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The Dif­fer­ence Between React.js and React Native

06 Apr 2023

Do you ever won­der how to build a dynam­ic, user-friendly app for web and mobile plat­forms? Look no fur­ther than React.js and React Nat­ive! These frame­works offer developers power­ful tools to cre­ate enga­ging inter­faces, but what makes them unique? 

Although React.js and React Nat­ive look the same, sep­ar­ated by a minor change, they are used in two dif­fer­ent aspects. One is used to build web applic­a­tions with the best inter­faces, while the oth­er is used to cre­ate mobile apps. These two plat­forms come with their bene­fits, allow­ing you to become productive. 

This post will guide you through everything about React versus React Nat­ive.


What is React.js?

React.js is a front-end JavaS­cript frame­work used to con­struct com­pos­able user inter­faces pre­dict­ably and effect­ively. This open-source and com­pon­ent-based frame­work devel­ops the applic­a­tionʼs viewpoint. 

By build­ing reusable com­pon­ents, which you may think of as sep­ar­ate Lego blocks, you design your applic­a­tions with React.js. Com­bined, these pieces are indi­vidu­al com­pon­ents of a final inter­face, form­ing the applic­a­tionʼs user interface.

By offer­ing the best and most effect­ive ren­der­ing exe­cu­tion, React.jsʼs primary func­tion in an applic­a­tion is to man­age the view lay­er of that applic­a­tion, much like the V in a mod­el view con­trol­ler (MVC) paradigm.

React.js encour­ages developers to break down these soph­ist­ic­ated user inter­faces into dis­tinct, reusable com­pon­ents that serve as the found­a­tion for the entire UI rather than treat­ing the whole UI as a single entity.  42.62% of developers use React.js to build their web frameworks.



This allows the ReactJS frame­work to render web pages more quickly and devel­op highly dynam­ic and respons­ive online applic­a­tions by com­bin­ing the speed and effi­ciency of JavaS­cript with a more effect­ive way to manip­u­late the DOM.

  • React.js uses Mod­el View Con­trol­ler (MVC), and the view lay­er takes respons­ib­il­ity for hand­ling both mobile and web applications.
  • React is best known for its abil­ity to cre­ate mobile apps and single-page websites.

Advant­ages of React.js


There are many reas­ons why ReactJS should be your first choice for web­site UI devel­op­ment. Here are a few high­lights of the most sig­ni­fic­ant ones and why these par­tic­u­lars are so crucial:

  • Faster — Apps designed using React.js are fast, flex­ible, and can man­age com­plic­ated upgrades. 
  • Mod­u­lar — This plat­form allows you to write sev­er­al small, reusable code files without pro­du­cing vast and dense files. Reactʼs mod­u­lar­ity is the best rem­edy for JavaS­criptʼs vis­ib­il­ity problems. 
  • Scal­able — React.js per­form best in the case of large pro­grams that deliv­er a massive amount of data changes. 
  • Flex­ib­il­ity — React dif­fers from oth­er approaches by decom­pos­ing them into com­pon­ents while cre­at­ing user inter­faces, which is cru­cial in com­plic­ated applications.
  • Pop­u­lar — ReactJS per­forms bet­ter than oth­er JavaS­cript lan­guages because it imple­ments a vir­tu­al DOM.
  • Easy to learn — The learn­ing curve is not com­plic­ated because any­body can learn React.js with the basics of HTML and JavaScript. 
  • SEO-friendly and serv­er-side ren­der­ing — ReactJS web­sites are renowned for their serv­er-side ren­der­ing fea­ture, which is also SEO-friendly. Com­pared to goods that use cli­ent-side ren­der­ing, React.js makes apps speedi­er and sig­ni­fic­antly bet­ter for search engine rank­ing. React can even take up more space on the search res­ults page and cre­ate more options for web­site SEO.
  • Reusab­il­ity — Reusable UI com­pon­ents by React speed up devel­op­ment and debugging.
  • Com­munity — Many exten­sions and tools are avail­able for ReactJS developers. More chances become avail­able along with stun­ning out-of-the-box func­tion­al­ity once you real­ize how enorm­ous the React galaxy is. It has a com­munity sup­por­ted by Meta (Face­book), which helps on the way. 

So, these are a few React.js advant­ages why people prefer it.


contact react native

Applic­a­tions of React.js


React has grown in pop­ular­ity and sta­bil­ity as a res­ult of its capa­city to build online applic­a­tions that are quick, effect­ive, and scalable.


