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Top React Tools & Lib­rar­ies That Every React Nat­ive Developer Must Know

06 Apr 2021

React & React Nat­ive are pop­u­lar JS frame­works known for design­ing the UI of web and mobile applic­a­tions. In the pre­vi­ous art­icle, we have shared the wealth of bene­fits that React comes with & how you can count on the resources to have your team ready for your next React project.

The nat­ive devel­op­ment approach of React keeps adding more fans in Reactʼs com­munity. Here we will share the list of pop­u­lar tools & lib­rar­ies that every React Nat­ive developer will use to design flaw­less UIs in 2021.


It is one of the pop­u­lar source code edit­ors that lets you per­form cross-plat­form edit­ing, enables cus­tom­iz­a­tion of themes & designs provided with the fea­tures like smart auto-com­ple­tion, built-in pack­age man­ager, trouble-free brows­ing of mul­tiple files in the same win­dow, enabling easy shar­ing & edit­ing of code with­in the team in real-time.


A nuc­lide is a free-to-use open-source tool that offers so many fea­tures that ease soft­ware devel­op­ment for developers. It is provided by Face­book and is in integ­ra­tion with Atom. Ele­ment inspec­tion is one of the great fea­tures it is known for. Nuc­lideʼs bene­fi­cial ser­vices for your React nat­ive pro­ject are hack devel­op­ment, JavaS­cript devel­op­ment, remote devel­op­ment, built-in debug­ging, task run­ner, and work­ing sets. is a plat­form with which you can host & organ­ize the com­pon­ents required to build your mobile app & push them in your loc­al pro­ject. Lever­aging this tool, your team of developers can doc­u­ment, render, and install/import the com­pon­ents and keep track of their depend­en­cies based on ver­sion changes with a single code. The reusable source codes of dif­fer­ent com­pon­ents fasten devel­op­ment and enable test­ing in an isol­ated environment.


Expo is meant for the devel­op­ment of uni­ver­sal nat­ive apps from the javas­cript code­base. It comes with its own CLI. Provided with the devel­op­ment tools, com­munity for­ums & slack com­munity, Expo is known to imple­ment and pub­lish updates quickly.

Also Read: React Nat­ive Tutori­als — Learn to Build Nat­ive Mobile Apps with React


The developer­ʼs com­munity adores ESLint for the trans­par­ency of the tool and cus­tom­iz­able built-in plu­gins. This open-source tool uses JS and JSX lan­guages to detect errors in the exist­ing source based on the ESLint rules.


Call it a time-trav­el­ling debug­ger as it offers live code edit­ing & test­ing. Teams deploy Redux to cre­ate eye-catch­ing respons­ive applic­a­tions that can run without any hassles in all kinds of envir­on­ments like the cli­ent, serv­er, and native.

React Nat­ive CLI

When you opt to work on the CLI, the offi­cial React Nat­ive CLI counts to be the first. It sup­ports cus­tom con­fig­ur­a­tion and auto­mates tasks like link­ing, pack­aging, build­ing, etc. In addi­tion to the offi­cial CLI, you can opt to work on Ignite. Ignite is a CLI designed by Infin­iteRed for React Nat­ive, espe­cially when you want to start with awe­some boil­er­plates, gen­er­ate screens, etc.

Visu­al Stu­dio Code

Visu­al Stu­dio Code comes dis­tinctly for the React Nat­ive pack­age, and when you are using the full pack exten­sion, your wor­ries of using dif­fer­ent tools will be resolved at once.

Also Read: Boost Your App Devel­op­ment with a High-Qual­ity React Nat­ive UI Library


If you are a bit biased towards your Apple users, then you will def­in­itely adore Xcode. It is Appleʼs devel­op­ment envir­on­ment tool which is known to cre­ate React-nat­ive apps for iOS. Moreover, it helps in debug­ging, install­a­tion of iOS pack­ages, and cus­tom­iz­a­tion of the build con­fig­ur­a­tion. also read about Which Mobile App Devel­op­ment Frame­work Is Right For You?

Android Stu­dio

We all know there are more Android fans in gen­er­al, so we can­ʼt leave a vent for such users. Android stu­dio is the Xcode ver­sion’ of Android. It enables the build­ing & debug­ging of React Nat­ive apps.

