there are many frameworks available that developers can choose from. Among these, React and React Native are two of the most popular options. Both of these frameworks are developed by Facebook and are based on the same core principles. However, there are some significant differences between React and React Native that developers should be aware of before making a choice. In this article, we will compare React and React Native and provide arguments for which one is the better option to choose.

What is React?

React is a JavaScript framework for constructing user interfaces. It was developed by Facebook in 2011 and has gained a lot of popularity among developers due to its simplicity and flexibility. React uses a component-based architecture, which makes it easy to reuse code and build complex UIs. React is also known for its virtual DOM, which makes it faster and more efficient than other UI libraries.

What is React Native?

React Native is a development framework for mobile apps that uses JavaScript and React. It was also developed by Facebook and was first released in 2015. React Native Development Agency uses the same component-based architecture as React and allows developers to build native mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms. One of the key advantages of React Native is that it allows developers to reuse code between different platforms, which saves time and effort. Also Read: Which Mobile App Development Framework Is Right For You?

React v React Native: The Differences

While React and React Native share many similarities, there are some significant differences between the two frameworks that developers should consider when choosing which one to use.

Platform-specific components

One of the main differences between React v React Native is the components used to build user interfaces. React components are designed to work in a web browser environment, while React Native components are designed to work with mobile devices. This means that developers will need to use platform-specific components when building a mobile app with React Native. 
also read React Native Upgrade Helper: App Upgrades with Ease


React and React Native both use a virtual DOM, but there are differences in how they handle performance. React Native uses native components, which can make it faster than React when it comes to rendering. However, React is more efficient when it comes to updating the DOM, which makes it better suited for web applications.

Code reuse

One of the biggest advantages of React Native is the ability to reuse code between different platforms. This means that react native agency developers can write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android platforms. With React, however, developers will need to write separate code for each platform. Also Read: Boost Your App Development with a High-Quality React Native UI Library

API support

React Native has a larger number of APIs available compared to React. This is because React Native is designed specifically for mobile applications and has access to device-specific APIs such as camera, accelerometer, and geolocation. React, on the other hand, has a limited set of APIs and is designed primarily for building web applications. Which One is the Better Option? So, which one should developers choose? The answer depends on the specific requirements of the project and React Native Development Agency. Here are some arguments for each option:


  • Better suited for web applications due to its efficient DOM handling.
  • Boasts a vast community of developers and resources.
  • Requires less effort to get up to speed than React Native.

React Native:

  • Allows for code reuse between iOS and Android platforms, which saves time and effort.
  • Has access to device-specific APIs, which makes it better suited for building mobile applications.
  • Can be faster than React when it comes to rendering.
Also Read: Top React Tools & Libraries That Every React Native Developer Must Know


In conclusion, React and React Native are two powerful frameworks developed by Facebook that can be used for building user interfaces and mobile applications. While there are some significant differences between the two, both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Developers should carefully consider the requirements of their project before choosing which one to use. React is better suited for web applications, while React Native is better suited for mobile applications that require access to device-specific APIs and the ability to reuse code between different platforms. However, it's important to note that both React and React Native are widely used and well-supported, with a large community of developers and resources available. With careful consideration and the right approach, developers can create high-quality applications using either framework. Must know about Top React Tools and Libraries and Which Mobile App Development Framework Is Right For You? 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can React Native be utilized for web app development?

While it is possible, React Native is designed specifically for building mobile applications, and React is better suited for web applications.

Which one has a simpler learning curve, React or React Native?

React has a simpler learning curve compared to React Native, as it is primarily designed for web applications and has a larger community of developers and resources available.

Which one is better for code reuse between different platforms?

React Native is better for code reuse between different platforms, as it allows developers to write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android platforms.

Which one is better for accessing device-specific APIs?

React Native is better for accessing device-specific APIs, as it is designed specifically for building mobile applications and has access to device-specific APIs such as camera, accelerometer, and geolocation.

Which one is better for web development, React or React Native Web?

React is better for web development than React Native Web. React is optimized for building web applications, and it provides better performance, scalability, and flexibility for web development.

Written by Daniel

Daniel is an Android App Developer at WEDOWEBAPPS. He has knowledge of Android App Development in various aspects of development. He is enthusiastic about the development and loves to write blogs on various aspects of development.