Applications of React.js

Sim­il­ar tech

Thou­sands of online applic­a­tions, from estab­lished busi­nesses to fresh star­tups, use React.js to build their applic­a­tions. Among those men­tioned are:

  • What­s­App Web
  • Red­dit
  • Uber
  • Airb­nb
  • Face­book
  • Khan Academy
  • Codec­ademy
  • Sound­Cloud
  • Ins­tagram
  • Net­flix
  • The New York Times
  • Dis­cord 

What is React Native?

An open-source JavaS­cript frame­work, React Nat­ive allows you to cre­ate apps for dif­fer­ent oper­at­ing sys­tems from a single source code, includ­ing iOS, Android, and the web. It is based on React and brings all its splendor to cre­at­ing mobile apps.

Face­book gave birth to React Nat­ive frame­works. The goal of the hack­a­thon pro­ject React Nat­ive was to elim­in­ate the largest pain point for the com­pany — main­tain­ing two code bases for their app. Duplic­a­tion of effort and occa­sion­ally approach­ing the same issue from two sep­ar­ate angles are a few dis­ad­vant­ages you can over­come using React Native. 

React Nat­ive builds the appʼs user inter­face in JavaS­cript while util­iz­ing nat­ive-OS views. This frame­work allows you to imple­ment it in OS-nat­ive lan­guages for more com­plex features.

Also Read: What is ReactJS app devel­op­ment, and its features?

Advant­ages of React Native

There are many reas­ons why you should prefer using React Nat­ive to build mobile apps. Below are a few advantages.

  • Reusab­il­ity of code — The sig­ni­fic­ant and most com­pel­ling bene­fit of React Nat­ive is its abil­ity to cre­ate effect­ively for sev­er­al plat­forms at once. Fur­ther advant­ages of using a single code base across vari­ous plat­forms include quick­er app devel­op­ment and time to mar­ket, sim­pler and less expens­ive main­ten­ance (you have to worry about one code base instead of many), and easi­er onboard­ing for new engineers. 
  • Hot Reload­ing Cap­ab­il­ity — With hot reload­ing cap­ab­il­ity, you can view changes to your code in real-time without refresh­ing any­thing. Because it gives you imme­di­ate feed­back on any changes made to the code, this ostens­ibly tiny change can sig­ni­fic­antly enhance the devel­op­ment pro­cess and increase productivity. 
  • Per­form­ance — React Nat­iveʼs bridge” concept can be ground­break­ing com­pared to exist­ing cross-plat­form devel­op­ment approaches. Due to the pos­sib­il­ity of using nat­ively writ­ten code, React Nat­ive applic­a­tions are quick­er than web-based cross-plat­form solutions.
  • Cost Effect­ive­ness — Cross-plat­form pro­gram­ming is primar­ily done to cut down on costs. You often require a small team to com­plete the pro­ject because you can reuse the code across numer­ous platforms.
  • Grow­ing Com­munity — The com­munity behind the open-source frame­work React Nat­ive is thriv­ing and grow­ing. Face­bookʼs involve­ment is essen­tial to note because they are always try­ing to expand and improve the framework. 

This means that even if you encounter a prob­lem that React Nat­ive has not yet solved, you may find a group of people eager to help you because they care about strength­en­ing and mak­ing the frame­work more reliable.

  • Grow­ing Scope — React Nat­ive is a rel­at­ively young frame­work grow­ing enorm­ously with many users. It indic­ates that this frame­work is con­stantly chan­ging to get bet­ter and that fresh addi­tions and upgrades are fre­quently made. We anti­cip­ate see­ing approaches to cre­ate quick­er and more effect­ive applic­a­tions. Also, read about Which Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?

Applic­a­tions of React Native

Giv­en all the advant­ages and dis­ad­vant­ages, it should be no sur­prise that many busi­nesses design mobile apps using React Nat­ive. It is noted that 38% of soft­ware developers use React Nat­ive Frame­works for their cross-plat­form applications.

Applications of React Native

From social media to online shop­ping plat­forms, here are a few brands that have React Nat­ive plat­forms

  • Face­book 
  • Ins­tagram
  • Sound­Cloud Pulse 
  • Town­ske
  • Gyro­scope
  • Face­book Ads
  • Wal­mart
  • Bloomberg
  • Wix

Latest React Nat­ive Release 18

As of March 2022, React 18 is the latest ver­sion of the pop­u­lar JavaS­cript lib­rary for build­ing user inter­faces. This ver­sion brings sev­er­al new fea­tures and enhance­ments that make it even more power­ful and easi­er to use for developers.

  1. One of the most sig­ni­fic­ant new fea­tures in React 18 is intro­du­cing the con­cur­rent ren­der­ing” mod­el. This new mod­el improves the per­form­ance of React applic­a­tions by enabling them to execute mul­tiple tasks concurrently. 