When UI toolkits help React Nat­ive developers design stun­ning UI, the com­pon­ent lib­rar­ies will get you easy access to numer­ous design­ing ele­ments that can fasten your task & min­im­ize your troubles. Here are the pop­u­lar React Nat­ive com­pon­ent lib­rar­ies that developers often count on:

  1. Nat­ive Base
  2. React Nat­ive Components
  3. Shoutem
  4. UI Kit­ten
  5. React Nat­ive Mater­i­al UI
  6. React Nat­ive Mater­i­al Kit
  7. Nachos UI
  8. React Nat­ive UI Library
  9. React Nat­ive Paper
  10. React Nat­ive Vec­tor Icons
  11. Teaset

Explore the lib­rar­ies, and donʼt for­get to check the com­pat­ib­il­ity with the ver­sions of tools you are using. Some of them could be cus­tom­ized to every pos­sible extent, while oth­ers could­nʼt be. also read more about React Nat­ive App Cre­ation Step By Step Using Expo CLI Or React Nat­ive CLI and React Nat­ive Upgrade Help­er: Stream­line Your App Upgrades with Ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the top React tools and libraries for React Native development?

Some top React tools and libraries for React Native development include Redux (for managing app state), React Navigation (for building navigation in your app), React Native Vector Icons (providing a wide range of pre-built icons), and React Native Elements (a UI toolkit that provides easily customizable components). Other notable tools and libraries include Expo (a toolkit that simplifies the process of building React Native apps), React Native Debugger (a debugging tool), and Jest (for testing your React Native app). As with any technology, it's important to keep up with updates and new releases in order to ensure you're using the most effective and efficient tools available.

2. How do these tools and libraries enhance productivity and efficiency in app development?

Tools and libraries can greatly enhance productivity and efficiency in app development by providing developers with pre-built components, which can be used to speed up the app development process. These libraries and tools can include things like UI kits, code templates, and pre-built functions, which can save developers a significant amount of time and effort. Additionally, these tools often come with comprehensive documentation and community support, which means developers can quickly and easily find answers to their questions and get help when they need it. By using these tools and libraries, developers can focus more on the unique features of their app, rather than re-inventing the wheel and spending hours on tasks that have already been solved by others. This can lead to a more streamlined app development process, resulting in faster time-to-market and better quality overall.

3. What are the benefits of using popular libraries like Redux, React Navigation, and Axios in React Native apps?

There are many benefits to using popular libraries like Redux, React Navigation, and Axios in React Native apps. For starters, these libraries can help streamline your development process by providing you with pre-built components and a variety of useful, time-saving features. Additionally, using these libraries can help you stay current with updates and bug fixes, as their communities are often very active and engaged. Overall, by leveraging the power of these popular libraries, you can create more efficient, scalable, and feature-rich React Native apps that are better able to meet the needs of your users.

4. How can businesses benefit from the use of these React tools and libraries in their mobile app projects?

React tools and libraries can greatly benefit businesses in their mobile app projects by providing a more efficient and streamlined development process. The React framework allows for the creation of reusable components, reducing the amount of code and time needed to develop and update the app. This in turn can lead to cost savings for the business. Additionally, React allows for faster rendering of the UI, improving the user experience and potentially increasing engagement with the app. The availability of a large community and pre-built libraries also increases the speed of development and the likelihood of finding solutions to any issues that arise. Overall, incorporating React in mobile app development can result in a more efficient and successful project for businesses.

5. How do React Native developers stay updated on the latest developments in React tooling and libraries?

React Native developers can stay updated on the latest developments in React tooling and libraries by regularly following blogs, social media accounts, and websites related to React Native development. They can also join online communities and forums where they can interact with other developers and share knowledge and expertise. Attend conferences and events to learn from industry professionals and network with other developers. Additionally, developers should be actively involved in experimenting with new tools and libraries in their own projects to keep themselves up-to-date on the latest developments in the field.

6. How do React Native developers leverage tools like Expo, Reactotron, and CodePush for app development?

React Native developers can leverage tools like Expo, Reactotron, and CodePush in various ways for app development. For instance, Expo provides a suite of tools and services that help developers manage the entire app development process, including code sharing, building, deploying, and testing. Reactotron is a desktop app that helps developers debug and inspect their React Native apps with features like state tracking, network logs, and errors reporting. CodePush, on the other hand, allows developers to update their app on-the-fly without the need for an app store release by pushing updates directly to the user's device. By utilizing these tools, React Native developers can streamline their app development process and create better-quality apps in less time.

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