This means that React can con­tin­ue ren­der­ing new UI parts even if itʼs wait­ing for oth­er tasks to com­plete, which can res­ult in faster and more respons­ive user interfaces.

  1. Anoth­er import­ant fea­ture in React 18 is the intro­duc­tion of the useTrans­ition” hook. This hook allows developers to add anim­a­tions and trans­itions to their applic­a­tions more eas­ily. It does this by enabling developers to defer updates to the UI until an anim­a­tion or trans­ition has been com­pleted. This can make applic­a­tions feel smooth­er and more pol­ished, res­ult­ing in a bet­ter user experience.

React native contact

React vs. React Nat­ive: Key Dif­fer­ences Between React.js and React Native

While there are sev­er­al dif­fer­ences between React.js and React Nat­ive, below are a few primary and not­able ones. 

  1. React.js is a base deriv­at­ive of React DOM for the web plat­form, where­as React Nat­ive is a base deriv­at­ive of React Nat­ive in and of itself.
  2. In the end, Reactjs is a JavaS­cript lib­rary that allows pro­gram­mers to build attract­ive and pro­duct­ive UI Lay­ers. In con­trast, React Nat­ive is a com­plete frame­work for devel­op­ing cross-plat­form apps for the web, iOS, and Android oper­at­ing systems. 
  3. React Nat­ive uses nat­ive APIs to render com­pon­ents on mobile devices, while React.js uses vir­tu­al DOM to render browser code.
  4. React.js pro­grams provide HTML in the user inter­face but React Nat­ive apps use JSX, essen­tially JavaS­cript, to give the user interface.
  5. With React.js, CSS plays a role in design­ing styles. How­ever, in React Nat­ive, styl­ing is cre­ated using a stylesheet.
  6. Sim­il­ar to web devel­op­ment, anim­a­tion in React.js can be done using CSS. How­ever, using an anim­ated API, many React Nat­ive applic­a­tion com­pon­ents are made to move when using React Native.
  7. React.js is the best choice for cre­at­ing a high-per­form­ing, dynam­ic, and respons­ive user inter­face for web inter­faces. The best option for giv­ing mobile apps a com­pletely nat­ive exper­i­ence is React Native.

Get the best of React versus React Nat­ive 

React.js or React and React Nat­ive focus on two essen­tial aspects of todayʼs inter­net world — web­site inter­faces and mobile apps. Developed by Meta (Face­book) to ease their way of devel­op­ing their applic­a­tions, these plat­forms went a long way to assist developers and oth­er busi­nesses. See­ing the fea­tures these plat­forms offer, they are widely adop­ted by the world and are chan­ging how developers function. 

To take advant­age of React Nat­ive JS, you can get in touch with us at React Nat­ive Devel­op­ment Com­pany and help your busi­ness grow with the new trends. also read more about ReactJS app devel­op­ment and its fea­tures. and must know about React Nat­ive Upgrade Help­er: Stream­line Your App Upgrades with Ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does a React developer do?

React developers, sometimes called front-end or JavaScript developers, develop JavaScript-based web or mobile applications. The app's front-end (UI) portion, which the user sees and interacts with, is built using React. React developers are accountable for ensuring that the user experience is as seamless and easy as feasible.

They can accomplish many incredible things by combining their expertise in React with other technologies like HTML, CSS, and more.

2. Can I use React Native for web development?

Although built on React, the React Native framework doesn't target the browser as React does. It instead focuses on mobile platforms. In other words, React Native is identical to React, except that it uses native rather than web components.

Using a well-known JavaScript framework, you can create true native mobile applications using React Native. Also, unless you are creating an app that interacts with the platform's API, which is uncommon, you do not need to understand iOS or Android programming to build mobile applications. You can create iOS and Android apps simultaneously because most of the code is transferable across the two platforms.

3. What are a few limitations of React.js?

The following is a list of React's limitations:

  • React is merely a library and not an entire framework.
  • Its library is massive and requires time to apprehend.
  • For new programmers, it could be a little challenging to comprehend
  • Once inline templating and JSX are used, the coding becomes more complicated.
4. What is JSX?

The abbreviation for JavaScript XML is JSX. It is a specific kind of file used by React that combines HTML-like template syntax with the expressiveness of JavaScript. The HTML file is quite simple to understand as a result. This file strengthens and accelerates the performance of apps.

5. Is React Native Platform Web suitable for all types of web applications?

React Native Platform Web is most suitable for building complex web applications that require a lot of interactivity and responsiveness, such as e-commerce sites, social media platforms, and online marketplaces.

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